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Everything posted by runix18

  1. You can add the name in the NvdGPUDxe bios module.
  2. The only conctions that are going to the CPU are the ones on the MXM slot. Cofee lake CPU`s had only 16 PCI-e lanes (in our case 2x8 - MXM SLI lanes that are hard conected like that on the mobo to the CPU), and there are all reserved for the MXM (look the service manual, everything is in there). The 3 slot PCIe M.2. are conected to the z370 chipset.πŸ˜‰
  3. There are 3 m.2. slot pcie 3.0x4 lanes and are conected to the chipset.
  4. Looking good man, enjoy your laptop.πŸ˜‰
  5. 2 keyboards in aprox 8 monts? Thats very bad. I also changed the keyboard to my P870 2 years ago, found a p750ZM (thats what was writen on the box), cost me 50 euros. It worked fine, still is but the up arrow is coming loose by itself, like I said they are of very bad quality.
  6. Just change the goddamn thingsπŸ˜‰ they are not that very expensive. They die because they are flimsy and of bad quality. Clevo keyboards on these series are crap.
  7. Please use the template for selling as per forum rules. Thank you.
  8. But how do one tricks the slave port to work toghether on the same lanes with the main port? Thats why I think a controler is mandatory.
  9. The only way to have a direct 16x conection with an external gpu you will need an adaptor wich connects to both of the mxm slots in the P870TM. I do not think you have an 2x MXM to PciE adaptor, it has not been done - aso it will actualy need a controler for the MXM spliting and bios support. You could also go on the Thunderbolt route (but I do not think that works corectly) Curios of your progres...keep us posted.
  10. Of course it is, that vapor chamber was designed for 2x 200w cards. It will go without sweat on 2x 150w.
  11. All good man, happy to help.πŸ˜‰
  12. When you are going to have a laptop like this one, and employ modded bios that are not made for your model it is bound to have bugs and problems. Thats why a programmer is mandatory. Keep in mind that we are not working with official software (and even those sometimes bug out).
  13. Not quite, the listing above is only for bios to not show unknown gpu (in bios) and display the proper name of the GPU. To make the gpu work by default (no inf mod) you need to have the card first, see the hw id assigned by bios for the gpu and then replace that string of data in the module.
  14. You will not find it because it does not exist, it must be added manualy.
  15. It is not using unknown as default. If it does not sees the known bits that coresponds to the GPU it will show unknown in bios. One can add the bios Hw ID to the string and to the bios table and the gpu will install driver automatly, so at least in theory😁 What I have posted here is a part of the dsanke TM ported bios.... the stock 2015 P771DM-G bios module looks a little diferent in the sense that you will not see pascall and RTX gpus in there.
  16. You are right. It is one module in bios called NVdGPUDxe wich is responable of bios entryes and gpu recognition.
  17. I have already explained to you why that happened. (no gpu id entry in NVdGPUDxe module in bios)
  18. You can solder them easily with hot twezers or KS tip/IS tip and hot air. I did the mod also but I used 470 uf caps form a dead clevo 1080 mxm and works flawlessly. Remember you need to use the same voltage for the caps but you can use a higher uf for better filtration and constant load.
  19. With the right bios you can safely mount a i7 9700k in there. (9900k is to much for that platform in my opinion). I also think that the best CPU for that platform is the 8700k.
  20. I have sent you a PM with an alternative to NBR but in rusian.
  21. Oh, ok.😁
  22. You can test the procesor at any computer repair shop as it is a desktop procesor. As regarding the nvcvi.inf mod (it is a file, part of nvidia diver wich is responsable of recognizing and installing the files needed for the nvdia driver to work in windows). As you install a Quadro P3000, wich is a card not recognized by the laptop bios (at least not by default), you will need to mod the nvcvi.inf (located in the nvidia driver files) to add you Hardware id generated by the bios for you unrecognized card, so you may install the nvidia driver).
  23. For mutants you will need a special bios for that (dsanke bios mod with disabled ME). Tell me if you will need it as I can provide you with that.
  24. Do you speak rusian so you can talk to him natively, then by all means please do. Either way you look at it it will need translation. It does not matter if I translate for him or he translates himself. There is no reason to brake the forum rules just for the sake of doing one extra translation. He needs no vbios as I tested a Quadro P3000 in my stock P870DM. at that time, and works (even stock cooling is plug and play). He will need an inf mod as there is no entry for that card in NvDGPUDxe module in bios.
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