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Everything posted by raptorddd

  1. the food. i also have heard that we are more prone to health issues because additives to food. not so sure if that is the case.
  2. i remember my first internet experience it was actually in a sega saturn when i was surfing on dial up think it was 16kb. then 28kb on the america online. that is an insteresting topic too about CPU clock speeds not going higher not sure if moores law hit the wall i do spent time on phone and on PC. i do have facebook but havent open it in months and tik tok i have never used it either nor twitter now X or instagram. some older games had pretty good graphics and was ahead of time. evolution of arcades too. now console systems have surpassed them.
  3. am debating if i should overclock my GPU i have a Nvidia quadro 2000m. not sure what is the safe temp for this card. the highest temp i get is no more than 65C. say if the max temp is 90C and i overclock it but keep it at 65C would that wear the GPU down. i think i already had asked long time ago. am started to play some games and i must lower resolution tpo 720p and lowered graphics.
  4. yes people like around 70 80. lived different. my mother used to tell me how they would sleep outside without beign bother. how they used to walk miles to go to near town to parties all walking on foot. relationships were different back then. too many social as you mentioned is not good like you said brainwash ect. but i do acknowledge that technology does help if use in the correct way. we wouldnt be having this chat if it wasnt for technology at wonder at times how livingwith no electricity or water services be like. at wester when i watch movies i always think i wonder how stinky they might be they are always sweaty.
  5. just as the tittle says. if you could choose when would you have like to be born. i think i am in the right time. because i watched how the world has evolved. like video games not sure what a kid that was born 10 years ago feel about games. that i mean was i watched evolved from the atari 2600 like basketball game the person was just like made out of 3-4 lines. to now be able to acturally see their shoes in great detail. i think you appreaciate more hhow games evolved. new technology was coming out and that was exciting. and also i can say i lived when there was no cell phones.. i was out playing with friends. you had to go to their houses if wanted to talk to them. theres this time where i would of also liked if i had live like in the western era. in the 50's too i was born in the late 70's and love it.. but i also think about how things would be in the future with technology how far we would get as human species. whats yours.?
  6. many including me faced an annoying stutter or flicker or animations that is 712 build . am back to 23H2
  7. been feeling very worrysome distressed lately. my dad got dehydrated started sunday. hes getting better. hes turning 90 in 2 months. its been hot this days. the car engine is dispalced.? not sure if thats the term. dont even know the spanish word for it. to fix it will be around 1500 us dolar. and ever since my mother hasnt work.. she sells clothing at a sidewalk under a tent. 2 aunts also been in hospital.. hot days and on top of all of this and my panic attacks. not been good this days but is getting better,,
  8. just what i had in mind.. becuase back i didnt even knew they were soldered when one laptop stop working then i found out they were soldered. when i got my dell m4600 i found that this one is socketed. and ever since i ask my self how do i find out if the laptop is socketed or soldered. anyway to know.?
  9. interesting. it has many things that you need to remove from the OS.
  10. looks like a nice place. Hurra for Syttende Mai! [Verse 1] Yes, we love this land as it rises, furrowed, weathered over the waters, with its thousand homes,— love, love it, and think of our father and mother and the fairytale night that sinks dreams on our earth. And the fairytale night that sinks, sinks dreams on our earth. {Verse 2] This land Harald saved with his mighty council, this land Håkon defended, while Øyvind sang; Olav in that country painted the cross with his blood, from its high Sverre Rome spoke against. [Verse 3] The peasants' axes sharpened where an army advanced; Thundershields along the coast flashed, so that it was lighted home. Women themselves stood up and toiled like they were men; Others could only cry, but it came again! [Verse 4] Admittedly, we were not many, but we were still enough, when we were tried a few times, and it was at stake; for we rather the land burned than it fell; I just remember what happened down at Fredrikshald! [Verse 5] Hard times we have suffered,Were at last rejected; But in the worst need blue-eyed freedom was born to us. It gave fatherly power to bear famine and war, it gave death itself its glory— and it gave reconciliation. [Verse 6] The enemy's weapon threw up,Up the visor went,We hurried towards him with wonder,For he was our brother. Driven forward on the stand of shame, we went south; Well we stand three brothers together, and shall stand like this! [Verse 7] Norwegian man in house and cabin, thank your great God! He wanted to protect the land, even though it looked dark. All that the fathers have fought, the mothers have wept, the Lord has quietly relaxed, so that we won our right. [Verse 8] Yes, we love this land as it rises forth, furrowed, weathered over the waters, with the homes of a thousand. And as the struggle of the fathers hath raised it out of necessity to victory,We also, when it is required,For its peace encamps.
  11. started watchign videos of linux theres kubuntu and manjaro. changing seems tempting.
  12. you better off downloading official ISO and use open source script. and create a iso
  13. why tiny 11.? what is your goal using tiny11.? arent those iso's to be avoided.?
  14. thank you. for your time to respond. you learn new things each day.
  15. i have searched a have not found information.. i knew i5 2 cores i7 4 cores i9 6 cores. and i have seen sometimes i5 beign 4 cores when did intel made this changed.?
  16. did not see this post before i had already PM you.. thats what i said in PMi need advice on selecting. good at selections.? LOL the precision i got that used on craiglist. all pc's before precision were celeron entry level. never had a pentium i remember seeing pentium4 ect. at that time i didnt care all i wanted was a pc.. then all i care was one affordable i7. so i searach on craiglist for i7 laptop and the m4600 precision was the cheapest. all i know at that time that it was i7 dell.. it was i7 thats all i cared. once we figure it out ill create a thread.
  17. you have to make sacrifices. ive stopped consuming coffee, chocolate, coke and any other sweet drinks the sweet drink i just did it because i wanted to just plain water. i rather feel ok then consuming that a feeling panic attacks.
  18. its ok thanks...1 year settlement for the insureance.? hawaii mmm. if i had the money and be able to travel no anxiety, i would travel to south part of mexico. visit the pyramids. never been to central or southern mexico. that sounds fun. .. alot of years to pay that debt.
  19. what.? leaving as traveling or leaving as living in other place.? where you going to.?
  20. is there such thing as an auto keymapper for gamepads.? i just dont fel like keymap every key. i find it hard to be on the controller set up screen and looking at a picture to map it specially in full screen.
  21. here i used this script for my liking maybe too agressive maybe you need services to your liking. use powershell ad admin i just copy and paste then enter. feel free to edit as you wish. # Description: # This script disables unwanted Windows services. If you do not want to disable # certain services comment out the corresponding lines below. $services = @( "AJRouter" # AllJoyn Router Service "ALG" # Application Layer Gateway Service "tzautoupdate" # Auto Time Zone Updater "BDESVC" # BitLocker Drive Encryption Service "CertPropSvc" # Certificate Propagation "DiagTrack" # Connected User Experiences and Tele "MapsBroker" # Downloaded Maps Manager "Fax" # Fax "SharedAccess" # Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) "iphlpsvc" # IP Helper "AppVClient" # Microsoft App-V client "MsKeyboardFilter" # Microsoft Keyboard Filter "CscService" # Offline Files "Spooler" # Print Spooler "PrintNotify" # Printer Extensions and Notifications "RemoteRegistry" # Remote Registry "RetailDemo" # Retail Demo Service "RemoteAccess" # Routing and Remote Access "seclogon" # Secondary Logon "shpamsvc" # Shared PC Account Manager "SCardSvr" # Smart Card "ScDeviceEnum" # Smart Card Device Enumeration Service "SCPolicySvc" # Smart Card Removal Policy "TabletInputService" # Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Pane "UevAgentService" # User Experience Virtualization Service "WbioSrvc" # Windows Biometric Service "wisvc" # Windows Insider Service "WSearch" # Windows Search "LanmanWorkstation" # Workstation "TrkWks" # Distributed Link Tracking Client "SEMgrSvc" # Payments and NFC/SE Manager "NgcSvc" # Microsoft Passport "wlidsvc" # Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant "DispBrokerDesktopSvc" # Display Policy Service "XblAuthManager" # Xbox Live Auth Manager "RasMan" # Remote Access Connection Manager "BthAvctpSvc" # AVCTP service "lmhosts" # TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper "VaultSvc" # Credential Manager "cphs" # Intel(R) Content Protection HECI Service "LanmanServer" # Server "Themes" # Themes "SstpSvc" # Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol Service "lfsvc" # Geolocation Service "hidserv" # Human Interface Device Service "WPDBusEnum" # Portable Device Enumerator Service "SSDPSRV" # SSDP Discovery "fdPHost" # Function Discovery Provider Host "FDResPub" # Function Discovery Resource Publication "SENS" # System Event Notification Service "edgeupdate" # Microsoft Edge Update Service (edgeupdate) "edgeupdatem" # Microsoft Edge Update Service (edgeupdatem) "NcdAutoSetup" # Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup "PcaSvc" # Program Compatibility Assistant Service "WerSvc" # Windows Error Reporting Service "diagsvc" # Diagnostic Execution Service "DPS" # Diagnostic Policy Service "WdiServiceHost" # Diagnostic Service Host "WdiSystemHost" # Diagnostic System Host "RmSvc" # Radio Management Service "DMAgent" # Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Red Bend Device Management Service "WiMAXAppSrv" # Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Service "ApHidMonitorService" # Alps HID Monitor Service "DellFFDPWmiService" # Dell Free Fall Data Protection WMI Service "EFS" # Encrypting File System "WMPNetworkSvc" # helps windows media player to share its library with network "FrameServer " # Windows Camera Frame Server "SensorService" # Sensor Service "SensrSvc " # Sensor Monitoring Service "AssignedAccessManagerSvc" # AssignedAccessManager Service "EventLog" # Windows Event Log "CDPSvc" # Connected Devices Platform Service "diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service" # Microsoft (R) Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service "dmwappushservice" # Device Management Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Push message Routing Service "PushToInstall" # Windows PushToInstall Service "seclogon" # Secondary Logon "SensrSvc" # Sensor Monitoring Service "SgrmBroker" # System Guard Runtime Monitor Broker "upnphost" # UPnP Device Host "WalletService" # WalletService "wercplsupport" # Problem Reports Control Panel Support "WerSvc" # Windows Error Reporting Service "XblGameSave" # Xbox Live Game Save "XboxGipSvc" # Xbox Accessory Management Service "XboxNetApiSvc" # Xbox Live Networking Service "FontCache" # Windows Font Cache Service "ShellHWDetection" # Shell Hardware Detection ) foreach ($service in $services) { Write-Output "Trying to disable $service" Get-Service -Name $service | Set-Service -StartupType Disabled } then i run this to manual state # Description: # This script disables unwanted Windows services. If you do not want to disable # certain services comment out the corresponding lines below. $services = @( "O2FLASH" # 02flash memorycard "DusmSvc" # data usage "StorSvc" # Storage Service "LicenseManager" # Windows License Manager Service "edgeupdate" # Microsoft Edge Update Service (edgeupdate) "WpnService" # Windows Push Notifications System Service "UsoSvc" # Update Orchestrator Service "OODefragAgent" # O&O Defrag "ShellHWDetection" # Shell Hardware Detection "stisvc" # Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) "TermService" # Remote Desktop Services "BITS" # Background Intelligent Transfer Service "KeyIso" # CNG Key Isolation "Netlogon" # Netlogon "DoSvc" # Delivery Optimization "edgeupdate" # Microsoft Edge Update Service ) foreach ($service in $services) { Write-Output "Trying to manual $service" Get-Service -Name $service | Set-Service -StartupType Manual }
  22. @kojack i know it was scary but didnt want to make you remember that episode for food i have only seen it on tv bee stings those are more comon i guess.
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