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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Yes the graphics are bad for a AAA 80 dollars game.. It reminds me of Vanilla Skyrim... A modded Skyrim looks way way better. Regarding the Game play, it's very generic.. Mobd don't have any Ai, it's like your are playing a MmoRpg from 10 years ago... Wave after wave on mobs attacking and you are smashing the buttons.. What a failure
  2. Just tried the demo. This is not even comparable to Red dead 2..and that is an old game. The graphics sucks for what they demand. Also gameplay wise is bad, generic game.. I put everything on , no fsr and no dlss, RT on i get around 70 to 85 FPS on my 4090 at 5120x1440, and i repeat it looks bad bad. https://ibb.co/LNt56PR https://ibb.co/nRYWssc https://ibb.co/6s9DTDy https://ibb.co/LNt56PR https://ibb.co/nLCXLmG https://ibb.co/F4HVCSB
  3. Still amazed how gigantic the Air cooling on the 4090 is. Without it the board is pretty small. @Mr. Fox, posted in the same minute. here is a waterblock that might interest you πŸ˜€
  4. Yes then the only options are something like the high tier: amp, suprim, strix or the aorus master. Also FE is a good choice unlocked 600 w power and also 20+4 phases
  5. From what I found while researching for a 4090 to buy, the zotac 4090 trinity and the oc have 14+4 power phase design like palit and Gainward. The amp extreme has 24+4 and also binned chip like the strix and suprim. Also I can relate to the others owners of the zotac. No coil whine whatsoever πŸ˜€
  6. Yes awful comparison from Jarrod... Click bait video only.. Comparing apples to bananas.
  7. Yeah 1 season was very good, after it got worse and worse and after the 4 it got canceled. Started Jack Ryan sez 3..oh shit.. Action is ok but the story is all over the place. Didnt the writers learn geography? In their eyes chech republic ist not in Nato.. Greece is in the black sea.. Also the fsb/kgb orders the Greek police like they own it.. So many wtf moments. As a European I feel insulted. Also Jack ryan went from a CIA analyst to a full fledged delta tier operator.. Hes like 10x James bond now. I liked Harrison Fords jack Ryan more.
  8. I got it from this chinese ebay: https://www.ebuy7.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=632208664079 It got in around 3 weeks to Germany, maybe US shipping is faster
  9. An option is to try that Honeywell 7950 Pad, it supposed to be made exactly for long longevity. I have some but didnt try it yet, i want to see first how the x3d chips from amd are and if i buy one next month then ill use it on that chip. dont want to waste it if i change my CPU.
  10. I am going to wait until the whole season is done and if i hear they will not destroy the story like the second game, if its the same i will skip the series 😁 Also season 2 of Mayor of Kingstown is out, very good show, Sheridan ftw πŸ‘
  11. https://videocardz.com/newz/cheaper-amd-am5-motherboards-are-finally-coming-gigabyte-asus-a620-spotted
  12. https://www.techradar.com/news/how-directstorage-11-could-make-windows-11-an-essential-upgrade-for-pc-gamers
  13. Installed Days Gone and played a little bit like 20 min. Game looks gorgeous, very high attention to detail and the post apocalyptic look is spot on, gameplay looks fine and the story is interesting, hope i have time to finish it or it will stay on the SSD and occupy space like the other ones unfinished( RDR2, Cyberpunk, W3, Jedi Fallen Order and so on 🀣)
  14. Last Pixel was nexus 4, what a nice phone that was, after didnt like any pixel anymore, designwise. The 7 pro i like a lot but still keeping my ultra 11. Hope to get back to pixel when they release a pixel fold πŸ˜€
  15. Latest "screw-you" customer action, this time from Intel.. 2% 3% more for 200 more bucks.. I think the new trend behind all pc parts manufacturers (AMD Intel Nvidia) is now a race who can screw the enduser more! πŸ€‘
  16. Had time to install the new PSU today, a Corsair hx1500i, it comes with the new atx 3.0 compatibilty and with the icue monitoring connection. I find it useful, you can check every voltage and temperature πŸ‘
  17. Crazy how fast they are gone there in the states..in germany all shops have stock. You can get whatever card you want from amd or Nvidia πŸ˜„
  18. Yes, all non x cpu looking good, didnt expect them to be so close to the x version at a considerable lower temp and power.
  19. Oh no..πŸ₯² https://videocardz.com/newz/msi-afterburner-software-without-msi-support-project-is-probably-dead
  20. Next overpriced products are coming, rejoice πŸ˜…. Lets see, 699 for a 4070 that will trade blows with 3070ti?πŸ˜†BBut you have dlss3.0🀣 https://wccftech.com/nvidia-preps-mass-production-two-ad104-ada-gpus-possibly-geforce-rtx-4070-rtx-4060-ti/
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