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Everything posted by Reciever

  1. Steer the topic back towards the threads topic please. Thanks Everyone
  2. I didnt realize how bad the market has gotten in the last few months. The Red Devil 7900 XTX that I traded plus cash for seems to be selling for double? Thats nuts Also returning my 3rd 12TB drive, seems people are trying to offload junk on ebay/amazon
  3. From what I understand this is for SI's, this changes nothing for DIY.
  4. Its basically a NAS OS, the license is tied to the UID of the flash drive that its loaded on. The application they have for loading it on the drive is IMHO not the greatest but there are ways around it to accomplish effectively the same thing. I was able to use a container, which required two other containers (RAM Cache + DB) for Manga, then another container for metadata to build the library. Same thing for my Anime library and the media server that it lives on. I was also able to build a mesh network with TailScale so my friend can access the same libraries without deliberately exposing my whole server to the internet. recently started toying with backups with UrBackup which was fairly easy to setup and get running. One of my drives seemed to have either got unplugged or potentially failing last night. Parity is already rebuilding that drive, that being said these drives all have 6+ years of on-time so its time to start phasing some of them out and getting a second parity drive. Then you also have cache pools where logically they are all in the same location but physically pending how you set it up you set it up the behavior of the cache changes. For one you can have media cache just sit in the cache pool so that its quick and snappy. You can also transfer files to the Array that goes to the cache first (So that its super fast) and gets moved automatically or manually at a later time. I have been debating moving the whole thing into the 10850K platform you sold me some time ago. Its currently on a Dell 7810 w/ 2667v3's but the threads are getting fully saturated from time to time pending what I am doing. The advent of Docker containers into a NAS OS is admittedly more fun that I originally thought it would be, I need to use something like Gemini from time to time to help me connect the dots as the containers dont always say what they need to operate. The other thing I want to better understand is ZFS. My understanding is that it uses RAM to cache files so that accessing them is faster. I wasnt able to get it to cache more than 16GB when there are many reports of people caching 256GB+ so I may try that again as I have 64GB in this current system but my 2 other towers have 128GB each and havent been using as much recently. Going to try my hand at what people call the arr stack, basically its a fully automated process flow for media management, media metadata and integration into plex
  5. Good Evening All, Hiew had been lecturing me for some time now to get Unraid since I had so much random hardware laying around and got to say I should have done so sooner. Even bought a license after the trial ended, its been a lot of fun playing with the different docker containers to see what I can get working and for what purposes. Anyone else dabble in Unraid?
  6. God Speed sir, we'll be here when you get back. Dont sweat the double post, its taken care of.
  7. I hope your mothers health has improved! "Rant" I felt similar, I would consider myself "Above Average" in FPS and a bit better in strategy. Its why I enjoyed the early days of R6 Siege, but then UBI geared it towards E-Sports and I always lose out to competent twitchy shooter types. Add in the mindless screeching from dead team mates telling me what to do, as well as UBI deleting my account for inactivity, all but killed any competitive spirit I had for the genre. These days I have fun with Monster Hunter and Unraid of all things. I must be getting older. "End Rant" For everyone however, I would appreciate less pontification about politics. Talk tech? Sure, go ham. Speculation on what the US President is going do? keep it in a PM.
  8. Lazy people bother me more than they should. I don't mean lazy like hit the snooze four times but lazy to the point of repeated self inflicted career suicide.
  9. You are in the right spot! Welcome to the Forums
  10. Do not double-triple post, or cross post. Continue this behavior and you will lose posting privileges.
  11. Is it possible to extend the heatpipes to the secondary GPU heatsink to create more dissipation for the CPU? Always wondered why I hadnt seen anything like that so perhaps there are some obstructions? Or perhaps make it harder to service?
  12. I love it! I only had the Ranger and did some mad scientist stuff to it but never dabbled with making a loop. In any case, Welcome to the Forums!
  13. Recently grabbed 3x 12TB myself for Unraid :)
  14. I have recently started building up my wired network for 10Gbps. Just 2x 10Gbps managed network switches with Wireless AP's on each one. My pseudo rack on one end and another in my room. Building a NAS which I hope deploy this weekend, or at least start deploying it. I've got a 3rd switch which has been giving me some issues but once I have that sorted I really want to start building an SCCM/MECM type of lab.
  15. Welcome to the Forums! Used to modify the heck out of my Ranger when I had it, was a lot of fun!
  16. While other languages are permitted, you must also provide an English translation. Further posts ignoring this guideline will be removed.
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