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Everything posted by janepa

  1. I did some searching and i will try for create a custom ffs file . See on video.
  2. Yes, every TOLUD setting does absolutely nothing with the ReBarDxe.ffs file in the bios. Only in the ReBarState cmd was the resizing visible. I created a new bios with the NvStrapsReBar.ffs file and tested using the NvStrapsReBar cmd so I tried probably all combinations and the result was a bios error after reboot just no boot sequence . Only the new reflash solution so more than 40 flashings and the same result. I think there is something different between desktop and laptop motherboards. W25Q64NvStrapsReBar.rar
  3. And I tried NvStrapsReBar and maybe that helps a little bit.
  4. Okay, I'm back. Sorry for my late I made a new win 10 and 11 now no freezing ,but result is not what i expect. I was trying every combinations, but ReBarState say yes and GPU-Z say no.
  5. Okay, I have new insights. After rebooting, restarted ReBarState again and this is result . Unfortunately after few seconds windows was freezing and after reboot again and in safemode too ,but i think rebar was created what i watch on sreenshot. I will try a new install of windows and see .
  6. No, not yet, please hold on. I was testing new bios till now on my spare motherboard only with monitor nothing more. Now i will put original board and all other components and will be to continue with right proceed , but i think ,no I'm believe it shud be work . Most important thing was right inserting ffs file and this is was done by ssj92 on first shoot.
  7. Yes, it will be great to have 2 cards, but I'm happy for this one. I watched your result with R1 a few weeks ago and I'm impressed. I kinda planning RTX5000 to R1 as you write and 4060 to R2 if it works out , because efficiency 4060 are much better and i must make new heatsink for new card too. It what will do RTX5000 with 110w will do the same job RTX4060 only with 30 wats. Anyways i was testing the new bios from you and bingo working like charm without any issues good job. Now i swap testing board and i will continue with procedure. Give me some time please. A little question. I was looking on this thread : https://github.com/terminatorul/NvStrapsReBar and maybe it will be works wih my quadro too or not ? And little present for the end. Perhaps it will be help. 1EF5 rtx5000 ori.rar
  8. I was buing this card in year 2023 on ebay from PNY seller i think. It was new and price was really really good i cant remember how much exactly i think about 350 eur , but shipping was almost the same because the seller was not shipp to my country . It was horor because i want this card ,but shipping options was not . And this is result after years.
  9. Okay, I understood about this. I have ADLINK RTX5000 with 110W +5% boost peak in games about 130w and drivers installed via NVCleanstall . If do you need vbios from this gpu i can send to you no problem, but i think is completely different iron then you have.
  10. Hi, I don't know about the rtx3080, but the rtx5000 triggers thermal throttling at 85c. I had a similar problem with heatsink and I think with any gpu-s with 120w and more will be a problem.
  11. Hi all, at this stage it makes sense to go ahead and try for a small miracle. I have a programmer and one spare M18XR2 motherboard just for testing . I can test and test. Here's my dump. Thank you. M18XR2 A11 unlocked.rar
  12. Hi StripeySnake, yes for me it was problem too what with fan . However this problem i was solved by reading rpm on gpu and cpu fans. No need hwinfo anymore. Each fan now can work separately.
  13. Yes thanks, i was must made this modification ,because my card reaching thermal throttelling. Now it is everithing ok, but it was bee a long journey.
  14. Hi Reciever, no it is not possible because there are not much of space in this area ,and it will be hard to service too as you said.
  15. Many thanks for all people here in the forum for their great ideas. After almost three year lots of mistakes and testing i have almost done my project. This is my R2 with build in air/water cooling. It is fully automatic system , just push power on button and is it. If anybody more interesting of it ,i can help with questions.
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