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Everything posted by runix18

  1. The 9900k is way hotter, it will thermal throttle under most tipical scenarios if not undervolted. The best GPU you can go with in this laptop is a 3080 MXM wich you can find on ebay right now at a decent price. You will also need the right cooling for the card like this one.
  2. The K are hot, I mean really hot and the P750 colling capabilities are way limited than for example P870 series cooling, and even those could not keep it in check. With the non K version, you wont leave behind a lot of real world gaming performance but the TDP is way lower.
  3. Depends on how much money you have to spend. Tehnicaly that laptop can support up to 9900KS and RTX 3080 MXM, but realisticaly I would personaly go with a 9900 non k if you find one. For RAM, the best one are, like @Maro97 stated, the Crucial Ballistix 3200 MHz.
  4. Disable S1 and S3 from Power options in Bios and disable all power save options from Windows.
  5. As the title say, looking for a barebone Clevo NH series (the amd ones). Hit me up !!!
  6. From the looks of it, they seem the same but they are not, as a few missing added or different bits can mean a completly different thing for the BIOS init PXE driver. Nevertheless I susspect that your problem is not firmware but a hardware problem. You better of have the mobo diagnosed.
  7. I dunno where you got the info, but in the service manual the EC and Second EC are marked IT8587. So that beeing said I have no ideea what you flashed but it was not the EC.
  8. I was curious because that chip you flashed is not the EC. EC chips are those 2 big ones from ITE.
  9. What chip did you flash? Wich one?
  10. How did you tried to flash the EC?
  11. From what I know, H77 chipset board has the module, at least for AMI bioses. Idunno for Insyde.
  12. One can add Above 4g decoding and rebar suport to any UEFI bios. Some DXE drivers needs to be added to the bios and maybe patch the DSDT.
  13. I wonder what is the power consumption on that thing, beiing that it has no external power.
  14. You can use the 2021 version bios of Dsanke RTX, tweak that for 3000 series and still retain the Realtek and 6/7th gen CPUs functionality🙃
  15. Acording to Techpowerup it is flagged as a 115W card.
  16. On other laptops you can get 3.3v from the MXM slot itself or from any SATA port. The main 19.5V you can get from the source of the input circuit mosfet, like in the picture.
  17. For the GPU Extra power conector, you have the two 4 pin conectors (you can see both of them in the first picture), wich has two + and two - pins. They suply the exact voltage needed, exactly 19.5v. You just need to do a cable mod like in the image.
  18. You just need to provide 3.3v to those 2 pins. Thats it. You have 3.3v here like in the pic. And from that point you solder 2 wires to the mentioned pins.
  19. Refer to this video for instalation in the original DM. As for the power connector pinout on the GPU there are 8 pins (4 are ground and 4 are +). You can check with a multimeter wich is wich.
  20. Have you tested your usb stick as bootable? Have you confirmed that?
  21. I see that you misunderstood me. The bios should recognize a bootable usb even if it is the stock one. Most probably something is wrong with your usb drive.
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