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Everything posted by raptorddd

  1. i didnt know they had glass polish. our car has that same scratches on windshield. lets see if it worked or maybe it depends of how deep the scratches are.
  2. i wa about to ask if it was AI generated because it looked like it specially ryu and some scenes but like example the hulk had cga and real people on film. but chun lee looks like a real person. too bad i think it has potential if it were made as a complete movie.
  3. thank you. this is a new beggining of part of my life. very bad experience. its something dumb thats how i describe it its because you fear FEAR or just avoid it and are afraid to have another episode of panic. fells like you about to die. and has deprive me of beautiful things in life and time cant be brought back. thank you.
  4. they should have it sold officaly to a certain stores.its hard to guess when you order online.
  5. i will tell you about of my life. well few of you might know that i suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. when i was a child i remember feeling this strange feeling on my throat i felt tightness . what i told my mom was i felt like ball on my throat thats how i describe it. we usually were going from town to town. my dad drink beer a lot. so he would give a sip of beer and that would help feel better. ( now i assume that hot weather made me feel this way) this would not happen often. so i lived a normal life. then i got older as a teenager i had ths happened but it was like every 2 years and it lasted seconds. again i lived a normal life. on my 20's i started using amphetamine drugs ( yeah that was the worst and stupidest decision i made) do i regret it YES. but whats done is done and i have to take responsibility of my actions. fast forward. i had a nice girlfriend which help me a lot which made me see the world in a different way. and i made the decision to stop using drugs. ive never did any wrong or disrespected anyone i knew and could control what i was doing it just felt good. because of her and because of my mom.i said no more and been clean ever since more than 20 years . but i made changes in life. like i started to stop hanging with them people. so all i did was work be at home and see my GF. after 2 years one day at my job when i was sitting on my truck on lunch hour all of the sudden i started to feel weird like fast hearth palpitations shake and hot. it took me by surprise that i didnt even know what was happening. GF and her sister pick me up and they take me to a clinic i was told it was nothing that i should go to a park take a walk anndsee nature to relax. i was prescribed medicine for depression. next day i woke up got ready for work, drove on freeway and before the exit to my work place again i felt the same. i had to park and called home to pick me up. and ever since then i have not been the same person my life made a 360* change. couldn't go places, or keep a job. my GF distance herself from me. now on 2009 i am back to my country in mexico. i do want to mentioned that i felt safer in the usa. because like i knew where i was or seeking help was easier i also think that people in the usa are more aware of illnesses. so am in mexico i dont know people. friends are gone or married. and the hot weather here made it worst for me. i spent 1 year at home could not leave the block ass soon i felt the need to go bac home. so its been 15 years here and have not worked i had a few GF but they all lie. as ive said i felt safer in the USA because here streets dont have names or house numbers LOL. and safer because theres are more hospital than here. i think i am unsecure. so lately i have been getting used to weather i can go places, but most of the tiem i have to have someone with me i feel Better this way. i started driving to this town that is 12 miles from home. at times i feel panic but try to hold it. about 3 months i started seeing a dr and psychologist as always test are all good so its all mentally. i have decided to make a change in life. i have goals i want to achieve in life. get a good paying job find me a girl and start a family. and help my mom. well first achievement i made was i drove alone by myself i drove 10 miles. theres is this girl i like wich i seen and she has seen me but i have never talked to her. i had ways to talk to here but i never did because of my problems. like not having a job. beign at home for 15 years there isnt much to talk about. but main reason its me not having money. i have only talked to her mom. so i decided to visit her and finally have a conversation with her. unfortunately she wasnt there LOL. apparently if mom isnt lying she is in tijuana on vacation BUT she might look for work there fuck i said that is not good news. the second achievement is i drove to the city i had to take my dad wich turned 90 last week go see the dr for a foot infection. so again i drove this time with mom and a friend of her i drove 35 miles once i asked the dr sir should i.... DO IT he says. so what ever i have to do ill just do it. so from not leaving home to driving 35 miles its a big achiement. becuase i like to have somoeone tha is capable of driving in case i get a bad panic and the 1st thing in my mind is go back home. so those are my goals. a good job and start a family. but i live in a very small town so not much opportunities. before i didnt care if the jjob pay was bad. or any position. but if i ever have a family i want to give them the best thats waht changed my way of thinking. so yeah i wanted to share something that is important to me and so you know a bit more about me.
  6. ok then yeah traveling means most of the time will be food from restaurant. i like it when i see technology making life easier its cool that the app can find you a glutten free place. in my case am starting using an app to remind me to give my dad his medicine on time.
  7. i usually dont eat at restaurants or any food cart on the streets. thats a catchy song LOL,
  8. i always take picture before i remove anything . and download a 1A auto video from you tube. follow step by step. technology here is helpimg alot
  9. is that a upcoming movie.? the firststreet fighter sucked . mortal kombat was better. i cant get enough at looking at chun lee shes gorgeous
  10. i have only played ME 1. i have KOTOR 2 but i havent played. KOTOR1 was very long because i like to explore the world thats why it takes me long hours of playing. and i do some fresh installs of windows often. i am debating it i should go back to windows 11 23H2. am facing some sort of animation when it shows lockscreen and after i enter to disktop. but this doesnt happen when am using 1080p. i use 1366x768. by the way i just beat medal of honor airbourne. the end sucked just a few words on screen the credits...
  11. he pad is only available in 0.25 mm thickness, while many imitators rely on 0.2 mm. However, this is NOT an original PTM7950. would be insteresting to see the difference between fake and original pad.
  12. in my opinion i would rather not go to restaurants and risk it. better to eat at home and should be healtier.
  13. congratulations. there is easy to do things on a car but at times you need someone else to do the job. i for one suck as a mechanic every time i am down working on it i get nausea.
  14. i beat it twice on the xbox 360. very cool game also beat KOTOR 1.
  15. he is so good at soldering. didnt even had to hold the chip down.
  16. only thing that comes tomind is have someone good with soldering to replace the connectors. all those parts just for the cabin filter. thats alot of parts that needs to be removed.
  17. i remembered playing GT3 back in the day with a celeron cpu 1.7 ghz single core and built in intel graphics. LOL it was a bit laggy but i enjoyed it.
  18. it looks photo realistic but i think it still work.
  19. old video maybe you have seen it before. but am amazed and stunned how this can be created in such scale. i have heard that there will be a time when it will be impossible to shrink any further
  20. i see. never heard of that brand. ill check that game out. what.? from CAD to US dollar 18,920,412 thats can get you a nice car. i guess he has a good paying job. that is what i tell young people. you can have better things that is IF you study and get a degree finish a cerreer thats the only way. or work for lots of hours hard jobs and little pay. i wish i had a carrer. but i could only finished high school. you must have a good paying job and i guess you also had to make sacrifices right.? ill pm you later tonight.
  21. reading on the gaming subforum i can assume quest 2 its a VR glasses.? what is a ZEUS coming soon on your signature.? never to told to play games. or start new technologies. i remember VR on the consoles i think it was sega the first to launch or it never get launched cant remember.
  22. it seems to me that they all want is for intel to fail and go bankrupt. out of business i have 0 knowledge. i do know about intel pentium 2 and 4 i knew they were good thats all. but i now see that amd has surpassed intel. and now lately it seems that they have struggled. i asked myself why is intel behind. i did found a video or a website with information why. am not sure if its correct but what i understood was that intel has stayed on an older lithography while tsmc was newer lithography. just as of now intel will go high NA EUV while it seems tsmc will not jump to this new lithography. not sure if they are acquiring that technology or not. i watch mores law is dead and it seems they enjoy intel' s facing problems. even though he just say he wants intel to do good as competition is good for consumers. this guy also talks bad about intel i kind of hate this guy stacy rasgon. well am a fanboy i rather have a hotter and slower cpu than an amd.
  23. was the number high as intel.s.? are some you tubers and websites sponsored.? maybe harcore fans to the brand.?
  24. the same thing happens in mexico. some media and influencers only talk bad about one party adn praise the other. samething lies lies and hypocrisy is their ways. thankl god we have social media and people like this guys on this 2 videos that shows all the lies and dirty tricks they are trying to win. i dont think kamala will win tough.
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