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Everything posted by Falinov

  1. I am not permitted to do so unfortunately, it is not my work and I honor the friends trust in me. That being said essentially it uses the DMC port converting the lines to a DP port and goes from there. It didn't go much further that I know of. You will find that there will be control issues and bios conflicts to smooth out. You could solder into the mxm i suppose but I personally would design a board PCB have it printed with the needed outputs going to pads less permanent in case it doesn't work.
  2. Not entirely true. You'd still have to mount the screen, make bezels, and assuming that it even works. Which so far from what I have seen is not promising without extensive further modifications. And no one wants cables going out the side right back into the case. A clean solution RN does not exist and then ones I'm aware of are experimental at best. Such as the PCB in was given to test the exact concept we speak of. Of which it was a disappointment. But a step in the right direction considering that these laptops are going on what... 10 years or older by now?
  3. If you need a new bios chip I can get one for ya and resolder it might not be dead dead. On another note. @ssj92 notified me on this topic. I am skeptical because him and I both have tried A4500 and the xvis 3080 I have the later and I couldn't get it to post. On that note it did get voltage and was warm to touch about it. So I'm not sure about this just yet.
  4. Clevo does not directly work with the alien. It like the Lenovo machines need extensive repinning or is straight impossible to make work. I used an MSI 2080, all my images are gone now apparently. But yeah- you have to absolutely modify the ever loving snot out of the heatsinks or do what I did and have one custom machined to fit / or have the equipment to do so in my case. That's why I wanted my case to still be able to be closed so I created a dual slot GPU heatsink utilizing the second blank heatsink and fan. Resulted in 39 to mid 20°c at idle. And I was still able to cool my m.2 8tb nvme SSD.
  5. @Derpmaster69 in terms of the EDP screen? As far as I know, no. I've been rather absent of the community. Work, surgery, and general life stress has been taking a toll on me and I haven't worked on anything I wanted this year like I initially planned and I also slowed my own personal business down. That being said I told SSJ I would reach out to a contact of mine and see if he's had luck with that and another project of ours. See what happens just been not a great head space lately. Though I appreciate you tagging me and thinking about me as a go to. It's appreciated. Anyways, I'll try to get back to ya. For some reason didn't get a email notification for people tagging me.
  6. What do you mean? Like through the HDMI out?
  7. Yeah I looked at the picture wrong.
  8. In what test??? None of my RTX 4000s or 5000s ever hit that kind of score. They all seemed capped at most 6400 combined.
  9. And that's why you do a before and after. Your scores actually did better than mine with that card. Also your driver's are setup as a RTX 2080? I use the actual quadro drivers. This is my mistake though, I completely overlooked your capacitor being a different color from mine. It looked way wrong from my perspective. As it stands yes you've done it correctly but I would touch up that solder joint with some flux and flow it so it doesn't crack down the line. Other than that you did 200 points better than my 5000. Shoot me a DM to the link on your results Im very curious.
  10. What was your score before you did the mod???
  11. Oh. It could be that's why it looked funky. That cap is a different color. Also doesn't have the writing on top of it. I thought you had soldered 2 mini R004 caps vertically I'm so sorry that's my bad.
  12. Not sure what you mean by how did I go about doing it? It's literally matching 2 capacitors on top of one another and soldering the ends together. You can see that in the picture. Those 2 capacitors are solid and there only 2. No gaps in the middle.
  13. If he did then he messed it up too. I thought I made it clear how to do it. That's what I get for not really elaborating on it. It needs to look like this. I insulated mine so I could prevent any possible shorts. @ssj92 did you make your cap mod look like this or like DDAYs?
  14. You're not even close to being correct, first of all, get some flux and properly flow solder. You forced it and as such weakened the solder joints on that cap. Secondly. I said DOUBLE the capacitor not... This? It means stack 2 capacitors either one on top of the other or literally stacking them and solder them. Right now you're not gonna get any improvement because basically you've done literally nothing. Right now looks like you got 3 capacitors. And 2 of em aren't doing anything- and the aforementioned flux issue. Also! I want some screen shots of the current performance.
  15. Better idea is not go through a mosfet. Go through a blank capacitor pad and solder to the positive. Which is 19/20v. The Aetina pinout is simple. If needed I can provide that I'd just have to open my r4. @aldarxt
  16. That's not correct. Thank God you didn't short it out. 😭
  17. Strange. I immediately saw improvement after the modification. The 5000s performance was abysmal when I first got it. In the 10's to 20fps range an absolute stuttering mess on the most basic fire strike test (not even the ultimate) it would start at 60 and immediately crash and not maintain the core clocks due to power limits. Absolutely junk lmao. It was able to pull a rock solid 110 / 120 and above, after the modification. So it's strange to me you aren't seeing that uplift. I would show you a new set of tests, but the R3 is in pieces right now.
  18. Could be possible I still need to reach out to a friend of mine about this. I just got so many projects and so little time.
  19. Shows what I know about clevo. I was thinking about their lower profile connectors. My mistake. 🙂 thanks for the clarification.
  20. M18x r2 or m18x R3? You won't see a massive leap like in the R3. But I know I saw some pretty significant increases in performance... I'm curious though, which resistor did you modify and how.
  21. I agree. Why. Lol granted I use a 780W eurocom and a 330. But its to see if I need the extra horsepower.
  22. Frankly I'd rather have external power than force that much through the traces. That worries me a little. I could be paranoid. Who knows.
  23. I do. Code 43 usually in my experience means a physical problem. Is the dye in tact? I tapped into a 19/20V blank pad on the motherboard and did the resistor mod. It performed admirably. It, like the 2080 is running external power and resistance mod.
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