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Everything posted by ymsv

  1. I am using it with one 1 tb SSD as a system drive with two more 4tb SSD as a storages . Also often I am connecting external HDD 5 tb each ( some times two or three ) . I do not have an issues with the sound or with shut downs .
  2. With Intel 10 works up to 4 x32 Gb at 3200 MHz .
  3. Quality of the plastic used is not very good in my opinion . For less than a year all plastic holder for the bottom cover screw inserts became damaged . None of them was overtighten . Most of them I was able to repair except one ( it is necessary to disassemble the whole laptop and I do not want to do it since it is still under a warranty ) .
  4. In that case you can try . It is up to you . I have a KM-G with same CPU as you with 3080 . It is perfect . My remarks are regarding the plastic used for the chassis .
  5. If I remember it correctly , you will need not only MXM module but also heatsink from KM-G .
  6. New CCC 6.030 available https://download.schenker-tech.de/package/xmg-ultra-17-id-xul17e21/
  7. I do not also , but if you are looking to download drivers , download page is here . https://www.clevo.com.tw/load_page/service_download
  8. New CCC 6.025 available https://download.schenker-tech.de/package/xmg-ultra-17-id-xul17e21/
  9. New CCC 6.022 available https://download.schenker-tech.de/package/xmg-ultra-17-id-xul17e21/
  10. Not only from Intel , but also from Nvidia which does not want to support MXM anymore . And you will need a support from video cards makers and I think also their " approval " for the product .
  11. On Apex with the new CCC versions , a new GUI can be activated .
  12. There will be no new Ultra at least at the moment . I do not know if there is XMG equivalent , what would be . It was explained in XMG discord .
  13. As far as I understand , no new Ultra . https://www.notebookcheck.net/Schenker-unveils-KEY-17-Pro-mobile-workstation-with-Intel-i9-13900HX-and-up-to-an-RTX-4090-dGPU.701348.0.html
  14. https://www.notebookcheck.net/Eluktronics-Mech-17-GP2-laptop-review-MSI-GT77-Titan-performance-without-the-size.699099.0.html You can choose XMG Ultra 17 in tests additionally .
  15. On air only , how is comparing to the original one ( without any overclock , undervoltage , ... ) ? And at that point isnt it actually a desktop ?
  16. As far as I understand they are basically a PC CPUs . But , yes , the GPUs are far from PC ones and also a bit misleadingly advertised . But you still need an NVIDIA or AMD approval for the product where they will be used and they do not have a wish to support MXM . All that makes the DTR in present concept a dead end . Alto I like them . I read also that SO - DIMM type RAM also have some speed limitations , which is one more obstacle . Maybe with the Dell type one it will change .
  17. It is not just Intel or AMD , NVIDIA does not want to support MXM anymore . In addition to that , in reality upgradability for video card module as far as I can see did not work ( alto the idea is good ) .
  18. Where can be found more data about them for comparison ?
  19. I do not see any difference until now .
  20. Is there any difference with the previous one ?
  21. I was meaning the pump unit only . As far as I know presently there is an ongoing modification of Apex , with a plan also the Oasis pump unit to be used .
  22. It is probably a stupid question , but why not ? I mean , that connections can be changed if that is the problem .
  23. I already post about the problems with Samsung 990 Pro , now it turns out that 980 Pro also have . https://www.tomshardware.com/news/samsung-980-pro-ssd-failures-firmware-update I apologize if the post is not for here . If it is necessary please transfer it .
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