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  1. You should be fine just replacing the blown fet. That one is driven by the main driver. I haven't seen that chip die before.
  2. Is the dead one the one I circled in purple? If it is, the replacement will blow up almost immediately. When the driver chip goes bad it starts blowing up the fets it's driving.
  3. The driver for the 3rd core power phase was terrible on the 980m and would die regularly. The card can run without it. Try removing it shown below in red on the back of the card. With the 3rd phase driver removed you need to remove the mosfet it drives circled in purple on the front of the card. After this it is safe to try running the card for light loads. If it works, add the 2 missing fets for the remaining 2 core power phases and you can just leave the 3rd phase inoperable.
  4. Thanks! This is part of my endless quest to keep upgrading the P150EM GPU (Currently has a Clevo 2080), with the hobby mainly being pulling off the GPU upgrade more than actually gaming on it. I'm trying not to spend a ton given the silliness. I also want to try out a 3080 Ti core on it. Build the strongest MXM GPU ever, and put it in an 11 year old system.
  5. With the rarity of Clevo MXM 30 series I haven't been able to find any dead 30 series on ebay I could get for cheap to repair and play around with mods with. I would think with the heatsink hacks to get an RTX 3080 working in older systems that someone has killed a card by now. I am looking to buy a defective RTX 3080, 3070, or 3060. The circuit board must be in good physical condition. A card that displays an image with artifacts is along the lines of what I am looking for. I also may accept a good deal on a working RTX 3060.
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