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Everything posted by Jarhead

  1. Humble Bundle Data Engineering (O'Reilly) book bundle.
  2. It absolutely did, at least in the States. The details of which would require a dive into the political, which I'm not entirely sure how efgxt wishes to handle that as compared to NBR, thus I'll just leave it at that.
  3. Was in class at the time, PA system and teachers told us to stop and go home. Did, got home, saw the reruns with my parents. Was some surreal crap for a child. Just used that an an example historical watershed event, but really any of the other major happenings at the time could mark that difference between us somewhat "older" folk and those just recently (<20 years) born. Or hell, even certain sayings / teachings that no longer are applicable these days; anyone else had math teachers that told you that "you won't always have a calculator with you!" or parents that warned you about "stranger danger" both on/offline?
  4. Have already experienced that in various online communities. Plenty of people online now and even adults now that never got to experience a pre-9/11 world, for example. Or a pre-smartphone world. It's weird to think about.
  5. Currently on a symmetric gig-fiber plan with their modem feeding into my Linksys WRT1900ACS router. From there, the home server is hooked into that and sometimes a Synology as well; these primarily run the home's centralized file storage, service containers, etc. Rest of the house is (currently) wireless and has a few Roku boxes set up as well as our laptops/desktops. Despite being wireless and going through a floor / walls / etc, wireless speeds still typically hit 300-500 Mbps bandwidth.
  6. Still driving the same car mentioned on NBR several years ago, a 2016 Chevy Cruze.
  7. Workbench setup with some more power tools than currently owned.
  8. Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms (https://myanimelist.net/anime/35851/Sayonara_no_Asa_ni_Yakusoku_no_Hana_wo_Kazarou). Really nice movie, watched with a few friends.
  9. Not quite since the beginning, but pretty far back.
  10. For me it's less of my data being decupled from any particular computer (though that does play a factor), rather it's an unwillingness to spend the time required to switch operating systems and reinstalling all the applications back onto the computer. That's a few hours work or so for (imo) no benefit from upgrading to Win11 vs just staying on Win10 and not lifting a finger for the next few years.
  11. Personally, I'm staying on Win10 just out of a lack of interesting features/updates in Win11 and that Win10 is supported for a few more years.
  12. Currently running with a Samsung S9, though have been seeking a replacement for it. Currently eyeing up the Samsung A52 5G, though going to wait until next month to see if any discounts come up for it / if Samsung updates the A line.
  13. Still on a Payday 2 spree until either I get bored of it again or Payday 3 releases.
  14. One of my hobbies is to archive / datahoard stuff, so having something at least a bit better than MS / Malwarebytes Free imo is something I'd rather have than not. Plus the points that Sandy Bridge mentioned, including the buying AV from time to time instead of having it continuously.
  15. Kaspersky AV 2022 1yr 3 devices. Newegg had it for basically free so eh why not.
  16. Typically gravitate towards management sims. Started out with RollerCoaster Tycoon and SimCity 3000, still play RCT2 to this day and have picked up some other sims as well (Transport Fever series, Parkitect, Project Hospital, that sort of thing). Kerbal Space Program is right up there as well, and over the last few years I've gotten pretty deep into PayDay 2.
  17. Den of Thieves. Totally forgettable.
  18. Made sure to save the Thinkpad W520 and Inspiron 7577 owner threads since those are the laptops I own and commonly use. Outside of that, tried doing a simple wget for the entire forums to (possibly?) some success?
  19. Jarhead


    Is the correct answer for this test a "Thank you for creating this?" :D
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