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  1. amazing scores!! I can only dream of CPU temperatures that low 😅😅😅
  2. I suspect it may not be a vbios thing at this point, it may be something with the EC and enabling the GPU.
  3. enable above 4g decoding, that should do it 🙂
  4. interesting! strange the tongfang vbios didn't work with the es CPUs 🤔
  5. MXM is quite dead in the consumer space unfortunately 😞 this is a card from the last true DTR clevo with socketed CPU and GPU (X170KM)
  6. unusual it isn't working with the QTJ1, what style mutant chip was it? one of the IHS ones? I believe I used Dsanke's 1.05 based bios when I had a QTJ2 running in mine before the heatsink swap
  7. wow I'm impressed it's stable at +220! what clocks did you see through the run?
  8. unless I have got the wrong schematic I believe you are mistaken. The EDP lane coming from the integrated graphics goes into the EDP MUX, this switches between the DGPU and the IGPU to connect them to the LCD, all other external video connections only connect to the DGPU. When set to Hybrid the default display will be internal as the default display will be routed through the IGPU (this may be something you can change with a bios that has unlocked option menus?) as for the no display on discrete my guess would be that there is some issue along the way initilizing the GPU past the GOP vbios state without an internal display hooked up, I am admittedly not very knowledgable in that area though so I can only hypothesize.
  9. interested to hear how this goes, I have some terrible scratches on the rear window that make it impossible to see through in the right lighting.
  10. The mux isn't the issue here as it is only hooked between the internal display, you can't use the integrated graphics externally because it isn't hooked up to it in any way that is why hybrid doesn't work on an external display. I think the issue is the default display output is set to internal for whatever reason when set to dedicated graphics only. Not to excuse Sager's support which in all likelihood is the cheapest call centre in a country where wages are poor so they can increase profits, but this isn't a direct move to create e-waste as a laptop being used without an internal display connected is an uncommon use case. it isn't a "fake MUX switch" it is simply a device to switch the display between integrated and dedicated graphics on the fly when using hybrid mode, this is only connected to the internal display connection which is standard on most laptops with dedicated graphics.
  11. not sure exactly how or if it would work but I would be thinking of using the dead LCD as a starting point, it's already somewhat of a breakout if you trace the signals 🙂
  12. looking at the EDP standard you may need to pull HotPlugDetect to 3.3v, I wonder if a display not reporting EDID data would let the GPU work properly too
  13. Awfully tempting with the 9900k... maybe I'll make a bad financial decision sometime in the future and get one 😂 the heatsink is fantastic, the only thing I've changed is using some springs to clamp the CPU instead of just screws as included with the heatsink originally, eventually I plan on soldering copper shims on for the vrms, and memory on the GPU. I've seen a few different ones on taobao from the same seller who produces the vapour chamber cooler, https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=640747471518 not sure exactly which are the most performant but I believe the 51m converted fans seem the "performance" option maybe
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