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Everything posted by i.bakar

  1. it has been awhile , i am using xiaomi 13 pro now so i experimenting with the effect of removing google play services on xiaomi phones ..... update : 1- Warden is a free open source app that shows you every app on your phone and every tracker and logger that linked to that app .. also all the webs that this app will report to... if you have root then you will be able to disable most of the trackers and webs. 2- xiaomi phones allow for the users to use there phones without signing in with google account ... and xiaomi account is optional .... 3- i was able to remove most of google apps including Gboard without any issues at all 4- removing google services app did not Couse a boot loop on this device however i have unlocked bootloader with EU xiaomi room so i cant confirm that on a stock ROM but here is effect of removing google services : - whatsapp noification is not showing untill you open the app - telegram notification behave similarly to whatsaap above but both works without errors - amazon app and aliexpress works fine without issues or error messages now after trying this for almost 2 years now , i feel like i need to use an android based ROM but without google .... - my ideal ROM will be graphene OS but ironically they only work on pixel devices - LineageOS doesnt support my 2 phones note 20 ultra nor xiaomi 13 pro - Ubuntu Touch : again doesnt support my 2 phones so my only solution so far is to deploat android and remove google apps and google services using android deploater... if anyone have a better approach rather then buying another phone which is supported by any of the above ROMS please feel free to suggest ...
  2. this results are better then the 980m SLI in the 18 i think you should make one new thread dedecated for this upgrade with the steps required and the compatible bios Virgen... i am very interested in this ... i bought the alienware 18 because i couldnt update the graphic cards above 880m SLI and i upgraded the a8 to the 980M SLI i prefere the M18X R1 over the 18 and i would like to be able to use it over the 18 in the day to day tasks + some extra rendering machine if i need an assistance next to the area-51m
  3. A- lets advertise a product that has upgradability B- that is not in our benefits because if it is upgradable then we will not sell the next generation laptops and it works against our interest. A- it doesn't matter , lets just say that B- but then we will be Sued! A- it is ok no problem ,let them win the case and the penalty will be a fraction of our profit for the fake advertisement.!!
  4. you know , just thought about the 3080 MXM and i am angry right now because for a moment i wanted to suggest the area-51m but then i remember that dell doesnt use MXM on it ... the i remembered that this laptop was suppose to be the most upgradeable laptop in dell history .... then i compared it to the M18x R1, M18x R2 and the old 18 ....(which is proven to be easily upgradable) and now I AM PISSED from dell to do this to us in the area51m claims ............... sorry for 2 posts...
  5. what about the 3080 MXM in the alienware 18 ( i mean the tank from 2015) correct me if i am wrong but this bios can handle better then the m18x r2 .... ( bios wise , i dont mean MOSFiT wise )
  6. thanks for the reply @crz both side has been degreased and the liquid metal applied correctly - as i did in the past application on my other laptops ... by radiator i suspect you mean the heat sink . however i reapplied the liquid metal a week ago and the temps are much better since , i used - as far as i can tell from the photos i took the first time - same amount as the last time i found that the old one dried out so you might be correct about the quantity ... also i suspect that most of the liquid metal migrated to the copper heatsink which left the area dry. so in summary i think to apply liquid metal to laptop for the first time -to that laptop- i need to add extra more because of migration issue... BUT it is too dangerous to use excessive amount. so the best way is to apply one time then wait a month until it dries then apply again... which to be honest too much hassle specially since the honeywell PTM7950 pad gives almost 99% of the times the same performance as liquid metal with much less risk so i might try the honeywell and see.
  7. yesterday i tried conductonaut liquid metal between the IHS and the heatsink of the area51m. temps were ok when it booted between 40 and 52 degrees C , however once i started the stress test, it spiked to 95 then 100 in a few seconds which is not the normal behaviour i see with KPX thermal paste (spikes to 70s the goes up gradually from there ) so this means to me that the liquid metal doesn't have a good contact between the IHS and the heatsink. but i added a suitable amount of it and my temps are stable with the KPX thermal paste... unfortunately i didn't take any pictures. i am trying to rack my brain what else could be the issue, any idea what could be the cause, could it be that there is a gap between the IHS and the heatsink but it only shows with liquid metal because it is too thin ?
  8. i havent try Noctua NT-H2 before so i cant comment of its thermal conductivity ,, however i tried quite a few including ( Kryonaut, arctic MX-4, arctic silver5, IC diamond and KPX) tested on mobile CPUs and desktop CPUs. the best of them for me was KPX first then ic diamond... ic diamond is hard to come by ,, maybe try KPX and see
  9. it fits physically but very tightly when i installed the m18x subwoofer in the 2.5 bay and added the double face in the bottom , the subwoofer was almost touching the laptop back cover ,, it sounded good when the cover is off, but as soon as i installed the back cover the subwoofer started to rattle a bit which i thing is because it was so close to the back cover that the sound started to vibrate the back cover i think the only way u can get away with installing the m18x sub is by creating an opening in the back laptop cover for the sound to escape.
  10. the MSI GT72S subwoofer quality and box size makes it sounds great in the 500hz range and bass.. when u said i added a subwoofer i thought u are talking about the area-51m
  11. nice , how electrically did u connected it ? did u split the wires from one of the speakers or other way ? would u mind share a photo if u have ? and to share ur experience with it ?
  12. i have the m18x and the alienware 18 , the sound quality for those laptops always made me disappointed in the sound of the area-51m so i started experimenting with the idea of adding a subwoofer to it . so here is what i got so far i started by find the location of the sound card and check the availability of adding the subwoofer directly to the sound card socket . since the socket ( as shown in the pictures has 10 wires connector , 8 of them goes to the 4 speakers ( 2 on each side ) but the last 2 are empty .. i connected the subwoofer 2 wires to the last 2 empty spaces in the socket but it didnt work , i'm not sure why . anyways i decided to split the last 2 wires for one of the speakers and connect the subwoofer to it and see what happens ... it worked and the subwoofer came alive ... it was time to find the physical location for the subwoofer , the challenges are the followings: 1- need space that physically fits 2- to be very close to the sound card to eliminate a longer wire which could add more resistance to the system for no reason 3- have is stand on a flexible rubber or something to eliminate the vibrations 4- add some sort of a tape to the top of the subwoofer box to reduce noise as much as possible i used the subwoofer from the alienware 18 since the m18x subwoofer is a bit deeper then the one in the alienware 18 and i started to cut the box in order for it to fit the location. unfortunately the only place that has enough clearance for the subwoofer is the place which the hard drive sets . so if u like to do that u should know that the secondary hard drive should be removed .. the good part is that the subwoofer works well .. not as great as it is in the m18x due to the reduce in the subwoofer box size ( which shows in the pictures ... ) - i thought about opening the ssd secondary hard drive and see the size of the inside chip to see if i can fit it in the remaining place next to subwoofer so i dont have to sacrifice the third SSD that i have ... i had to do some measurements and cuts in order for it to fits but it fits ..which took a couple of hours i added a 3M double side tape to the bottom of the subwoofer to fix it in place and reduce vibrations i added a 3M double tape to the top of the subwoofer box ( removing only one side to stich to the subwoofer box and keep the top tape cover to not stick to the laptop bottom cover. the subwoofer pox is not completely sealed yet from the sides which i dont know if it can effect the sound quality or no ... but there is no need to seal the bottom of the box since its sealed by the laptop palm and the mouse pad . the result is overall good , there is a deep sound to any song and some bass to it ( not as strong as the m18x ) which could be due to the box size being smaller or the subwoofer being too close to the laptop bottom cover ( i think that could be solved by create an opening in a shape of a louvers at the laptop bottom cover to release the sound ( like the attached reference picture) but i dont want to damage my cover. here is my experience and i'm open to any suggestions.. hope that helps
  13. i thought the m18xr1 already has a subwoofer .. my m18x r1 has one already .. since my last comment i did the exercise of adding a subwoofer to the area-51m . i will share the details in the correct section since i dont wanna get out of topic here ... i know u said that the GPU doesnt exceed 80C but im still curious what is the temperature for the hot spot... maybe if u can check it in GPU-z and let us know .
  14. it seams from ur temps for individual cores that dell new thermal paste ( liquid metal ) could do a good job if applied with care. i like that you compared it to the old m18 and m18x R1/R2. this is very important so we can get a good feel how big this laptop is ... for me ( and i know most of people will disagree) that the best screen and laptop size was the m18x . it is very well balanced and doesnt hurt my leg if i work for hours sitting .. i was surprised that this alienware 18 is much smaller then the m18x since the screen bezel on the m18x is not huge like the m18.. since you have the area51m to compare . is the 18 screen feels much bigger then the area51m ? and how it feels compared to the m18x screen ? when you showed the alienware command center , the GPU thermal limit is set for 87C . is that for the GPU hot spot or the main GPU ? because u know if this only for the general GPU temp , then the hotetst spot would be about 10C higher which is as far as i know is very high .. unless the 4090 has a different thermal limits . correct me if i'm wrong about the sound quality , what u said made me think about modding the 18 and the area51m some how and add a subwoofer .. i wonder if someone tried this before in any laptop ! i think finding a place to fit the subwoofer ( as a speaker only without the big black box ) from the m18 or the m18x will be a challenge ! good review man thanks
  15. i used to use throttle stop on my alienware 18 with the 4930mx and it worked flawlessly at the time since the other option (which is intel extreme utility ) was a huge software for my taste to only overclock\undervolt however since i got the area-51m im using the alienware CC to do my CPU overclocking ( an older version) since all the new versions are missed up in terms of controlling the voltage offset .. and since the fan profile on Alienware CC is applied to the bios directly i assumed the overclocking profile is applied to the bios too however i started recently to wonder that since i noticed the XTU profiles in windows services are running and when i did more digging i found out that Alienware CC uses and XTU preloaded profiles which to me basecly its like having XTU installed underlay the Alienware CC .. here is the question , does throttle stop apply the undervolting and the overclocking once u loge in to windows or it actually apply it to the bios ? secondly, does anyone knows about alienware CC overclock control app to correct or confirm what i mentioned above ? thirdly , i know this might be a subjective question but is there an obvious benefit from undervolt using throttle stop rather then Alienware CC?
  16. i'm looking to bypass the 75C limit on the GPU with the command center , i have done it 7 months ago by using an older version of the AW command center and OC application from april 2019 but i lost those installers in a accidental format 2 months back. and when i looked at the older versions on dell support website i found out that they deleted those old versions from all the laptops! anyone has those older versions ? the oldest i could find on dell support web is this - command center V from april 2022 - Over clocking application jan 2002 im looking for older from at least 2020
  17. it seems like a complicated process. but there was a time at year 2000 when developers in apple used the open source code from Unix and BSDs. check this article . brief history of Linux and UNIX its a good read. https://frontpagelinux.com/articles/guide-through-history-of-unix-linux-everything-you-need-to-know/ no i have no source of information rather then the news of both .. for instance : https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/industry/microsoft-adobe-enterprise-partnership https://www.adobe.com/documentcloud/integrations/microsoft.html i know that doesn't mean much on the surface. and in it's self does not mean anything. in all cases
  18. sorry i should of used the correct words.. i meant unix kernel ... macOS after year 2000 started using the unix kernel which linux is based on
  19. i get your point i really do.. it seams like who come first the chicken or the egg.. if the majority of people started to use Linux , big companies like Autodesk or Adobe will have n o choice but to give them what they need ,, BUT in order for the majority to use Linux , the software they use must be supported which will go back to the beginning of the cycle again... it seams like this process can only work at the dawn of the technology and who took the initiative. this of course keeping the side all the exclusivity deals between those companies and microsoft or macOS ... however as we know macOS is built on the same kernel as Linux which can make the job a lot easier.
  20. i believe what u said shed a it of light on a complicated subject for me curranty... i'm trying to learn more and more about linux. searching in a more oriented linux forums is a good idea and more specifically Arch linux. for the time being i'm dual boot windows and Linux. i'm just starting to learn and i know its a long way to go .. hopfully one day the politics of the current business in the market will shift and we will get official versions from these software for Linux. i know that there is a few equivalent software to adobe and Autodesk products but for the purpose of work flow i cant just switch to them + the learning curve after 20 years is not going to be as good. its just when i heard about wine and bottles for the first time i was very optimistic that i could work my way around windows. lets see what the future may hold. thanks for the links and sharing.
  21. is it possible to install a huge software and its plugins like for example , 3DS max +vray or adobe in-design ? i wanna move completely to linux but adobe and Autodesk products is the base of my work. i'm new to linux and i'm doing a lot of research and came across bottles and wine but i couldnt install adobe acrobat pro... please share whatever you have on the subject..
  22. i had the exact same idea a year ago since i know kali has the blue dragon logo
  23. i know that most of linux users like there theme quite simple but i love how garuda dragonized looks.
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