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Everything posted by Samir

  1. The style sheets in forums should be even easier to modify than back in the day, hopefully not requiring to touch the css manually. But in case it still needs to be done--you posted everything necessary to do it. :D
  2. Nice! I'd redirect all the others to the primary until the registration time runs out. :)
  3. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a bunch of fun I had with the floodgap link! The coolest thing I found was that a lot of stuff you can no longer find on the Internet still exists on gopher! Lots of stuff from the 1990s is there in its raw text file glory just like in the haydays. :) I searched for old now defunct manufacturers that I remember and found all sorts of stuff that's been lost to time. :D I think at some point I'm going to have to find one of my dos boot disks that has a live boot of Lynx and network packet drivers--then I can have a full out gopher terminal. 😄
  4. Most domain names are dirt cheap. We could buy them all for like $100 and then not renew the ones that aren't popular, lol.
  5. Even if Spartan owns the domain and he can simply have it automatically redirect here or even set up the dns to redirect to this site. That way, he can still even feel like he's helped out--must be awfully disheartening to have done all that work and have it all deleted like that. :(
  6. Samir


    Super cool idea for a thread. :) So my main ones are Cars, Computers, and Photography. But these all have their own niches like mech keyboards (I'm on all 3 communities), automotive makes/marques/clubs/etc (I'm a member of almost everything--yes, all the hundreds of forums out there including my own, Huntsville Car Scene.com which is in a hiatus while I work on some family issues), and photography sites as well like dpreview, fredmiranda, etc. Indian cooking was something I never expected to find in this thread, and my wife is actually an excellent cook for south Indian dishes (because she is south Indian, lol). But she's really great at making the dishes and has even made some custom food for me to suit my tastes that is just wonderful. And it's not just Indian cooking that she plays with as she's made an awesome chicken soup from scratch and we once made a shrimp linguine together that was just as good as a restaurant. Definitely reach out if you want some recipes or links that my wife uses for some of her creations. :)
  7. Ah, Gopher. "Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..." The last time I used Gopher was before the www and browsers existed. It was a computer lab where a buddy of mine when to school and there were these systems that had this 'gopher' thing that could go and find information for you. It was a revolutionary idea and was so slow at the time that it was easier to pull the info from a book if you had it handy. It is interesting to see that protocol alive at all and I'm surprised there's any viewers for it at all. But I would love to have a portable version of one if it exists just to check it out again after nearly 30 years. :)
  8. Yep, that's what it looks like. No biggie, the tweaks will come as the site takes shape. Rome wasn't built in a day. 😉
  9. Sounds like a dns resolution error somewhere if one browser is hitting it and the other isn't.
  10. It could be just redirected temporarily while work is being done on the site. I've done this before, but usually will have some sort of message so my users aren't guessing.
  11. Continued from https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/dell.4/dell inspiron 1300 B130 ram upgrade question/ I found this thread and didn't find an answer anywhere in the archive of 1300 threads and have the answers so I'll post it. The limit of the 1300 is 2GB no matter how you do it. I tried a single 2GB module and it would work fine until I add any other module which would then mess up the video. I could put in 2x 1GB and that worked fine.
  12. Actually a good number of them are personal machines since I didn't have a budget for setting things up a decade ago. And then it's been piecemealing stuff that was cheap enough to get (read:old), so a lot of that stuff will be worthless to anyone but me when I'm done with them all. A long time ago I had a dream to start a museum like that, but I think what will happen instead is after I'm done with the machines, I will find them good homes, private or otherwise as my time as their custodian will be done and they would need to live on. I think the Computer History Museum is only 20m away from my place in CA, and I know archive.org used to have a free tour every Friday, but they stopped during the pandemic. If you're ever out this way and I'm home, definitely reach out as it would be good to go see these things with someone that would be interested in them. I know the wife won't go, lol. I only have one working 98se system that I use regularly, so that one has the rdp client on it. There wasn't an rdp server for win9x afaik, so I haven't tried to set up any remote access to it yet. Yep, xp is pretty good for lan, but once you're doing youtube videos on xp era hardware, the newer codecs show their strength. Plus, my remote links are more like 10Mb in reality so in that scenario codec makes a difference. Yep, I haven't found the cascade limit either except in confusion. I think there is a way to actually make a 'infinite reflection' of them like a mirror in a mirror ad infinium as I've seen it once, but I've never tried. Yeah, your work is exactly how I use my setup and it's brilliant for keeping data safe where it should be since even my laptop has nothing on it and I have it set up like a thin client so even the vpn setup and everything has to be set up manually each time before connecting. It's why there were thin client laptops for a short time during the xpe era (I have about 5 of them--HP 4410T) that were really good at being light and could still do heavy work since it was the machine at the other end doing the real work. Yep, you can remote from it, but not into it with xph. With xpp you can do it both ways. And linux is pretty easy as well as most live cds have an rdp client. Sometimes it isn't as fast or fluid ime since these are opensource projects that don't have any real development muscle behind it, hence xp with an rdp client is usually quicker than linux on the same era hardware ime.
  13. I've learned really quickly that when you have the ability to work odd hours/at will, your body will fall into other sleep and work patterns as it sees fit. A lot of times I fall into a 4/8 pattern where I sleep for 4 and am awake for 8. But then I may break this and get on a 30hr day cycle where I work for about 20hrs and sleep for 10hrs. Right now I'm a bit messed up since I slept at 6:30am and when was up and working by 10:30am, but now I'm past daylight hours and will probably sleep in the next 3hrs and wake up whenever and get back to work again...
  14. Been there done that--very easy way to find out how weak your back muscles are. :(
  15. That is actually quite impressive as it would have required some custom coding and database work--not cheap or easy. Someone had a labor of love affair with the site for this to materialize... Small losses like this can happen when migrating something that's essentially live 24x7. I know I've lost little bits along the way when I've moved hosts or upgraded. Hence why I try to keep a 'cold storage' backup of every iteration now.
  16. Soooo...I manage systems at 3 different physical sites so something like over 100, and then probably almost that many that I'm working on in various stages. Yes, I'm nuts, lol. Funny thing is the spreadsheet is almost out of tabs! Nope, you can rdp across all sorts of versions as long as you turn off the strict security on the newer ones. I think the biggest leap has been my 98se machine rpding into a win 7 machine. I've used xp to rdp into 7 and 10 as well, but the video is definitely slower.And you can cascade rpd sessions, so for example I have a win 7 thin client I use to rdp into about 20+ systems and then I use another thin client to rdp into that one depending on which site I'm at. Oh, native video on xp will always be the fastest for the most part. What I meant was that if you're rdping from xp to say win7/8/10/etc, the video is a bit slower because of the rdp client codec in xp. But the other way around, rdping from 7/8/10/etc, the video will be faster and the jump from 7 to 10 is quite impressive. The win10 codec improvements in rdp are substantial. I actually got a pair of win10 thin clients just because of the video improvements over one of my remote links. I'm able to see high-res pdfs now as if I was sitting at the main site versus thousands of miles away.
  17. Nice. :) I'll definitely have to see what it can do on the m6800. I read your thread about modding the cooling--drilling that much that precisely would have been daunting to me! Do you continue to use your software even with the cooling mod?
  18. So the vast treasure trove that NBR was, I think there would need to be a constant rearranging of threads as 'retro' as newer stuff comes out. Especially active threads that now are 'retro' just because of the passing of time. I think the best way to serve those of us that have the retro machines is to simply continue to allow posting in the same areas that were active when the machines were new.
  19. If this thread is super-important to you, then even though it will take a bit of time, I would print each page to a pdf (or save directly) for your own records. I did this on the legacy site with threads important to me as there wasn't much effort at the time to archive the entire site.
  20. Try the classic ones--they should be normal sized.
  21. I was finally close enough to it to see the exact model number and it's a 1501 so it's AMD based. I should have actually looked at my 'systems spreadsheet' that I use to keep track of all my systems (at least the ones I've gotten to at this point)--It's an AMD TL-50 Turion x2 64, but I didn't note the GPU yet so more work to do still on this one. What's really handy about systems from the xp era is that you can also rdp into them from more modern machines, and this helps for graphics too if anything is graphics intensive since the rdp client on xp era was a slower codec. I actually just started working on an older Toshiba L555 series that can take 2x 4GB DDR for a total of 8GB, so I think it's almost high time I get a 4GB DDR2 module, even if just for testing. I also have an HP thin client running xpe that should be able to use it, so it could be used in a bunch of areas. I recently got some 16GB DDR3 modules for the same type of testing, and it's amazing how my Toshiba L775 and Dell M5010 and even Fujitsu s920 thin client all work well with them for 32GB of memory. This will definitely keep them alive in the modern era of computing for a few more years.
  22. Neat! I'll try this on my M6800 once I load and OS on it. 🙂 Have you tried it on your M6700 yet?
  23. Perhaps. But as usual, just because something is new in the legal arena doesn't mean it isn't actionable. The ikeafans forum was shut down completely after many decades in operation and even a relationship with ikea. So these sort of things can happen and it's usually not in the user's favor. It's important to be aware of potential issues to avoid a NBR 4.0 transition sometime down the road. From what I recall working with vb3, the like feature was an addon. I'm not sure with vb4. Having this type of data carry forward is one of those important things when migrating a forum or even just the database. I still have old copies of my vb databases for some of the data that never migrated as someday it could be manually migrated with some sql queries.
  24. Spam on forums has always been an issue and over the years there have been various ways to combat it from captcha to solve, question and answers to solve (works really well if its very genre specific), and an introduction forum with moderated threads. Each as its pros and cons and are different on each forum platform. So far, I don't see anything getting through here so that's a good sign, and I'm sure efforts will ramp up if need be to keep mod work in this area to a minimum. :)
  25. Samir


    I'd search the official merlin support forum over at snb as they have a tremendous amount of history (like the NBR of merlin): https://www.snbforums.com/forums/asuswrt-merlin.42/ It's also pretty active for support too so maybe someone there knows even if a solution hasn't been posted previously.
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