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Everything posted by Samir

  1. Yep! That's the other part of the part number I didn't document or try to fully decipher. I believe it also would let you know what OS came with it.
  2. Weird, the forum didn't tell me my post was posted, hence the double post.
  3. A little late to the party but something I've found that works very well on reviving circuits is CRC brand Contact Cleaner. Be sure to follow the instructions and make sure there's no power of any sort (have to disconnec the battery probably), but I've seen it revive circuits that were deemed shot by the manufacturer. Something to try.
  4. A little late to the party but something I've found that works very well on reviving circuits is CRC brand Contact Cleaner. Be sure to follow the instructions and make sure there's no power of any sort (have to disconnec the battery probably), but I've seen it revive circuits that were deemed shot by the manufacturer. Something to try.
  5. Samir

    LG 2025 Notebooks

    LG was never good at consolidating part numbers/model. Source: I was the person that used to stay on top of that for their national call center, haha.
  6. Samir

    LG Gram 17 Pro

    It's great to see LG still keeping the fantastic 16:10 2560x1600 screen on these as the series continues. The screen is the reason I got mine since my desktop monitor is native 2560x1600 and I always am RDPing into my desktop so it's like a smaller version of a screen I already know. And since the older ones are limited due to soldered ram, etc, they're actually excellent for my use so I should probably look into getting some spares since they're probably starting to fall in price.
  7. I can't believe I didn't see your reply until revisiting this thread to remember what I knew about the part numbers! The 95 is the least satisfying for sure because in my research I believe I even found variations between 95 models, with some having things like the fingerprint and backlit keyboard and others not (or some other features--can't recall exactly atm). Yep, the rest of the part number went into cpu, memory, storage and OS. I didn't try to decipher that as I think there was a decoder for that available. Can't remember anymore. 😞 I think it might have even been on LG's support site or sales site.
  8. Ruckus is some awesome stuff! And so is anything that's old enterprise since it will sell for pennies on the dollar compared to what it cost new. There's a learning curve and many times it's designed for a data center so fans that scream, power usage that dims the lights (haha, just kidding--unless you have a 2200w VTX chassis or something like that--then it's for real), and performance that makes us smile in sheer delight. I'll take used enterprise gear or almost anything now--it's the bee's knees! In fact, there's actually a forum dedicated to the concept of basically creating a datacenter in your home--serve the home. There's also an active sub on reddit called homelabsales for the sale of equipment and others just for the whole 'data center in a home' hobby.
  9. The best way I've found to check bandwidth between two points over tcp/ip is to use iperf. It's simple, it's command line and it's a single exe. I used this to validate how bad or decent all the runs at my parents house are that were run in 1995 by people that didn't know what they were doing. I too love pushing stuff into eras they don't belong, haha! I have a Pentium Pro 180 running 98se that I put a promise ata card in that would transfer 22MB/sec when backing up from one internal hard drive to the other! It's amazing how fast stuff goes when the theoretical limits are no longer the ceiling. Like the 256GB of ram in my HP z420 that was supposed to max out to 32GB, haha...
  10. So I recently purchased these used for a very specific purpose--to be a portable RDP client with a 2560x1600 display. Why? Because my main 'workstation' is a win10 IOT thin client attached to a 30" 2560x1600 display. And I have this same setup in various physical locations that I need to work because of the 16:10 aspect ratio and resolution that lets me work fast and efficiently. I just RDP around to my 'main' and pretty much continue working right where I left off. My portable situation was less efficient because all I had was a 17" 1080p HP 8760w. While nice, not having the same screen resolution meant that I couldn't work as efficiently or as quickly. I couldn't justify the $1000+ price point of most laptops having a 2560x1600 display, but used Grams have come down in price dramatically and I was able to pick up two (one as a spare). Now comes the challenge of getting my win10 IOT image from the thin client to work on the LGs. I've had zero luck so far. So while I'm don't want to do a complete install from scratch, it seems like that will be the least time consuming option once I can get the isos downloaded. What I'd love to know is if anyone has tried this and any tips? Thank you in advance!
  11. A couple of years since I hit this thread and I'm happy to report that the ltsb version I've been running is still running. With the write filter on, it's basically a lovely toaster that pretty much 'just works'. My demands on it are pretty low, and it does great for this application. Now, if I can only get this onto my LG Grams and then I'll be completely set.
  12. So I've just made my first big notebook purchase in a few years, getting some 'new to me' LG Grams, the 17z90q and 17z90n. But what do these part numbers mean anyways? Well, here is what I what I was able to deduce with all my research. The first two digits are the screen size, 16 for the 16" and 17 for the 17". This may even apply to their other Gram model sizes, but I haven't looked into it. The next letter seems to always be a 'Z' on the 17" and "T" on the 16". The next two digits are kind of interesting, typically '90' for the 17", except there have been 'half-year' models where there was a '95' model where some things were updated from the '90' of that year, but it was not the full next year model. For all effective purposes, it's a different model than the years it is stuck between. These '95' models seemed to happen in 2020 and 2021. So there were what I would call a '2020.5' and '2021.5' model. Also, the original 17" Gram used '99' vs '90' or '95'. The last digit is the model year: r = 2023 q = 2022 p = 2021 o = never used since would probably be confused with zero used on the first 17" n = 2020 0 = 2019 This is just what I've been able to figure out so if there's additional info, feel free to add to it!
  13. New to the party since I just got some 'new to me' Grams and was looking to see if anyone has played with the extensive bios options in the advanced mode. Of course, NBR and NBT deliver. :) Interesting that you played with those settings as I was considering messing with them once I have mind configured the way I want. There's other options too that will probably affect cooling as well--but I don't remember any of them off the top of my head atm.
  14. Fun story. If you ever get to the Bay Area in CA and check out the Hiller Aviation Museum and go on a weekday when there's like 5 people in the place, you will find at least two simulators to play with--both computers with physical controls that work. The first is a Write Brothers plane flying over the Bay Area, and the second is landing a 747 at SFO. Both were a hoot. And another one of my favorites was the replica 'Red Baron' plane you could sit in the cockpit that had working cable controls that you could move and see it move on the plane. Sitting there it was quite easy to imagine flying in the air during dogfights and how daunting that job really was.
  15. I never thought about this before, but I guess NBRforum.com/net would have worked pretty well too.
  16. Samir


    Exploring that high resolution photo was a real joy. It's like holding the moon right in your hands and letting your senses explore it. Unreal that this was made with just regular consumer equipment. I thought about this thread when a certain idea hit me this morning in the shower as the water swirled down the drain in a spiral, a circle, similar to a tornado, or a black hole, similar to electrons that orbit a nucleus, or the planets the sun, or galaxies--and suddenly it hit me--what if the visible universe is simply part of another larger circular structure and the 'expanding universe' as we see it is simply because with the arc of our viewing angle, that's what it looks like, but in reality, it's just circulating and not expanding. Then I was thinking how do you test this theory? Well, the doppler shift in parts of the universe would be different than in others and would show us the 'arc' by which the universe is curved around something even beyond comprehension. I let my mind wander in the shower. Sometimes it comes up with nothing. Other times it's stuff like this. 😁
  17. So I mainly start with RAM and then storage and accessories like a factory docking station.
  18. I have a few of these that I got for cheap used and in certain situations they do work well. But only if the fan is cranked to 100%. I think the better thing is to understand where the air intake and exhaust are on your laptop and use a small fan to direct air there. Most of the time this is underneath, but I notice that on my HPs, there is a good amount of air being sucked in via the keyboard on the left hand side, so keeping the lid open (or at least open a crack) is important.
  19. Welcome! Some of the old NBR mods are here as mere users so you may recognize someone.
  20. Ah, you're so lucky! I've been wanting a 2560x1600 res laptop for some time now since that's what I use on my desktops and would make mobile work so much easier. I haven't taken the plunge because the Gram is so overkill for an rdp client, lol.
  21. I see what you're saying, but navigation is only an issue if you've got traffic that is being impeded by it. The problem with empty forums is that it seems like no one is home. Better to have one place that's hopping and once it gets busy enough, move threads to created subforums which then also suddenly are 'full' too. I think of building a forum like throwing a party. You can have the best band, best dj, the best food, drinks, etc. But if no one is there, even when people get there they'll leave. You need some sort of critical mass to allow gravity to work. With a party, you can't change the size of a room when there's only 10 people there and then make it bigger for when there's 100--but you can with a forum. Some pretty unique content on your site--wish you the best with it. :)
  22. Generally most TOS agreements have something about if a rule isn't enforced, that doesn't mean that its enforceability is reduced or removed. So while violations may look like they're not being punished, they could all add up into one corrective action. This is how a lot of forum warning systems work with each violation accumulating points towards some enforcement action that you don't see until it happens. Where's the traffic? If I saw at least one forum with over 1000 posts I'd think you'd have some experience but this is pretty dead. I would consolidate forums at least into subforums so it looks busier. You never want to show metrics like "Most users ever online was 37 on 20 Sep 2021, 09:30" if you're a new site.
  23. I think the subject of a name is a tricky one. The core group of users here are basically NBR. The layout is basically NBR. And why? Because NBR worked for us as a community. Would it have mattered if the name was poopypantsreview and still had the great forum with in-depth content? Probably not. I didn't check the name before registering. I registered because there was great information and great people. So all that being said, while 'a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet', having a logical name does help with just being 'common sense'. I recently got a piece of mail from 'Kabbage' who has nothing to do with food--they're a loan company. What a retarded name if your name is the only thing to let people know what you do. I like the site just the way it is now, and if it suits for seo, I wouldn't change a thing. Otherwise notebooktalk is the most logical in my mind and got my vote. As far as content, being in the same niche as the original NBR and being just as much of an authority should be priority one. Otherwise, this is just another forum (except with great members).
  24. Really great points--you've made me think of and remember things I haven't in a long time. :) So for the smartphone revolution--I'd say 2004 because I remember that's when I first launched my site and I was happy that I could use it on my phone even though most people didn't have a full browser on their phone yet. I had a Treo 650. Still have it actually. It's an awesome pda as well. And you highlighted the detrimental use of a smartphone very well. I never put all those things together, but it all makes sense. It also explains why when a phone battery dies, people panic so much, lol. Interesting to hear the perspectives on going through the Great Recession. I did a research paper on the Great Depression but never put the two together before. Great critical thinking! Ah, pre 9-11. Well, the biggest thing was that you walked all the way into the airport all the way to the gate and hung around with your family as long as you wanted to, even after the plane left. You literally could just 'hang out' at the airport like the mall--and it explains why a lot of airports still have stores in them like malls. All of that changed with 9-11. That and racism, racism made a comeback after 9-11, and it's unfortunately still going strong.
  25. Wow, just wow. That's a lot of bad decisions. You know the last thing you want to do to a group of people that use your site day-in and day-out? Change anything! If they use it, they like it. If they don't, they'll tell you! So many bad decisions to change things just for the sake of changing...
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