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the jg89

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Everything posted by the jg89

  1. Would be pretty convenient if these were sold on ebay I mean if they're willing of course, I can pay 80 for them if that's enough
  2. The green is 3mm and the purple is 4mm starting to think the original heatsink was better ^_^'
  3. quick question what thickness did you use for the cpu side of the board? just applied my heatsink and for some reason the cpu side is hotter than usual, just thinking that thepad thickness might be different for this heatsink
  4. do you have the link in english? ^_^' seems like it won't let me login or something
  5. what about aliexpress? I have an easier time getting what I need from there, taobao looks a little cryptic
  6. I know but I'd like to know if those fans make a difference or not
  7. Hey @srs2236,seems someone managed to the same thing you did but have new fans in there. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314460796441?hash=item493752f619:g:TfcAAOSweDdkDc8S&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwD7eAOws8wjzvD3iUuG%2FyTuTebO91LapWjaDf0geWsjuBatMNy%2FoFRZ1AV9LlFI5l36vO%2FwdUGWpjYSfzJBOLlYRGIIzOBfbcrpkoc%2FKZ%2FIxxUXfcVHGMG7%2Bcap9YpSF2bE1ul6pxmW%2BJ9z%2F7nrE%2F7JFf%2BboAlFor0A1ti%2FoxjNqCAKH3vODH51HUCyzWke620j8l39actkKnkKNR2OAz3aYBaX5Oe%2FXgdrmr6Ve6Yx9ZxqVjjHLbdrIgfFtXh1qkQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4C_z73eYQ
  8. I know this is dumb to ask but is it possible to place thermal pads on motherboards? They are non conductive so I figure it's one way dissipate heat especially since the cpu side has a chunk of free space for that.
  9. I'll need to wait a bit since the thermal pads haven't arrived yet.
  10. Ah I see 😄 Thanks for that On second inspection it was actually 2mm ^_^'
  11. Nice 🙂 , just waiting for my thermal pads to arrive which should be a few days. just wish the heatsink provider could provide a guide for all of this rather then do guess work. just wondering, Can you point me to the VRMS on the pic? ^_^' sorry I'm not too tech savvy with this
  12. Alright, I ordered a few thermal pads with more than 12 W/MK thermal conductivity so I should be good. thing is I studied my current heatsink to determine the place and thickness of each thermal pad so I think I got a pretty good idea on where each one goes, I made an estimate on these pictures too, yeah I know it's a bit of a mess but I Accidenttaly merged the text with the picture lol I also sand papered (used the smooth 3000 grit piece) the copper parts on my new heatsink slightly to smoothen them just incase.
  13. hey @srs2236 Quick question, you said that the copper part of the heatsink partially scratched your gpu/cpu. I was wondering did you put thermal paste before or after you placed the heatsink on there?
  14. Actually I was kinda hoping someone posted their results first ^_^' I don't have the neccessary thermal pads or know how to do this. My specs are rtx 2080 and i9 9900k. I live in the uk but it seems odd that it came fast, I got a text and all saying when it'll come as well. would this do the job if i need polishing? https://www.amazon.co.uk/75ml-Solvol-Autosol-Microfibre-Cloths/dp/B07BHPZ6BX/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=G66TXGABY5EK&keywords=metal+polish+kit&qid=1677255102&sprefix=metal+polishkit%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=APVB5IVDJXT38
  15. Funny thing about that, i ran my finger across those surfaces and it was pretty smooth too The seller was pretty great too, kept in touch and everything.
  16. heatsink arrived earlier then expected 🙂 good build and all, the copper coloured sink surface is smooth too Now the hard part would be getting the right thickness of the thermal pads on different places.
  17. I'll need a little help determining that though ^_^' , I have some thermal pads that are 12.8W/mk but not ones that are thicker than that so any guidance is appreciated. (photo on thermal pads,size and thickness would be great too)
  18. Thanks for the response guys 😄 decided to buy the 10/20 air heatsink, just hoping that the thermal pads that's currently in my laptop aren't a problem to use with this laptop lol
  19. Just wondering, is there another place that sells this heatsink - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000174372901.html I haven't heard good things about aliexpress in that they are a sham site so I'm not exactly comfortable about getting something from there ^_^'
  20. B Better late then never, Much Appreciated 😄
  21. So I stumbled upon the heatsink for the p775 tm1g needed for the rtx 3000 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000174372901.html but it says that middle case needs cut, can you show me where it needs cut in this pic? because it looks like you could just place the heatsink in no problem.
  22. Yeah I meant to say clevo but these are usually my go to when it gets to looking for a clevo brand laptop and hopefully decide to keep the thick versions avilable (if there are any) for longer this time around cause I have a feeling that the thin ones might not cut it in the long run.
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