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Everything posted by ETZ

  1. Hi all guys , I am here to ask if it is possible to install an AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8GB Metal 3 mxm video card on this clevo notebook , otherwise I am abandoning the project , I am aware that I will lose g-sync . Video Card AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 8GB Metal 3 mxm link: https://it.aliexpress.com/i/1005006297497977.html AMD Radeon Pro WX7100 8GB MXM Metal 2 mxm link: https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005005104995584.html Reason for request : Hackintosh project
  2. Thank you for responding srs2236, error code : Unable to start device. (Code 10) I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the 2017 to 2019 drivers for Synaptics WBDI - USB 073. It works for a while, then it stops working and goes into sleep mode I have also tried the video guide mentioned above but it does not work , I have contacted Synaptic to see if I can find a solution to this problem but I highly doubt Synaptic will respond. The same problem with Windows 11 is mentioned here: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/all/after-updating-to-windows-11-synaptics-wbdi-finger/002c05de-5c00-42e5-9872-6b0ce869b3c7
  3. Hi thanks for replying 1610ftw , checking on the net there are many who have the exact same problem with the Fingerprint Reader - USB 073, the problem seems to be due to a lack of the updated driver , but on the net the driver is updated until 2019.
  4. Good morning everyone, I wanted to ask you for help because at the moment I can't get out of this problem, I'll explain, I have a problem with the Synaptics WBDI - USB 073 fingerprint reader after a while it stops working, I've tried different solutions but it doesn't seem to work. Problem: Proven Solution: PS: does anyone have a solution to this problem, if so could you please help me out I would appreciate it and thank you in advance.
  5. They also have one for sale on ebay ita , I will give you the link : https://www.ebay.it/itm/126280521110?hash=item1d66e7d596:g:iC0AAOSwd7FloqGN&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA0HjJZxMj9ok32PP%2FJnVcpKSpseHR5oLTppkpy%2F6oyenjyzcV74L6T2qnRoFg8rks89WOVWCiFTwnEuApjLGmnpobfVOcCc56%2B%2BVoAwAa99CRzWFEuEc0HMbdUHystjFkqvj6NTExvujJtzlD%2BGH4Jn5BwS7nyk%2FnElvcQlMw2tj9ocZnHHPbvSHTtoOqsiUNWdVCavxbZ52B05u90p1r%2F04MfCBKREfCssPxKtTv%2BC3F2O5mtcvvsuF3hXF5im%2FxKMD2RqlcmPkaD9iy13vV2Hc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7aLyZeiYw
  6. I purchased a Killer Wi-Fi 6E AX1675x dual band (2.4Ghz and 5 Ghz) I set the 5Ghz band to 160MHz and channel 48 I have a 2.5 Gbps FTTH connection. Winddow 11 Pro. PS: Something doesn't make sense to me, the AX210 card is Triband 2.4/5G/6G, have you tried setting the various bands 160Mhz or more from the router? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gZcbcGZcUi0t4T5Da8naNfwZBhyBJp3r/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YzNo3EZH4SgLi3xjJfeG9txieflUryoI/view?usp=sharing Even my AX1675X intel says it is triband, even though the router is Wi-Fi 6 there are only two bands as can be seen in the picture: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/211485/intel-killer-wifi-6e-ax1675-xw/specifications.html How to Enable Wi-Fi 6E/ 6GHz Band Using Intelยฎ Wi-Fi 6E (Gig+) products https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000059385/wireless/intel-wi-fi-6e-products.html
  7. Hello everyone, here i am again, bugging you. Do any of you happen to have an Italian keyboard for the Clevo P75x P77x P87x It has become unavailable in official channels and retailers. I would be fine even if the keyboard is in English.
  8. Hi everyone I'm here to ask for your support , I bought a Clevo P775TM1-G XMG the exact model is this :XMG ULTRA 17 (E19) (ID: XUL17E19) cpu I99900k and RTX 2070 and should arrive next week , in the meantime I wanted to create the pen drive I downloaded this : P7xxTM1-0729-9900KS, now could someone help me in creating the pen drive and installing this bios please , on my old Clevo I had helped Tryner a user who was on notebook reviews . PS: thanks in advance.
  9. Hi all, I just bought a Clevo P775TM1-G and wanted to try and sell the Clevo P775DM3-G motherboard with Bios Mod DSanke and the Gforce GTX 1080 MXM video card, but not so how much can I ask for on sale, everything works perfectly never overclocked.
  10. Hi yes , thank you for your reply razor0601, I will contact you by pm.
  11. Hello everyone I open this thread because as you know from my previous post I was looking for antennas for clevo P775DM3-G , I contacted the various manufacturers including mine which is dream machines and they all informed me that clevo asia has ceased production for spare parts for these machines . So if any of you would be willing to sell a clevo P775TM1-G or P775DM3-G for spare parts in Europe I would be happy to buy it otherwise the solution is to switch to a fixed which I would hate.
  12. I fully agree with Ryan!. If I remember correctly, they have been doing this since 2006 /2008.
  13. I am perfectly aware that online security does not exist, but with Android never again in this world! The intention is good but it is the operating system that is wrong, I would rather pay apple to write the code for the new operating system.
  14. I have just bought a Qnap Qhora next generation wifi 6 and am doing well, apart from the configuration which can be a bit difficult for those coming from normal routers.
  15. Hi all guys, I'm hoping you can help me look for these 2 wifi cables for clevo P775DM3-G, on the clevo site there is only availability for cable 6-23-7P775-010, whereas I need both 6-23-7P775- 010 6-23-7P775-221 I found them on ebay but they are in the UK and between duty etc they cost me almost 50 euros used because I live in Italy, If some good soul has availability for these cables and maybe lives in a European community country and wants to sell them, I would be very grateful. PS: I offer maximum severity and punctuality in Paypal payments. EDIT: Update, in the meantime I also contacted the manufacturer to ask if they had them available, I had already bought from the manufacturer in the past. I also attach the manual for my modified Clevo with DSanke bios, maybe it will be useful to someone. Full manual link with spare parts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_-YxT8rMA1bMbTPcK8CqtTki9SAP5Gkx/view?usp=sharing
  16. Hi everyone i was wondering if it was possible to upgrade the clevo P775DM3-G to P775TM1-G you know if feasible by buying new motherboard and new heatsink, my idea was to upgrade to i9 9900k and rtx 2080/2070. Motherboard Clevo P775DM3-G https://clevo-computer.com/it/spare-parts/clevo/clevo-p-serie/p7xx/p77x/p775dm3-g/2443/6-77-p775dm3a-n03-mainboard-motherboard-clevo-p775dm3-g Motherboard Clevo P775TM1-G https://clevo-computer.com/it/spare-parts/clevo/clevo-p-serie/p7xx/p77x/p775tm1-g/2511/6-77-p775tm1a-n02-mainboard-clevo-p775tmx Heatsink rtx 20xxx https://clevo-computer.com/it/spare-parts/clevo/heatsinks/1162/6-31-p77fn-401-cpu-vga-heatsink-module-for-nvidia-rtx-2060-n18e-g1-rtx-2070-n18e-g2-rtx-2080 PS: I thank you to all in advance.
  17. I was thinking why not insert a chat visible only from login, in this way we could spend more time and have fun together what do you think ?. PS: If you plan to create it for security purposes, it is advisable that the shutbox is visible only and exclusively by registered users by logging in because if it is visible from the outside it is more vulnerable to attacks.๐Ÿ™‚
  18. I bought Gdstime 120mm / 360mm 3500rpm and I find it a great product.
  19. Hi thanks for the reply, but I don't know what they are (WBT). ๐Ÿ˜“ PS: Anyway thank you in advance for help.๐Ÿ™‚
  20. Hello everyone, i realize that it is the wrong section and not knowing where to ask i wanted to post here hoping that it will not be trashed. i am looking for Clevo P870TM1-G-P775TM1-G-X170 series laptops working with vga 1080 or rtx 2080 possibly in Central Europe area. I opened this thread because it is very difficult to search for. Most of them are on Russian and Polish sites and do not sell in Italy ๐Ÿ˜” . PS: so if you intend to sell let me know write here in the thread and contact me privately, in the past i bought on nbr and as always i offer maximum seriousness and fast payments. Thank you all .
  21. I was thinking about this model after reading the discussion:
  22. Discovering that the clevo X170KMG is full of problems makes me cry at the very thought, I just hope Eurocom does not have these problems.๐Ÿ˜”
  23. From the reviews these two thermal compounds seem excellent to me, I have to get my hands on them immediately to compare them with other compounds.
  24. Hello everyone and my name is Alex and I am Italian, after the notice of the imminent closure of NBR I joined the discord group and only now I find out about the opening of this forum. I take this opportunity to thank you for opening this forum and with the hope of finding the whole community again. PS: Thanks again and I apologize for my bad English.
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