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  1. Hi, well it all depends. First if you can get your hands on the service tag of the m6700 you can, after jumping through some hoops, get access to the specs of the model you inputed. Scrolling down you'll find parts for the screen. The ips is FHD premium color or dream color. And that's the only option. Anything else is TN. However if you have the 120hz 1080p 3D screen that is the only one that has an edp screen side connector. It's 40 pin 4 lane one meaning with the cable for the 120hz screen anything up to 4k is possible, including 1440p 120hz or 1080p 165hz,etc.. All other screens : 1080p 60hz TN and 900p TN have a 40 pin LVDS connector. The very odd config is if you have the 1080 ips screen (I have it) basically you have a 40 pin edp cable going from the motherboard to a converter board on the chin of the display. This converts the 40 pin edp to 50 pin lvds that is used by the ips display. However gpus will see the screen as an edp one because the gpu has to output edp to the screen. The sad part is that dell uses a non standard edp connector on the ips display converter. Meaning if you want to upgrade to a more recent ips edp display the only solution is to get the 120hz cable. Hope this helps!
  2. Hi guys, So I found a guy in France, were I live, selling a quadro p4000 mxm card (I think a Dell one but not sure). He is selling it for parts and says he is not sure what the issue is as he used it on his desktop with a riser and it suddenly made his PC refuse to power on. He wants 45 euros for it but I'm pretty sure I can get it down to like 35/40 euros. The idea is that I buy it, and attempt to repair it to try to put it in my precision m6700. I know a good bit about laptop motherboard repairs, I have already bought dead motherboards in hopes of fixing them, and I have already witnessed an i7-4700hq surviving a high side mosfet short. I also have access to good quality tools : a good hot air gun + microscope. I am assuming that there is a short on this quadro, either a capacitor or a mosfet (seing as his pc refuses to power on at all). I have read up of people just replacing mosfets on mxm cards, especially 980m's and that they started working again no problem even though the GPU die was exposed to 19v. So for people who have attempted to repair mxm cards : in your opinion is it worth the risk, what is the average sucess rate ? What components give out more often? Vram, Dies, VRM, Capacitors ? Also just thinking of it now, if it's a mosfet short, since the guy was using it in a desktop it was 12v and not 19v meaning higher chance that the gpu die survied ? Anyways, hope someone has info on repairing these mxm GPUs. Thanks
  3. @ssj92 Looking at your service tag, the stock screen has this part number : 93F76. Then, on parts people it points to this lcd : N173HGE-L11 And finally panelook confirms it's an lvds one, 40 pins, so you'll need to use optimus to get a modern card working
  4. @Aaron44126 Okay thanks, and do you know of a way to make a non supported/unknown gpu work on the internal display and without optimus? Does it have something to do with the bios or vbios maybe? Seing as for some cards a special bios must be flashed. I have a ch341a and I have dabbled in bios editing+flashing before so it wouldn't be an issue for me to do it again
  5. Hi, if you don't have a multimeter, maybe go see a local tech repair shop. If they are professional and good at their job, they should have a diagnostic fee (probably 10-20 dollars/euros/ or equivalent) they can look and see if it is an easy problem such as a shorted capacitor (best case scenario and possibly a common fault as the computer is old) and they can quote you the price to repair motherboard (could be cheaper than buying a new one). If you have a multimeter and some electrical knowledge (and are willing to invest a little time) I would recommend doing basic checks such as removing motherboard from laptop and try to power it on with nothing else connected, check for shorted power in cable, shorted main power rail, shorted mosfet, no 3.3v on power button, piece of metal fallen on the motherboard, water damage... A ressource you can look at is this beginners guide by Louis Rossmann. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PkeO_lC5WTPScSV3ZzEEjVuDWeQtL2eHK6jEcf7axA0/mobilepresent?slide=id.gb813305ed3_143_1167 it's a bit basic and childish at times but it gets the point across. Other laptop repair resources are on the internet and can teach you basic tests. Keep in mind the fault can be as simple as disconnected ribbon cable, small piece of corrosion, dead charger, etc... I resurrected a "totally dead motherboard for parts" ThinkPad l430 that just had a screw touching power button ribbon cable on the keyboard that prevented it from turning on.
  6. Hellos Andreas, It looks like they sent you the wrong cable, I have a srgb cable (for the IPS display, basically the cable we have carries the 40 pin edp signal to an interposer board at the bottom of the display bezel, this interposer than converts the 40 pin edp into 50 pin lvds + power cable for the dream color IPS lvds display). The 2 ends of this cable are this horizontal connector that you show in your picture. The cable we have is in the first Pic (notice the RGB-MB sticker + yellow eDP sticker ) The cable you need is this 2nd one (notice the 3D sticker + the yellow eDP sticker also) part number is 6VCJW, so the seller must have messed up Finally the cable you don't want! This 3rd lvds one (notice the HD+/FHD sticker as well as the white lvds sticker near the motherboard connector) Good luck!
  7. Hi guys, Just to start off I want to say I really appreciate all the messages on this forum, I always wanted a laptop with an mxm slot and my dream has recently come true when I got an m6700 for a very good price with a k3000m. This forum as well as the nbrchive.net has been very useful for my research on it and it is incredible that such knowledge still exists. Anyways, I've been really happy with the m6700 I got as it has the IPS 10bit color display + delta fans + dual heatsink. A real monster! Some fixes had to be made but all in all it's running perfectly. I do a bit of gaming but nothing fancy, some e-sports and older story based games (gta 4 + 5 as well as CoD). I overcloked the k3000m to 1ghz and that made a good difference, the games I play are playable at 1080p low settings but performance tends to dip sometimes, I would like the experience to be better. I'm planning to upgrade the gpu, my budget is around 50 euros and this is where I need some advice : I found a M2000m for 40 euros locally and I think it is a reasonable price for a ~960m equivalent, especially if I can sell the k3000m OC for around the same price (they sell for around 45 euros 2nd hand in France) - Will the mxm A card be compatible with the mxm B cooler? - Since I have an edp display with no Optimus available, if the gpu is "unrecognized" will I get a black display (saw that as an issue for m4700) ? - an m3000m is available for 60 euros on AliExpress, is it worth going out and getting it as it is ~970m equivalent? Also on a side note I can't get the 10bit colors to work, when I select it in the Nvidia panel and hit apply, the screen flashes twice but then the setting gets reversed to 8 bit, I am on drivers 397. Thanks,
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