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Everything posted by VEGGIM

  1. The issue is space. I think desktop gpus have much more transistors and other stuff on the surface area. Or sometimes it just doesn't allow it. For example it'd be hard to put any rear io with an MXM. And it's something modern laptops are starting to do if there's space. Clevo did it by placing the gou towards the bottom. Thing is for space many oems will put the cpu and gpu in the same area. Also are we talking about combined or just for the gpu alone.
  2. Considering AMD's marketing for mobile is efficiency and high battery for its all amd thing that's unlikely. Unless they made some custom direct die version of desktop cpus that supported said features like smartshift. Oh wait, that's literally what amd and intel were doing way early on cuz mobile chips had their own sockets.
  3. I'm actually wondering why clevo never goes to amd for gpus. It seems like they seem to avoid amd like the plague.
  4. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-ryzen-7000-mobile-dragon-range-phoenix-get-first-rumored-specifications So as seen through the link. Amd ryzen 7000 cpus seen to have some specs leaked. We have something new called Dragon Range. Which is basically Raphael downsized to laptop. It's AMD's answer to intel's 12th gen H series. Those are used for enthusiast gaming laptops. Which means a dgpu will be needed. Cuz of this it will still have an igpu. But only to 2cu for basic stuff and the igpu is rdna2 not rdna3. It will also be the first laptop ryzen range with more than 8 cores. Phoenix is made more for thin and lights. Or the HS series. Thing is instead of being just 35w. It seems to be 35-45w. I have kinda a small doubt that the highest end igpu will match a 3060 max-q. That's a very bold claim. It's also the first Chiplet design for laptops. Zen 4, Rnda 3, and Memory will be in separate modules in a single package. There is also some theory that zen 4 Phoenix might have infinity cache for the memory. Video Source: https://youtu.be/uT4D6QCJpxw
  5. That was Turing. Just reduce the wattage and clocks and that's what you kinda get. And could you give me an example of a different nomenclature for Nvidia. Going 1000 to 3000 doesn't work since those are used for generations.
  6. I guess it wouldn't work well for Nvidia. Since higher numbers = better for advertising. Unless we have like 3070 super and also 3070 ti
  7. Well GDDR6X wasn't used due to how rn its kinda inefficient, hot, and power hungry.
  8. Thats kinda what ampere mobile was. Since the way it functioned was base + CTDP(optional) + DB. this means oems could modify the tdp to fit a chassis or use it for power modes(Lenovo for example will do the latter.) The ctdp is about 35w. So 35w can be added to the gpu in total. with dynamic boost activating for 15w when the cpu seems to be under 35w or so. so basically up to 50+ w in total can be added. Thats what your at least 225w for 3080 ti is coming from then. We have had laptops that cooled 200w 3080 ti's before. But the issue is thermal density. It's the reason why even though ryzen is more efficient it gets hotter. The more thermally dense a cpu is the more easily hot it can get. When it comes to amd gpus though, they do it differently, but its seen mostly in amd advantage laptops. Amd smart shift gives wattage either to cpu or gpu depending on the option. 6600m can be from 50 to 100w. 6700m is up to 135w. But what amd does for the top end is interesting. Its 145w and above. Which means the 6800m is allowed to above 145w if the thermal design and power brick allows for it. We dont know how it will peform when its dgpu only mode when it comes to wattage. Might have to check again. Update: OK got back on that. The legion 5 6600m had a mux the issue is that because smart shift didn't support direct mode it lost the smartshift ability in dgpu mode. So in some games it suffered cuz of that. Smartshift 2.0 looks like fixed those issues. And seems to have to added some option called smartshift Max. Although nobody knows what it's for yet.
  9. Its more like now, newer hardware is seeming to release at a more rapid rate. So god knows what how many generations you would have to futureproof a laptop.(futureproofing is a scam anyway.) Also intel changing sockets each gen with some exceptions make it hard. Amd with the scokets not really being changable works kinda more well with dtr's IMO.
  10. VEGGIM

    MSI GT77

    This is the most suprising part of the gt77. this dtr actually has a good battery. wot. That's something unseen. Probably because its a laptop cpu so its p-states are different and made for mobile.
  11. Well all of lenovo legion 2022 laptops are trying to look a bit buiesneess like. And I kinda see it. Without the rgb the 2022 legions look like buiesneess laptops. I doubt to see Lenovo step in the dtr space. Lenovo still does mxm but it's in a weird shape cuz it coils around the fan. And it was more of done to save money so they don't have to re-create the motherboard.
  12. Ok looked at the gt77 and theres one reason why it has 4 ram slots and 4 ssd slots and the other ones dont. The legion 7 for example is a bit thicker than the gt77. 0.925 compared to 0.91 inches for the gt77. And the screen size isnt the culprit either. It's the length. the gt77 is 2 inches longer. this allows them to push the heatsink solution all the way up the back. also add that heatipes can take much less space than vapor chamber. The gt77 is 12 inches long, while the lenovo legion 7 is 10 inches long. thats the huge major difference that makes it possible for the gt77.
  13. Well it's a 16" laptop. And it's the laptop that I have. The gt75 battery is also smaller and uses more cells to make up for it. But more cell battery is a more expensive battery which is why 4 cells are used more. Also getting up to more than 250w combined is not really a motivation as most games don't really push the cpu that hard. Plus neither Nvidia or amd make it mandatory to make sure it consumes a specific amount of wattage. That's why things like the g14/z13/x16 exists. It's not like 8th gen intrl era where many laptops were so unprepared and there were mass amounts of thermal throttling for the cpu. It took until 9th 10th or even 11th gen for oems to get them under control. Amd main thing with their graphcics is that they are all part of the amd advantage program. Its not as strict as intel evo. With one requirement is that it is all amd cpu + gpu. Its main purpose is to promote its smart technologies. Aka Smartshift, smartaccess memory, smartAcesssGraphics(Mux but not mux), and SmartShiftEco. (for people the main limit of what is too thick is when to the point it can't fit in an ordinary bag you can get from amazon.)
  14. Also rememebr that one difference between this gen and others is that this gen gpus have variable power modes. each gpu has a certain base wattage. Then you have ctdp and then dynamic boost. if its then hgihest base option then ctdp isnt an option. This mean oems can now tune their laptops the way they want and keep the gpu under. The main reason lenovo seems to be godly with their cooling especially the legion 5 pro and the 7. (the chinese units seem to have more luck on this.) Is that they use a phase change material. for some reason, any other paste seems to peform worse. Unfortunate thing is that the phase change material(PTM7950) at least for the wast gets put on few laptops, or if so, not put on properly. We mostly get normal paste. But when we do get it, man is it good.
  15. for the 2.5 many of that has been sacrificed for bigger battery. as they are just large. Heck the main reason why removable keyboards were put was due to lack of space to put more slots. Like look at this, the entire bttom is a big battery. theres no more space. And with the battery being bigger nice try. Since most laptop batteries now are 4 cell. Also hope that the cpu has enough pcie lanes with the amount of ports a laptop has. SLI is kinda dead now so there would be no use to do so. Also add that even if they could nvidia wont let them. Eluktronics actually said that they asked nvidia if they could raise the 3080ti over 175w with the watercooling thing. Nivida wouldn't let them. This means they are strict on power limits now. You are stuck with what nvidia allows.
  16. This is becaus standards are mostly done by Intel and amd. They will apply that standard to every single laptop gaming or not. The exception is intel evo. But those have metric requirements not size requirements.
  17. Also that jntel/amd killed the mobile socket laptop chips. Intel last one was 4th gen. Plus with so much versatile cooling systems heatsinks will be expensive. Considering gaming laptops are trying to go for thin bezels, replaceable displays will be hard.
  18. It would make more sense if mom's had some sort of official pricing like official gpus do. They don't so the become somewhat like half of expensive or as expensive as a modern gaming laptop. Also if they weren't hwid locked so they wouldn't have to be Id modded for the drivers to work unless from the OEM.( unless we wanted to gatekeep Gaming laptop users) You would also need a cooling and motherboard standard since laptop designs are so variable.
  19. VEGGIM

    MSI GT77

    And here it is. MSI unveils Titan GT77 and Vector GP76 gaming laptops with up to Core i9-12900HX, RTX 3080 Ti graphics and 250W power - VideoCardz.com MSI Titan GT77 12UX - Total Dominance
  20. VEGGIM

    MSI GT77

    Gonna guess because he have HX cpus now. which for me feel like they wanted to port desktop cpus onto laptop gpus. Sockets become unecessary. But i will assume that its because its mux or something. But who knows.
  21. VEGGIM

    MSI GT77

    The gt76 is getting a successor. Called the gt77. Here's the thing though, its a 12th gen HX cpu not a 12th gen Desktop K cpu. It also seems to be thinner than the gt76. 23mm compared to 46mm like the gt76 So yeah it looks like mxm and most likely socketable cpu laptops might be close to it's death. Apparently it's specs: Msi Titan GT77 (Core I9 12th Gen) - Price And Full Specs - Laptop6 Source: MSI confirms TITAN GT77 gaming laptop will feature Intel Alder Lake-HX CPU - VideoCardz.com https://www.msi.com/news/detail/MSI-Unveil-Its-New-Lineup-at-COMPUTEX-2022-Online140228
  22. It's oem's can avoid complaints of a laptop being too heavy. or that it doesnt fit in a regular bag. In fact, the x14 motherboard's is small. the majority of the chassis is on a big battery. Reason why the g14/x13/ was popular. And the z13 will be popular too probably. Especially since they also seem to aim at hip teenagers with all those features and stuff. The highest peforming gpu's are like the 0.9-1+ inch thick range.
  23. for thicker chassis basically anything thats as large as an ethernet port. since that is how large they are. around 1 inch in height. Most laptops will sometimes have the body curved. the back is more thicker, while the front gets more thinner.
  24. technically we would still have mxm and socketed laptop cpu's if intel and amd didn't stop making them/ stop being supported. Mxm past 2000 series isnt really supported officially and the socket g3 was the last socketed cpu that was mobile. The desktop Cpu's have different p states than the mobile chips do. So those would have to be made again. The only thing which i dont like about past laptops was opening them up was a pain, since it wasnt as simple as opening the back. Soldored ram was done as when you get laptops where size is really constrained. it gets tough to do so. especially with bezels getting thinner, allowing for bigger screens at a lesser size. Wifi, i do not get at all. Problem is that even if it does get revived again, it will die quickly unless some big oem or intel/amd set some mobo standard like we have itx/eatx/atx. Forgot to mention another thing, older laptops with upgradable comopnents could still effectively lock you out with bios updates. cuz compared to desktop mobo's not every mxm gpu is compatible from the getgo, you need a bios upgrade that supports the new gpu generation. Look at the 51m for example. Newer 51m wasn't necessarily upgradable due to the older ones not supporting the newer cpus or gpus.
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