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Everything posted by runix18

  1. Does the laptop behaves normal in its operation?
  2. You need to find someone who has a P775DM3 and is willing to make a backup image from that chip for you. Try asking in the P775 subforum.
  3. From own experience, those 2 pins do not need to be isolated, they will simply burn out and nothing else changes. From what I know there is no need to isolate the pins with a franken CPU, pins will not burn.
  4. Yes, you will need dsanke 2021 final version of bioses for DM2 with disabled ME to be able too boot with QTJ1. As far as using 3080 an inf mod will suffice, as the card should boot even with stock bios.
  5. Here you are https://www.clevo.com.tw/en/e-services/download/ftpOut.asp?Lmodel=P7xxTM&ltype=9&submit=+GO+
  6. Did also something like this long ago, but with a cable mod.
  7. Then you are good to go on the heatsink side at least.
  8. Sm-g heatsink wont fit the 3080, nor will you have bios support for it, wich may lead to some rpoblems.
  9. From looking at the service manual for the KM, all the part that you mention are not compatible with it, so that is why you can experience problems because at a bios and EC level support is not implemented properly, and that is why it starts beeping (EC panic). There is an unlocker for the KM bios posted by @ViktorV. You can try it an see if you can enable Intel Igpu.
  10. Pinnout collors does not matter. You always have 4 Vin and 4 ground. Use a multimeter to see wich is wich.
  11. Tbh, I needed only gaming, and for that part the good old Clevo still performed flawlessly at FHD, but beeing so dissapointed by the current gen Clevo, I decided to go Desktop as I also have no need for mobility in the forseeable future.
  12. It is imperative to check with a multimeter the pin layout to not mix gorund with source, as that will result in a dead core. You can draw power directly from the DC in mosfets (19.5 V).
  13. The Aetina Gtx 1080 card has the same conector as the Clevo 980DT (200W) card. You can easily check with a multimeter that 2 of the pins are ground and the other two connects directly to 19V power suply.
  14. Remember the fact that 1000 nits can be very bright way more than the confort zone.
  15. You will need a longer 4k Edp cable (the one for P775 works) as the edp slot for this display is on the other side. Even if it works you will still face possible random black screens resuming from hibernation, inability to reduce brightness (wich is a very big deal on a 1000 nits mini led display) and so on....
  16. Have you looked at B173ZAN06.A? Best collors, HDR but 120hz. Tbh is not like you have a 4090 in there to push more than 120 fps in any game.
  17. You would need a P775 4K Edp cable, as the connection on the pannel is on the other side and the stock one is too short.
  18. Does not work with the P870DM. Not compatible. The same E key incompatibility. Wifi does not work on the MSI B650 Tomahawk. Bluetooth works tough.
  19. Clevo P870DM-G Detailes in signature. Gsync is working.
  20. In this kind of situations, laptop needs dissasembly to be checked for shorts.
  21. Tbh I do not know if the 775 cable is long enough. On the 870 you could fit one of those with a 775 cable.
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