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Everything posted by runix18

  1. That is odd indeed. If the usb that you are trying to boot from is bootable it should appear. I also realised that you are on a old bios and EC.
  2. Press F7 at post and boot menu will apear.
  3. Good job, you just needed a point in the right direction.
  4. You can all do it yourselves, check for the tools and guides here.
  5. The 15W bosst wont work because of missing GPU ACPI tables in Bios. Gsync is in the same boat due to missing specific Gsync cookies in bios (to validate the CPU + Display + GPU combo). If we can hope that someone skillfull enough will port from the KM bios what is necesary for a SM to have the same validated KM parts (CPU + display + GPU), meaning injecting the corect microcodes for CPU compatibility + and porting the necesary code from the GPU modules. On the P870 we will never have gsync with 2000S and 3000 series because of missing compatibility with CPU in the Gsync cokies.
  6. I dunno then. Bios wise it have been made by dsanke specialy for this mutant CPU. If everything is rulled out the only thing remaining is the CPU itself.
  7. Does it work with a regular cpu? does it post?
  8. ME FW Version: 61665.9.41688.14353 - that number is an error number shown by bios because of me disabled modules (meaning no such me number exists).
  9. No me fw version on me fw disabled version
  10. Here is the bios. As for the mutant CPU you do not need to isolate any pins. P7xxDM3_ME_Disabled.zip
  11. If one does not edit your bios, yes you will need to do the same trick everytime.
  12. the easyest way is to edit hw id in bios (or your beeing a Prema bios it might be already modified). Maybe thats why Gsync is also working, beeing that Prema copied the cookies from the KM bios (or heck maybe the whole GPU campatibility module is ported from the KM bios), who knows🤭
  13. .inf files by manufacturer Acer & Gateway = nvaci.inf Asus = nvami.inf Apple = nvaoi.inf Compal = nvcti.inf Clevo (Sager & other re-brands) = nvcvi.inf Dell & Alienware = nvdmi.inf Fujitsu = nvfmi.inf HP = nvbli.inf HP = nvhmi.inf LG = nvloi.inf Lenovo = nvlti.inf MSI = nvmii.inf NEC = nvqni.inf Siemens = nvfui.inf Sony = nvszci.inf Toshiba Qosmio = nvtdi.inf Toshiba = nvtsi.inf nv_dispig.inf is the desktop cards inf. I cannot see the pictures that @Pfudaniel posted but maybe he can tell us what he did that gsync worked.
  14. It does not exist because the laptop bios generates 20x0 Super series gpu hw ids. Here is your moded inf. replace in the Display Driver directory. Gsync will not work because of 3080 gsync cookies not beeing present in the laptop bios. nvcvig.inf
  15. I remember when I had the P750DM2 and installed a GTX1080 in it and had to limit the card to 140W. Got temps around 80C and a preety decent clock on it.
  16. In the video you posted there are 2 EC. one primary 1.07.10 (but from what i know 1.07.09 is the last stock EC) and 2nd EC 1.05.03.
  17. Flash both EC trough stock method. Flash stock bios by stock method/SPI. Flash dsanke (or any custom bios) only by SPI.
  18. Reflash both EC and revert to last version stock bios. After that you can reflash the lastest unlocked TM bios (but please flash the bios with a programmer not by ftp).
  19. Should be flashed with battery in. The collors of the keyboard are controled by the second EC not the primary one. Also you have an older dsanke bios moded by a russian moder from 4pda forum.
  20. Does the keyboard has any physical damage to the rgb ribbon cable? If not, it could be that the secondary EC is corrupted. You could reflash the EC but ONLY if you know what you are doing. An EC brick means a mobo brick so only reflash as a last resort.
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