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Busta Bloodnut

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Everything posted by Busta Bloodnut

  1. Hello. I have an Alienware m15x with a GTX 980 already installed. Everytime i start this machine I have a post screen that says: ***Powered by premamod.com*** Version Prema Mod - Personal - NOT FOR SALE! It happens before splash and seems to hinder its start up time. Is there a way to remove that? I understand that the Premamod is the vbios for the card itself but ive never installed a vbios before, so idk how to disable that screen. Im just looking to disable that screen not the vbios itself. Unless its supposed to do that and ill just have to deal with it?
  2. Thats what im thinking about reflashing because today i just booted windows 10 via mSata to USB and it worked. Obviously Im not going to do it that way permanently though. I just wanted to see if Command Center would work because some of the lights werent on when i got the rig, so it had me worried. Thats why i made a big deal about getting windows to work right away. All lights worked btw thank god lol. Now, when you say "Clear CMOS" im assuming you mean unplug the CMOS battery and then plug it back in? If so i already did that and still nothing. Im assuming im going to have to reflash this machine. Ive never flashed before so would i be able to reflash a modded bios? or would i have to reflash to vanilla A11 and then reflash again to modded A11?
  3. So i enabled UEFI mode and still nothing. Not even showing up in the UEFI boot list. *Update: I even tried using HDD caddie and still nothing.
  4. So i bought a cheap bios modded R2 (had no clue it was modded actually, seller didnt even mention, so i was sure id have to do it myself) from Ebay and went to see how it ran with my vanilla windows 10 mSata and its not showing up as bootable nor is it even being detected in BIOS. I even tried using the stupid default cable it gives you for booting and used a regular Kingston SSD (Which also has a vanilla Windows 10). Even that didnt show up. I have the setting on RAID and Legacy. The mSata shows up fine on my other R2 but not this new one. Also the modded bios seems to be a little different than the one i have in my main R2. They are both A11 but this new one says Swicks mod and sv17. My main one just says sv17. Ive never flashed a bios before as ive always (luckily) got ones already modded. Do i have to reflash or?
  5. lmao, idky i got this reply now even though it says June lol. I swear, i even checked the next day and the day after and it still didnt show any replies. Strange lol. Anyway, a little update on the whole thing as its been a minute. Its still doing the BSOD, though ive come to find out that turning off Blenders autosave feature doesnt give me nearly as much BSOD as it did with autosave on. Thats all i have for an update. So i did try what you said, it was OC, so i turn it off and it still did BSOD. So i try adding small voltage and its still doing it. Only way i know how to set off the BSOD is to transfer files. it seemed to handle transferring file from folder to desktop with no BSOD. Transferring files from msata to desktop or vice versa however, thats what set it off. I did a CPU health test and it passed everything. Should i put windows on my msata and see if it does it also? I really dont want to as i want to use it for storage but if i have to test it out. Unless theres another way to find out if its the CPU for sure. CPU is a Intel i7 3940xm extreme edition and its about 3 yrs old. i got it before i flashed to unlock bios.
  6. So this is my 6th month i think having a NVME drive and it was going good until the passed 2 weeks. Ever since last week i've been getting a BSOD with error: Whea Uncorrectable Error. Idky this keeps happening, but it happens when i transfer files from my main drive, the nvme, to either my msata or my external HDD. It also seems to happen randomly when i use Blender. Like ill be Blending and ill be going on for a half hour and then BSOD or Ill be blending 5 mins, itll BSOD. All saying the same error too. When this first started happening, i thought it was my Quadro P5000, but a couple of days ago i noticed it did this when transferring files too when i did a reinstall of Windows 10 since i just thought it was an issue with Windows. Its still doing this even with the fresh Install. It even did it when i uninstalled the Quadro driver. Ive tried sfcscannow and the other DISM commands and nothing seems to work. It also seems to do this, though more rarely, when i download something from Chrome. Like, right when its done downloading. Anyone have any ideas? I really hope it isnt the Quadro. It didnt do this when i first got it which was 3 months ago i think? Just started this last week-ish.
  7. Recently installed a P5000 in my m18x R2. Everything went well with physical and software installation and is working very well except the fact that for some reason Windows 10 keeps setting the Intel HD Graphics as the default for gaming. I even have the P5000 as default on the Nvidia Control Panel and Windows still uses the Intel. Its very odd because i didnt have this issue with the P4000. I know you can change the default via Windows Graphics Settings, which did work, but i REALLY dont want to have to do this to each individual program. The only program so far that defaults automatically to it is Blender. Any way i can change this to where the P5000 is the the default? Like as in not having select this card for every program? I already reinstalled the driver twice and still have this issue. I also talked to TheDinka since they have this card for the same rig and they did not have this issue.
  8. Maybe i'll get an 880m then. But for now that will have to be put on the back burner because I just snagged a good deal for a p5000 for my R2 🙂. Ahhh the stuff you can find on Ebay at 4am before bed lol.
  9. Thats what it turnnd out to be lol. The primary one. Had to switch. For now its working. After i had to reinstall windows because after i switched them and put the machine back together windows wouldnt boot. No clue why. I actually didnt have to install the driver after reinstalling windows. The windows update did the driver for me. I dont even know why one of them was even bad. It looked good! I guess something internally. Or perhaps maybe it ran its course. I dont know how long the seller had it for, sorta implied it was ahwile so. Sufficed to say im probably never getting an AMD again after this lol. I heard the 880m's arent good though? That the 780s are better?
  10. Alright, so I restarted because i didnt know what else to do and when it booted to windows i still got that black screen. So then I shutdown and then did the Fn+Powerkey for the disgnostic test and it showed that there was a video card error: 2000-0332 Video Memory Discrepency test. Everyhting else was fine. There was also a band of vertical yellow lines 3/4 of the way to the left of the screen from top to bottom during that whole test. BIOS says that there is ATI GFX cards now. Not sure what that means lol.
  11. Ok so i did that, it restarted and then i install the AMD drivers again and it did the flickering but now its just a black screen no mouse or anything.
  12. I purchased an Alienware M18x R1 about 2 months ago. It was from Mercari and the guy said he only checked to see if it booted to BIOS and forgot about most of the other stuff about it, including what model GPU, other than it being dual AMDs and from what he remembered it (he said its been a minute since last use lol) had graphics issues loading games. I planned on restoring the machine (getting newer outer shell, parts etc) and seeing for myself what exactly the issue was with the GPU while pulling them out. So after getting all the stuff i needed, I eventually got to pulling out the GPUs and the cards looked like they were in good shape. Didnt see any noticable damage. Alot of dust which i suspected mightve been the cultprit for the issues. Thermal paste was very hard and dry lol also suspected that. Crossfire cable looked good too. So i took some pics of the GPU itself in hopes that a google image search would tell me the exact model. I got mixed results but i kept seeing the "AMD Radeon 6990m" pop up the most and it did match the dp/n number. So after putting laptop back together, i install windows 10 and downloaded the AMD drivers. One driver was called Catalyst and Radeon Crimson. Keep in mind i know jack about AMD (first experience believe it or not) lol so i downloaded both. I had no issues with the installations as it said there were no issues or wrong model or w/e, but i didnt see any screen flickering like usual with NVIDIA (which im used to) and it installed rather fast. After restarting and checking Device Manager, it still was the Intel HD graphics. I checked BIOS, says nothing, checked GPU-Z and it just shows the intel HD. The only AMD related thing on my start menu is "AMD report wizard". Nothing else AMD related is in my system. So what am i doing wrong here exactly? How do i find out the exact model of this GPU? If its even that? How do i know if they even work? Should I remove the Crossfire cable? Maybe thats it? (Also first experience with Crossfire). Is there some settings checked or unchecked that im unaware of? Im probably going to get the best GPU for this model anyway, but im just checking to see how good this AMD works, (if i even can lol).
  13. I see...which one of these options is...easier? Also these would still require BIOS unlocked, correct?
  14. I WOULD use the mSATA option if the R1 had an mSATA port lol. Luckly, i have a hdd dvd caddy from my old R2 that broke. Guess i'll just use that with like an 870 EVO or something. Man, i was really banking on that adapter with a 990 pro for my OS for this rig. This R1 seems very limited compared to the R2. I mean, i sorta knew beforehand the R1 was limited but, not THIS tremendous of a gulf. Good thing I didnt spend that much on it lol. As for using the adapter for storage, i dont think i will since im just got it for the novelty and it was cheap. Or Idk maybe i will lmao. Depends on how i feel as time flies.
  15. I see. Even if you had an unlocked BIOS it wouldnt boot?
  16. Yeah the adpater is working good for me thus far since ive had it. My machine hasnt had a power drain but I have a P4000 so idk if its just because of that. I do have another question regarding the adapter though. I recently bought an M18x R1 for like 85$. Like MAD cheap. Just got it today and while its got some cosmetic damage, it runs pretty good. I outright refuse to use the default HDD cable they give you to use since ive had nothing but problems using that setup with that crappy cable with that crap port on the R2 (Only using it temporary as to see if the machine ran) and the R1 is basically the same format but smaller. I want to use this adapter for this R1 as well. Will it work for an R1?
  17. Does an m11x R3 with a i7-2657m actually exist? I've seen speculation/rumors from old articles but have never seem to find at least an old listing of one that was sold. If they do exist, would it be worth it to wait for that specific mobo to appear or just get a i7-2637m? or a i7-2617m? Because i've seen listings of those mobos. Unless theres something better than the i7-2657m? I have an m11x R1 and looking to replace it with a better mobo as a hobby.
  18. Hello all. I've been reading thru this and was wondering what are more pros and cons of getting this for my Alienware m18x R2? The adapter? Also was wondering if that veloceraptor adapter is the only one that works for the m18x? Ive seen other kinds of ones on eBay for way cheaper, but I don't know enough about these to know better. I mean I would assume that a Samsung 990 pro would be way better than the 840 evo msata I have in there already.
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