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Everything posted by ccvortex

  1. Hybrid graphics is disabled completely. My ext monitor is sleeping, not sure about the laptop display. I was just in BIOS and I noticed that all of the C-States are enabled, not sure of those need to be shut off. I have not tried setting the monitor sleep to another number, will try that today.
  2. Not docked, on AC 24/7 using DELL provided brick, system is at 100% charge, Win 10 pro, BIOS 1.26.0, S3 in BIOS shut off, all OS sleep settings are off except the monitor sleep at 30 minutes. I am using the Nvidia drivers and not the DELL drivers, I'll try a clean install of the DELL ones. This is an RTX 4000.
  3. Can't get my 7760 to stop from going into some kind of deep sleep mode, not sure if its hibernating or something else. I have all OS and BIOS settings switched to off. Strangely enough if I remove the 30 min monitor sleep function the laptop does not go into this sleep mode. Did a clean install of the OS about a month ago, it started soon after that. Any advice is appreciated.
  4. It was the display in case this happens to anyone else.
  5. Especially since this thing hasn't moved a millimeter in a year 😄
  6. This is the internal laptop display, not an external.
  7. Bad display, I think I agree with that, appreciate the feedback.
  8. I enabled Hybrid and now the streaks show up on the boot screen et al. They still do not appear in 60 Hz mode, so seems like enabling Hybrid switches your integrated monitor to 120 Hz? Weird. Ran the BIOS diags and nothing found (of course). Updated drivers; no change.
  9. I've had issues with this laptop's video since day one - still can't use the DELL Premiere Color app without it shutting off my internal display.
  10. Streaks are not there on boot or in BIOS and only show up when I set the display to 120 Hz (4K display at 120 Hz). Using 60 Hz they disappear. I have not messed with the Hybrid Graphics in BIOS because it is my understanding that you need to uninstall and then reinstall the Intel GPU drivers every time you switch that horrible feature. Thanks all, glad to see people here are responding to posts. EDIT: I have two external monitors but they are working correctly at all resolutions and refresh rates. Streaks are fixed/do not move.
  11. DPM 7760, A4000 dGPU with iGPU disabled in BIOS. Was sitting reading something and blam, all video died. Forced reboot and now I have these black lines going across my screen. Pic attached. Desktop color is black so I have a notepad window there so you can see the streaks. Anyone see this before?
  12. I've been using Samsung SSDs since their invention basically and have never had a single drive failure. Not a Samsung fanboy by any means, just like to use what I've had the best experience with. I was huge Crucial fan but had some issues a few years ago so switched over to Samsung. Not trying to persuade you of course, just giving my $0.02's worth 😉
  13. There is no "heatsink" per se, just a metal cover. I do have some really thin thermal tape, I'll probably try to get that in-between there.
  14. I just picked up a 2TB 980 Pro as well, going to replace the 1TB 980 Pro I have in slot three of my 7760. I removed it from the v4 slot because it was running rather hot, but am going to try again with this new drive.
  15. Haha, I was literally thinking the same thing.
  16. Thank you for adding a Marketplace forum. I plan on posting in it soon.
  17. Java Not really digging the Caves and Cliffs update though, 1.18 changed a lot. They should probably consider renaming the game Cavecraft.
  18. Just picked up a 2022 Subaru Wilderness. Wanted an off-road'ish vehicle for camping/hunting but also has good tech and can double as a family hauler. The turbo Boxer engine is pretty peppy too.
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