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  1. how you how oc the p4000 with the vbios? would like to try it on my m6700 but not sure if these vbios are like compatible with m6700.
  2. seems the RTX 3000 has potential to run on m6600 with some vbios that could work or either mess with vbios. 🤔
  3. lp173wf3-slb1, requires the edp to lvds adapter and cables. does rtx 3000 using the original vbios or the hp rtx 3000 vbios that works on m6700? i forgot how someone setup his hp mxm turing gpu on m6700 using edp or optimus?
  4. no,i check the post he made in macrumor have info say hes the Owner SC Remote Technologies USA? his last login was Mar 4, 2024. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/imac-2011-maxwell-and-pascal-gpu-upgrade.2300989/page-24?post=32101535#post-32101535
  5. did but now is completely gone but lucky i archive as pdf, this is what he said how he did it and the files he posted on this post. if the date is correct of the pdf this is 2 months after he went ask in macrumors. Engineering vBIOS _ Modification for Quadro P5200 MXM Card _ nvidia.pdf drive-download-20230331T213252Z-001.zip
  6. you could try tinker the vbios like that person did with his quadro p5200 if your vbios chip cant be attach with CH341A, i think they call the section what i seen in a redit post talks of what started to get the quadro 5200 working is the header?, like anything before offset line 00000A00. i recently messed around p106m vbios by replace the header with the working vbios of quadro p4000 and it allow me to boot without me switching out the gpu just enable back optimus and back in the p106m, but the same story on p4000 on m6600 but is unusable, it shows on device manager with yellow exclamation mark with the drivers installed and powertech read clock speed zero. possibly some where in the header to allow optimus to work on m6600? i also have theroy of maxwell gpus of tesla m6 and the vbios of m3000m i posted both hold key to allow optimus to work on m6600 for tesla m6 with m3000m vbios as it has no header but the code is different vs other m3000m vbios and the header of m6 like as i try m6 on my m6600 it booted to windows even tho optimus doesnt plus the trick i did with p106m, may allow the maxwell gpu to boot into windows without it freezing. i seen certain models of gtx 980m on ebay that you could attach CH341A making flashing easier to unbrick gpus when you mess something up.
  7. Hello i like to share a vbios of m3000m that works for m6600 (credits goes to ather/545sytes) i test it on similar spec quadro m3000 SE and it allow me to boot only in optimus but unable to use it or did something incorrect. couldnt test any further cause i try difference vbios and brick it. m3000m vbios for m6600.zip
  8. Hello. anyone have issues shutting down the m6700 on windows 10 and is there a fix for it? when i try to shutdown my m6700 the screen turns off then it like turns the screen to the login screen. the restart option works that how i turn it off. with f12 boot option.
  9. when i put like m4000m or p4000 it is enable by default and u have option in the vbios. but for p106m and m6 when changing to those gpu, optimus is enable but the option is not available on vbios, after u turn off it switch to gpu display even tho those gpu dont have display. it will boot to windows but with no display.
  10. nope didnt work. i flash the vbios in the linked video still optimus is disable/didnt worked. 😕
  11. I gotten my hands on Tesla M6 and it resulted that optimus didn't function even with the trick i did on p106m. with the trick: it did display with intel gpu on the screen but the gpu wasn't on device manager, when I restart to see how it behaves. it turn on with no display but able booted windows. does Tesla M6 require some type vbios to work i hear for optimus to work ?
  12. Yeah the only gpu that work without swap back and forth with m4000m to re enable Optimus is quadro p4000 but couldn’t use it Optimus option unless…hardware I’d or something about the lastest driver vs the outdated Gigabyte drivers I used on the p106m with working Optimus? Cause there are 2 I’d of 1bb7 . Even tho I used power tech driver signed option. Wonder if anyone have suggestions way to get it to work . I try to reflash the hp m4000m and hp se 3000m i gotten with the adapter I used to reflash the p4000 on the same pc I used is a second gen cpu, and I tried the Pentium 4 build pc but it didn’t recognize like it’s not the device manager. Not even nvflash can’t find it. I think it require Intel third gen level bios pc cause it recognize on my m6700 on device manager when I didn’t had the p4000. But haven’t did it yet.
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