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Everything posted by Rinconmike

  1. thanks, Tech reseated the battery already and it passed two diags after he did it. I will try reseating again and see what happens. Looking at the photos online it looks like if a prong is bent it will be obvious. I found this photo online. The cable I have the red arrow pointing at, the tech did disconnect and reconnected this along with two small ones when he replaced the heatsink assembly. Not sure what that is for.
  2. So the tech came and replaced the fans last Tuesday. Part of it was disconnecting the battery. We ran the Diag and all passed. One of the rubber feet on the back cover was coming off so the tech ordered a new back cover. He came and replaced that on Thursday. He too the back cover off, put the new one on. He did not touch the battery. I went to turn on (not plugged in) and it would not power on. We plugged it in and powered on and ran a diag and got two errors. Failed ED.3.3.2 Error 2000:8017 Battery - Bios has no support for battery health Failed ED.3.3.2 Error: 2000:0315 Sensor: the (OTHER) reading (0C) is lower than expected. Tech took the cover off, unplugged and plugged in the battery and then all the Diag past. For the last several days used it docked (powered). Today my son took it to class. Went to turn it on and would not turn on. He plugged it in and it turned on. He said windows says it is 99% charged. When I get it back from him later today I will run diagnostics. I will then try and reseat the battery cable. Anyone have any idea what this can be or what I can look for? Could it be a damaged prong on the battery cable or on the board the battery connects to? My case is still open with Dell and I need to report back the results. One thing dell support also said to try was do a hard reset by disconnecting the battery and holding the power butting for 10 seconds. Then reconnect the battery. Does this reset the bios? I have it set to boot AHCI and might have changed one or two other settings a while ago. Bios is 1.23. Any ideas? Edit: The system has the Long Life Battery. Looking at the manual. it looks like the cable can be disconnected from both the battery and the MB. If so, the tech only touched the cable at the MB side. Is it correct that I can remove and reseat the cable on the battery side? Perhaps it is loose there. thanks
  3. Well one of my kids 7560 (same specs as my 7760 in my sig) the fan was making a lot of noise. He brought it to me with fan hissing and could not power down. was able to shut down windows. In the last month he said it shut down twice due to overhearing but no noise. I ran diagnostics and it said all is good. I ran the diag four times, two just the fans and no error. I did not check the bios even history on any power events. He does have the power setting in optimizer to ultimate. I run my 7760 on optimized. After the first diag and no error, I took the rear cover off and it looked clean in there. I spun both fans and seemed fine. During the second diag, no sound until a couple minutes later. On the 3rd and 4th, I had the diag open for a while and the sound was on and off. I then went into windows and the sound was on and off. I think the sound starts up as the system heats up and fans need to spin more. The sound is more from the left side. I opened a case with pro support and they first said they will send one fan and the tech will diagnose the other. I told him to send two since tech probably will just be there to change parts. He then said they will send the entire assembly that is heat sink and two fans. Is this correct? Looking at the service request, the parts are: 1Y5D1 ---- ASSY Heatsink With Fan, NVE 2V9WX ---- SVC,ALSOSHIP,06335 Does this sound like a bad fan? And are they sending the correct parts?
  4. @Brian Lawton still good on 1.23.0? I am updating my son's 7560 today and it is still on 1.5.0 and I am looking to update to this one. Anyone else install 1.23.0? Edit: updated from 1.5.0 to 1.23.0 no issues. I did several dell driver updates first. After Bios, I updated to Win 11 no uses.
  5. Can you try an external monitor? Did it update a video driver? Can to get to the bios screen and can you get to the dell diagnostic?
  6. Do you happen to know if before the update they had the exclamation point in device manager next to the NVIDIA Platform Controllers & Framework? When I had this issue, after I got back into windows I had two entries of the NVIDIA Platform Controllers & Framework. One had the exclamation point. I deleted that one and did not have the issue after. I think that is what fixed it for me. I have not tried the new bios yet. I still have Turbo Boost 3 turned off on my system. Nvidia Driver is 528.89 (I think it is one I download from the Nvidia website at the time trying to resolve this).
  7. I think I had this issue when I disabled the Turb boost 3. I had to delete one of the entries for the NVIDIA Platform Controllers & Framework to stop BSOD.
  8. So I previously disabled the turbo boost 3 in bios to get rid of the exclamation mark. Should I reenable before updating to this bios?
  9. I updated one of my Kids 7560 from Bios 1.14.0 to 1.21.1. I forgot to check in the bios if Turbo Boost 3 was on or not. I checked after the update and Turbo Boost 3 is on. In device manager, the NVIDIA Platform Controllers and Framework is not listed under the Control Panel now. It was the other day (I checked) and there was no exclamation point. This system has an RTX 3080 in it. I never asked, why disable Turbo Boost 3? Just to be able to use Nvidia Dynamic Boost 2.0? My reason was just to try and solve the exclamation point next to the NVIDIA Platform Controllers and Framework in device manager.
  10. I think it’s should be safe uninstalling the disabled one. I recall a user noting he had two and uninstalled the one with the exclamation mark. I forget if that was on this group or another (I did not search). I might try that too. Maybe it is different entries in device manager depending on if Turbo Boost 3 is on or off. Edit: It was this post by @heikkuri on removing the extra entry. Maybe he had no issues if removed after the first boot. I will give it a try.
  11. ok I disabled it. I then turned off turbo boost 3 in bios. Booting and in windows. I now need to try booting a second time to see if it crashes again. In device manager, I have two entries of the framework. one is disabled and the other looks fine. EDIT: Booted a second time and into windows. Still the two entries. Wonder if I should delete the disabled one. EDIT 2: Booted a couple more times to include hooking to dock and works. I did not delete that disabled entry yet. Looks like @Aaron44126 you were correct on disabling that. I wonder if it is a different driver for the NVIDIA Platform Controllers and Framework depending on if you have Turb Boost 3.0 on or not.
  12. thanks. As FYI, I am on 528.89 from Nvidia site. I did a clean install when installing it. Maybe I will try the older drivers later. I also wonder if that first time I booted, it booted fine. If I deleted the NVIDIA Platform Controllers and Framework entry with the exclamation point in Device Manager would that solve it?
  13. I installed the latest driver from Nvidia site. Rebooted. Rebooted again and went into bios and disabled the turbo boost 3. Rebooted and in windows. Device manager has two of the framework items one with an exclamation. Rebooted again to see if I get a clean boot. Got a blue screen. On reboot went into bios turned back on turbo boost 3. And boots fine in windows. Not sure why I cannot turn it off without a blue screen.
  14. So I wonder if I use the current Nvidia Drivers or downgrade the previous dell Nvidia driver if I can disable the Turbo Boost 3 and then can boot with no BSOD. I am done messing with it for now. I googled and did not find anything like this.
  15. I tried turning off Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0. Went into Bios and turned off Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 System Restarted after Exit from Bios. Blue Screen Restarted automatically and then Auto Repair Message came up, showed Diagnosing, and then I selected Restart instead of Advance Options. Blue Screen. Restarted automatically and then Auto Repair Message came up, showed Diagnosing, and then I selected Restart instead of Advance Options. On this restart I decide to turn back on the Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 Exited Bios and restarted. Auto Repair Message came up. I clicked Restart. Back in Windows. No idea why I cannot disable this.
  16. I just updated to 1.21.1. Took around 8 minutes. I will try turning off the Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 again later.
  17. I tried enabling the Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 turned again. This time it booted into windows and I had two of the Framework entries with one with the exclamation point. I shut down the system, hooked to the dock, booted and it would not boot. I had the lid closed so did not see any errors at first. I disconnected from the dock and got to a windows diagnostics or something like that and it asked me to restart or advance. I went into bios and enabled again the turbo boost. I forget if I did that before I got to that diagnostic screen or after. I think before. System booted into windows. I see no new dumps in Blue Screen View. I ran sfc /scannow now and no issues. In windows system maintenance it shows two entries that Windows Failed to Start because of missing system files.
  18. I never turned mine on. I read a previous bios update might have turned it on. I did not try leaving it on and booting again after that first blue screen. I am still on 1.19.0. I did not update yet to 1.20. or the new 1.21.1. Also, since you reset it, I wonder if that in the bios reset turned it off.
  19. I am now on Win 11 and in the device manager have the exclamation mark next to "NVIDIA Platform Controllers and Framework." I tried disabling the Intel Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 and after exiting bios and booting I got a Blue Screen. I want back into bios and turned back and booted fine. Using BluescreenView it notes the exception was caused by nvpcf.sys. I did not try messing with it further. Not sure if it is related to your issue. My Nvidia Driver is the Dell 517.89. Edit: corrected I am now on Win 11
  20. After upgrading my 7760 to Win 11, I now have the exclamation point next to the Nvidia Platform Controller and Framework. Does turning off Intel Turbo Boost Maximum Technology 3.0 impact performance? Edit: I went into the bios and turned it off. After exiting bios and booting into windows I had the Blue Crash Screen. I just went back into bios and turned it back on and booted to windows. not sure if I left it off and tried to boot to windows if I would have gotten the Blue screen or not. Did not want to mess with it further. I am on bios 1.19.0 I did not update to 1.20 yet.
  21. So I ran win 11 upgrade again from windows update. It was ok 20 minutes to get to 91% and another 2 hours to get finish and ask to restart the computer. After hitting restart it said updating and around 4 minutes later restarted. At around 30% and 12 minutes in it restarted again. It has now been 45 minutes since the last restart and has been on 65% for most of it. Total time is around an hour since the first restart form window update. Hopefully it will finish. EDIT: Well if finally finished. Took a total of 2 hours from when I hist restart in windows update. After, I ran Command Update and it noted to update the Nvidia Drivers to the same version already installed. I updated it figure no harm.
  22. yes. Under windows update. It has not asked to restart yet. First it was downloading and then changed to installing. Just wondering how long I should wait. Edit: Wondering if I should try an restart. Edit 2: I decided to click on pause updates. Once paused, I restarted. I then resumed and in windows update it asked if I want to upgrade to Win 11 or stay on Win 10. I chose to stay on win 10. I restarted the system and went back into windows update and restarted the updated. I do have malwarebytes installed and will closed it this time. I ran an SFC /scannow an it found no issues. this is the photo when it was stuck at 91% first time
  23. I decided to upgrade my 7760 from Win 10 Pro to Win 11. It has been on "Status: Installing 91%" for around 2 hours now. Anyone know if this is this typical? It has not done a reboot yet since starting the download and install. I recently updated a Surface Pro 7 and it did not get stuck like this. That finished the update in around an hour from start of download.
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