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Everything posted by Tenoroon

  1. I ordered a giant tube of MX-4 2 weeks ago and USPS shipped it. It got to my local post office and then went to some no name place in CA and it's been stuck there for nearly 10 days... USPS is usually alright, but this is a bit frustrating.
  2. A bit off topic, but I would like to share for others who might not know (unless I'm a one off scenario which would suck) but I purchased an MSI 274QPX monitor just now directly from MSI's website and noticed I wasn't taxed. If I knew this earlier, I would've tried buying a GPU from their website as even a non MSRP 4070S would have probably been cheaper than what I paid for mine if there wasn't any kind of sales tax! I don't know how this is possible, but it definitely made me and my wallet happy lol.
  3. The one they have is the official adapter from Nvidia. Those things are expensive, but should work with every MXM 3.0 card ever made. They have a lot of debug tools too from what I have read. Information on them is limited, but I believe they are so expensive due to being discontinued and nearly impossible to get if you weren't a big company.
  4. Yeah, my buddy's "deal" was just the pushing point. I've always told myself once Win10 loses support, I will jump ship no matter what. I suppose I could start with a VM but I'm a bit picky with my storage and am a bit too organized. I'd prefer for it to be on it's own drive. I've been thinking about getting one of those 2.5in SATA cases and probably will at some point. It just saddens me that M.2 Sata isn't supported on the platform, and that it doesn't even show up on any high dollar boards. I know most people by now own M.2 NVME drives but it doesn't seem that hard (or much more expensive) to include M.2 slots that support both protocols. My logic is if my P870 can do it, then why can't my 500 dollar motherboard do so either? The few people I've spoken to that use Manjaro say they don't hate it, but it seems they get frustrated by it easily... Either they have a point or they're just... not there yet... I don't know what to think. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Yeah, the transaction (if you can call it that) would've included an NVME drive. I have 3 256gb M.2 drives, but they are all Sata and it's a bummer that the AM5 platform doesn't support M.2 Sata. I could dual boot, but I've heard (and seen) horror stories from dual boots. I also wouldn't want to accidently nuke my Windows install if I did anything terribly in Linux.
  6. Yeah, everything besides my buddy is telling me this isn't a good idea, and I know my first install would probably be, rough, but that's where the learning stems from in my opinion. I'm still thinking about it... @Talon Did you ever flash the Gigabyte 350w vBIOS onto your 4070 Super? I might do so as I have dual BIOS and don't mind getting my hardware flasher if needed, but I'm unsure if it works (or if it does work, if it is worth). I know flashing different vBIOSes can be goofy and can be bad long term if the components of the intended card differ from what you're flashing to. While my Dual's FETs and Controller for the Core are the same (besides 2 less rails compared to the Gigabyte card), the Dual has different FETs for the Memory compared to the Gigabyte card. The FETs in question have similar names though and are by the same company, so I might compare them to see how similar they are.
  7. One of my buddies has been hounding me now that I've built a new system. "I'll buy you a 256gb SSD if you install and learn Gentoo." I've been interested in learning, and it seems Gentoo, while extremely difficult, is a good starting point for learning how Linux, and operating systems in general work. I might be taking him up on the deal lol.
  8. Wait, How'd you even purchase a Ti Super early? I thought orders started on Wednesday? I think you'll have a good shot. I woke up early to get me 4070S Dual and they haven't even sold out almost a week later... I know no one cares for the 4070S but I think most people who needed a card have a card now. It's not like a new generation launch where it makes a lot of sense to hold out for.
  9. I know it's weird, but I plan on getting a 2tb drive soon. I'm weird about my storage and like having my OS and files I hoard on one drive, and then all of my games, DAWs, and larger programs on the other. In my P870, the split is 500gb OS drive and then a 1tb game/program drive, so for this build I'm doubling that. I was planning this build in early December and regret not buying the SSDs then. I heard that China was buying up a lot of the SSDs, but I thought I still had time... Yeah, I plan on checking the heatsink out once I install my GPU. Too lazy to tear it apart lol I believe the X3D chips are more power limited due to the worsened heat transfer from having the stacked cache (hence having lower boost clocks compared to their non X3D counterparts). It could also just be that I got a really bad 7600x. I hope it's not that!
  10. Thank you, here's the list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6pmgpB I've built it all already besides the GPU. The Carbon has been great besides it not being able to use M.2 Sata drives. While it's my fault for not looking into it, I assumed it could take M.2 Sata drives as all of the drives in my P870 are M.2 Sata. It's not that big of a deal as I was only going to take one of the drives out as I will still use the P870 on the go, but I do find it a bit odd that such an expensive motherboard doesn't support M.2 Sata. I was hoping to OC the 7600x, but it seems to be more stable when I leave the clocks to the Motherboard and CPU via PBO2. It boosts from 5.35 to 5.4ghz all core consistently with a -20 PBO2 curve. AMD has seemingly done a good job with the tuning of these AM5 processors. The only thing that concerns me is the fact it gets up to like 90C even with my AIO. I understand AM5's temp readings are hotspot readings (tdie or tctl, can't remember exactly what it's called) and my cores and cache under load are in the high 60's, but it seems odd that there's a 20 degree temperature delta between the CPU as a whole and the hotspot. I also thought that the cores and cache would run cooler than the high 60's as the CPU only chugs 105-110 watts. My 8700k in the P870 with max fans can stay in the low 80's at 100 watts, and thats on a tiny heatsink when compared to the Freezer 2 I have. I don't know though, maybe my intuition is just wrong. I'll quit rambling 😁 Edit: I'll also use this post to ask you about POST times. Even with the latest BIOS, it takes about 20-30 seconds for it to just POST which is a tad annoying. Are the POST times for your Carbon similar?
  11. Managed to get a 4070 Super Dual by ASUS for MSRP on Newegg. All of the other cards were above MSRP... There was a TPU review on this card though, and the PCB and cooler look alright, so we'll see how it goes. I hope the AIBs don't bin their SKUs too hard as I got a regular dual. I didn't want to pay extra for it to be pre OC'd.
  12. Took my Ranger outside and I can't get this damn thing to use over 75 watts. I've adjusted all the power limits and stuff in the BIOS, and it just straight up refuses to go over 75. I can enter a high clock but as soon as I run a benchmarks the clocks plummet. I'm going to reinstall windows for the billionth time to see if that fixes it as XTU and TS seem to wreak havoc on everything. I hope it's some problem with a driver or something as the thing has no internet connection and when I took out the 4710mq I just put in the 4930mx without doing anything. I know this question is a shot in the dark as all of you haven't used one of these laptops in a while, but have any of you previous Ranger owners had a problem similar to this?
  13. Here in TN it's the coldest it will probably get for the rest of winter. I plan on taking the Ranger outside with the Cicichen heatsink and see how the 4930mx does.
  14. Do you have one of the 2tb 980 Pros still @SapphiraTriX298?
  15. The X670E Carbon arrived today and I'm quite impressed. While the box was a bit dinged and scratched up, the motherboard appears to be in near perfect condition. No noticeable problems besides a few smudges. It even has the original plastic on it. The board also came with all of the cables and other goodies that would be in an unopened box besides the quick start guide. I can't test it right now as my 7600x is still in transit, but I doubt this thing would be damaged, it looks like it hasn't even been used. Thanks for the recommendation @electrosoft! I never thought to buy open box from Amazon, and I managed to save a bit of money with this purchase. Here are some pictures. Pardon the horrendous lighting, the lights in my room are terrible.
  16. For all the people here who've purchased a GPU on launch day online, do you have any tips or useful information? I really want to be sure I can get a 4070 Super the day it comes out. My assumption is to have Amazon, BB, and Newegg open and just try to add one to my cart and pay for it ASAP. I've never made a day one purchase like this, and would like to avoid waiting for a restock.
  17. Yeah, I ended up pulling the trigger on the Carbon a few minutes ago. While I wanted everything this build to be new, knowing that warranty for MSI works on open box products was reassuring. It was either a warehouse Carbon or a NIB Tomahawk for the same price. I took the gamble on the Carbon, I hope everything works out well.
  18. I've been looking into the Carbon as you suggested. I might do what you did and buy one off of Amazon Warehouse for a discount. It seems like you have RMA'd yours. Did you have to pay to RMA it or did the board come with a warranty from MSI even though you bought it open box?
  19. While I love my P870TM, it's getting a bit old. I was hoping I could get the 2080 Super fixed, but I haven't found anyone who can. I will fix it myself at some point in the future when I am more knowledgeable with electronics just for the hell of it, but the future is sadly not now, and I'd like more power right now. I've also told myself that I need to jump ship to a desktop before I start college, so I suppose now is the proper time to do so. I've already purchased some parts, but would appreciate some input on everything else I haven't bought yet. The 4070 in the list is a placeholder for the 4070 Super, which is what I plan on getting. Most of the leaks I've seen have been saying the MSRP will be $600, but I'm expecting $650 is what the AIBs are going to charge for it. I really hope these cards don't turn out being more than $675 without tax. Only time will tell. As for the cooler, it seems really overkill, but I plan on using it for the 4930mx too. I've heard great things from Arctic's AIOs so I also see it as an investment for the future should I upgrade my CPU. Speaking of the CPU, I didn't want to go Intel as 15th gen and onward will be using a different socket (Sorry @Mr. Fox, I know it hurts to see lol). While I know building around futureproofing is dumb, I'd like to upgrade my CPU down the road without having to upgrade the motherboard too. I was really split between the 7700x and the 7600x, but ended up going with the 7600x as I got a good deal on it. I also thought about the 7800x3d, but they're still too pricey and I'd like to see the technology mature a little bit more. For the motherboard, I'm still a bit unsure of my current selection. I've heard good things from the B650E-F and will probably go with it, but if anyone else has any good B650E recommendations, let me know. I trust the real experience you guys have with products a lot more than the artificial and skewed experience a reviewer might have. I wouldn't mind spending a bit more on an X670E board if there's one that has a good reputation and OC support, but I haven't looked into the X series boards enough to know if there are any that seem interesting. The RAM is a bit bland and while I'd love to learn more about RAM overclocking, the 7000 series CPUs seem to dislike fast DDR5 and I'd assume a lower end CPU such as the 7600x probably won't have the greatest memory controller. I don't want to waste any money on speeds I can't get, so I'm thinking a 6000 kit with tight timings will be sufficient. I'm not really too knowledgeable on power supplies, but I've heard good things from Corsair's RM series. I'm also a bit bias towards those PSUs as I installed an RM750e for a buddy recently and had an easy time working with it. If any of you guys have had good experiences with Corsair or other brands, let me know. I try to get the most value I can out of everything, and even though I have spent a lot of time scoping this build out, I'm still unsure about certain parts. Not knowing everything about everything wigs me out a bit, so any input and experience would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  20. Hey fellas! I've been slammed with school and preparing for university but it's finally my winter break. I can finally get around to pushing a 4930mx to its limits. I purchased one off of Ebay for pretty cheap about a week ago and it just arrived. I'm assuming it's had a good life as it looks significantly better than the old one... If any of you remember, the old one died. It still works, but the iGPU is FUBAR'd. It artifacts like crazy and gives false temp readings. While I wished I noticed this earlier, when inspecting the old 4930mx recently, I noticed that the die was chipped in the lower right corner (If you have a keen eye, you can see in the picture above). Knowing where the chip is can explain the iGPU damage. If we look at a Haswell die shot, we can see that the chip in the die lines up with where the iGPU would be: Within the next few weeks while it's still freezing outside, I'll be trying to push the new 4930mx. I'm trying to think of how to go about cooling it. I'd like to ditch the Cicichen cooler for a big tower cooler, but I don't know how to go about mounting one. (Maybe I could take a blade to a cheap desktop Haswell CPU to get the IHS and place the IHS on the 4930mx and put a bunch of weight on whatever cooler I use and hope it's enough pressure.) I could also always mod the Cicichen heatsink, but there's not too much space to add anything and it would probably need to be lapped. I'm still thinking about everything. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  21. I originally tried an SD card because I feared of this issue but it can't boot from SD card. It doesn't have any PS/2 ports and I'd have to buy a DVD drive for it which I'd prefer not to do. I guess I could install Win7 through another computer, but this thing has a weird storage caddy that is super annoying to take apart and access the storage device.
  22. Hey fellas! I've got my hands on a Toughbook CF-31 MK5 with an i5 5300u. I plan on using it personally and am trying to install Win7 on it. However, I get an error stating the installer can't read my bootable USB drive. I've had this problem before when installing Win7 on my P870DM and I solved it by incorporating USB 3.0 drivers into both the boot.wim and install.wim files. I have tried doing that again and it hasn't worked. However, I've noticed the CF-31 has its own USB 3.0 drivers. There are two executables, one for the actual driver and one for the Host Control driver. My problem is that I don't know what part of the drivers I need to inject. I assume some of you guys have had to go through this process in order to get Win7 installed on newer systems. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  23. May I ask what revision MSI 1070's you had? If you had the revisions 1.0 cards, those are of worse build quality in comparison to the revision 1.2 cards and from what I can remember, have some problems operating at elevated voltages. If your cards were revision 1.2 cards, then you might just have some bad luck. However, with how old these cards are getting and how they were built, it might just be the beginning of the end for them sadly. I've tried two of those standard MXM 3.0 1070s in my 17 R1, but they never worked well. If you can find one for cheap enough and you have a refund window, go for it, but the two I tried never worked right and didn't get along with the BIOS all too well.
  24. GALAX GTX 1070 Katana. Very small form factor. I have a friend who has been searching for one at a reasonable price for almost two years. They are rare and quite pricey. Man I love Pascal... It was just so good at, like, everything.
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