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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Nice I always liked the Sky version of Toccata
  2. Thank you I have put linux on pause for a while. I had a fit gave up trying to get undervolt and nvidia drivers working properly I will try again with PopOS at some point, it was the best out of the box for nvidia drivers
  3. Christian Death Metal -- Now here is a group of truly mixed up individuals. Jesus Loves You!
  4. Political message aside...This song is really good! Melody and guitar are superb. I checked out their youtube page, some really good stuff. UK band
  5. My late wife loved Kate Bush I Like the Mrmarrs version of this video clip but it wont allow to be embedded for some youtube reason https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGjP_nHNkR4
  6. How did I miss Nexus - The Jupiter Incident? Thank you I will check this game out.
  7. Nice. Hits the nail on the head Got another here. Spoiler for anyone living under rocks and hasnt seen Team America movie. This clip also has bad language, violence and puppet porn if your sensitive to that kinda thing EDIT: Sorry just to clarify! I'd rather the Team America version than the alternative
  8. This is still very interesting! Thank you for sharing your discovery. Could try the shunt mod if your into extreme
  9. I loved westerns as a kids. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood and They call me Trinity.
  10. I like battle star galactica deadlock it's kinda like warships in space. I'd be in to play World of Warships (or tanks)
  11. Eban


    I thought this was interesting. Dormant Black hole https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/techandscience/a-first-of-its-kind-dormant-black-hole-found-deep-in-space/ar-AAZLbnI I remember watching the Disney movie The Black Hole as a kid. Very cool at the time (as was star wars before they ruined it)
  12. What is that in Kilograms? Just kidding (No I'm not, it's 8.1kg but I had to look it up ) Yeah on the weighty side, make your legs go numb if it is used as a laptop Still my first choice for DTR...upgradable, compartmentalized components, desktop performance. I'm still in.
  13. Starship Troopers Terran Command EDIT. Wow...this game was a bit too easy, half way though suddenly got seriously difficult.
  14. That is interesting. I have the 2080maxq also with plenty of head room for higher thermals. I was going to go with a shunt mod but never got around to it as I pretty much stopped playing games.
  15. A "gaming laptop" they call it. Anyway it's a kickstart project thing. Not available yet. mmmmm https://www.techradar.com/news/this-new-gaming-laptop-is-a-strange-rival-for-your-steam-deck-dollars https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/a4b2217c#/
  16. Those 10's are real. It is the best movie out in a number of years! (But then again I hate that hollywood multiverse crud so maybe I'm wrong) I also didn't know about spoilers rule....I have to go back and reread them.
  17. @ryan HAL 9000 from space odyssey is exactly what I was talking about. I just assumed your A.I. "HAL 3000" was a misquote. My bad, sorry dude. so, what the hell is your HAL? I have no idea. Dial up? Sounds like the movie WarGames from 1983 Watching the video I could get the answer as far as being Leonardo (but I'm not a ninja turltes fan so didn't know the rest) The knowledge these things have is super scary. They will know the answers to questions I don't want to ask.
  18. Hate to be picky (no I don't) but it was a HAL 9000 Apparently the name HAL came because it was 1 step ahead of IBM (which was huge at the time) H-i A-b L-m Being an impressionable youth when the first terminator movie came out, a computer tinkerer/problem fixer, part time hacker and reader of sci-fi books by the ton. There is NO WAY IN HELL I will ever trust AI or robots in general. Things go wrong with computers. That is the only thing that is 100% certain. Some nasty code could be introduced or code misunderstood (How many updates in windows/Linux/MacOS/ have unintentional consequences)
  19. @DukeCLR For me it was the graffiti painted on the wall..."Your dead Freeman" I could just imagine soldiers sitting around waiting and listening to that radio...wanting some payback. Edit: and the sounds some of the creatures made. I'm a nature lover, but some of those chirps and calls were freaky.
  20. A laptop psu/brick is around 19v DC output. roughly The motherboard changes that to 12v, 5v and 3v (or there abouts). buck converters? What is the output on a desktop psu? roughly. I do not have a desktop to even look at measuring the output voltage
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