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Everything posted by cucubits

  1. Wow, very very cool. You're the first person I hear mentioning Nightwish in a very long time. I absolutely love them. I've seen them live 2 times. Once way back with Tarja in Romania and another concert with Anette, a few years later in Germany. I'd love to see them with Floor as well. That first concert with Tarja was truly mindblowing. Left me speechless for a good while when it started. I'd rank it right at the top of all the live shows I've been to. All sorts of cool memories came back now. At one point I was obsessed with Marco's beard and I tried so hard to get the two strands going but it didn't work out.
  2. Ha! I can relate to this so well. I always complain there aren't enough hours in a day for me to do everything I wanted to, I end up going to bed way too late and the next day I'm out of service for all morning. On the other hand I'm happy to still be able to work from home so usually for the first meeting of the day, I just drag my work laptop to bed and join the call half asleep. Also thankful we don't need webcams turned on 🙂
  3. We're considering PNW (Seattle area). My employer has an HQ there so job wise it would work out great. This is one of my major fears. So far we've been having a hard requirement: wherever we stay we're on the top floor. I keep hearing similar horror stories in our current apt complex and I'm always thankful we've stuck to this rule, even if we need to carry stuff 3 floors up all the time.
  4. 😆 I don't know about Polish but I speak Romanian and I can't find a swear word close enough I do like the name as it is too, but I'm afraid if we don't change it to something notebook/laptop/NBR related, we'll miss out on new folks joining.
  5. 🙂 this time I haven't seen anything particularly interesting in the sale... I am also sitting on my hands because I'll probably be buying Dying Light 2 and Elden Ring as soon as they come out. Good to see you here hfm !
  6. Looks like the next months will be quite full gaming-wise. I'm looking forward very much to the following titles, all coming very soon: - Dying Light 2 - Elden Ring - Elex 2 Elex 2 may not be so well known but if you liked the old Gothic series, it very much hits home. I enjoyed Elex very much.
  7. Well, obviously all this NBR closing mess. I'm mad because NBR has been the most friendly and helpful forum I've ever joined. If I look at all the other ones I'm part of, there are those with insane mods breathing down your neck as you type and instantly enforcing silly rules, there are those full of trolls, tire kickers and generally just toxic attitudes (mostly car forums), then there is the type where everyone is just too serious. NBR was the unicorn for me, no issues, always full of friendly folks happy to reply, help or just chat. The way we started by splitting the community 3 ways, is not a good indication that everything will be ok eventually. On a more personal front but with a high bother/stress percentage, we're in the middle of a big decision of moving to another state on the other side of the US. We've been living in texas for 7-8 years now and slowly we realized this is not a great place to settle long term.
  8. New trailer. I'm getting more and more excited about this. Early playthroughs started popping up but I'm staying away from anything but short trailers. I'd rather not spoil the experience.
  9. cucubits


    Noo, just think of all the cake we'll get once we complete all testing
  10. cucubits


    Here's the tear down video which helped me when I first disassembled my 703GX:
  11. Fully agree as well, but I can't help ask myself why did he open yet another forum now. Surely he saw there are two already splitting the community, why add to this? Why didn't he choose to talk to Reciever before opening his and plan to work together? I know this is unpopular but I just can't sit on my hands when I see people act before thinking, even if some may have genuinely good intentions. Now we ended up with a lose-lose-lose situation. We have absolutely nothing to gain by splitting the community 3 ways. In any case, as I said before, I have no intentions of signing up on multiple NBRs. I honestly hope this one makes it, @Reciever and @Hiew are stand up guys who worked hard on setting this up. I'll keep contributing as long as I can and as long as people will still hang out here.
  12. FYI, new Steam Sale, as if we don't have enough backlog of games we haven't touched yet 🙂
  13. They posted an updated planned roadmap. Looks like there is hope for some longevity, if the game turns out to be good. Can't wait, one more week. This one will be hard not to buy as soon as it's out. Hopefully we get some real reviews quickly.
  14. Looks like Wolcen may have caught my interest enough to warrant a full playthrough. I only have a few hours so far but it's a lot of fun. Making a ranged character I'm still trying to figure out what are the best stats and active skills to use but for gear, I discovered purely by chance that I can put two pistols, one in each hand and it will greatly increase fire rate. Any other tips like this to increase DPS? Is there any other item type which maybe synergizes with a pistol?
  15. Great, now there's a 3rd forum popped up: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/a-nbr-forum-alternative.837562/page-3
  16. Since almost 100% of us came here from NBR, I would've liked to keep some sort of status like we had there. Not necessarily the post count since it is a new forum but something like the rep we had there and/or the original join date, would've been cool to move here.
  17. I like this! Reminds me of Cloudpunk. This is just the main theme from the City of Ghosts DLC:
  18. Actually scratch that, looks like it's not based on post count... let's see what Reciever or Hiew will say. I'm curious too 🙂
  19. I think it's based on the number of posts you make. You get a different colored icon next to your avatar for each step... about as useful as achievements in a game but cool to see your progress 🙂
  20. GoT was something strange for me. I usually like these style shows/movies/games but for some reason I just couldn't get into it. I like zombies, dark ages, dragons, etc... I don't know why GoT didn't draw me in. We watched the whole series not long ago and by we, I mean my wife watched and I was more focused on my laptop and just moved my eyes to the TV when I felt there are b00bs going to be seen or when I heard some strange noises...
  21. cucubits


    I'm guilty of this as well. I've got a little raspberry pi4 box automating various things around the apt (lights/fans) and I have Linux running on my NAS box too.
  22. cucubits


    It may be interesting to hear what other activities we like (besides tinkering with our laptops). The more we know about each other, the more of a community we'll grow here... and it's always fun to get new ideas to eat up free time and thin out the wallet 😆 I've always been complaining there aren't enough hours during a day. Somehow I never get bored but on the flip side, I often find myself starting on too many adventures to handle in parallel. - ever since high-school I've been on/off into the RC world. Some cars but mostly flying things. I like all of them, I build from balsa kits, I bought RTF planes, built drones, gliders. I've even delved into the gas engines world but mostly electric nowadays. Sadly I go flying more and more rarely lately and there are fewer of us left than about 5 years ago. - 3D Printing is also a big part of my activities. I've been learning Fusion360 a lot and there's always some thing I need to work on and print, either to fix something around the apt, or for a plane or something related to the next item on the list 🙂 - this one is more recent but it doesn't seem to slow down. As many others from around the beginning of the pandemic, I started to learn about astronomy. It's amazing what you can see and how detailed you can get images of deep sky objects with the current technology available. Slowly I've gathered a few telescopes, camera, lots and lots of bits and pieces and whenever there's a clear night, I usually go out for a few hours next to the parking lot at our apartment. If there are others interested, it would be awesome to maybe open a separate Astronomy related thread and talk about whatever. A cool little project I'm very proud of, the one connecting point 2 to 3 above, is this 3D Printed 8 inch telescope: https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/704315-3d-printed-astronomy/page-23#entry10905513 Lots of time in Fusion360 and I think over 100 printing hours. It's working amazingly well, the only problem is, as mentioned, I can't find enough time in a day to use it to its fullest capabilities.
  23. I've finished pretty recently a re-watch of the whole Gilmore Girls series 😬
  24. Cool. I'll keep my eye on this one for sure. I've been going through some gameplay videos and it really looks great.
  25. Wondering what the current total user count is here. Unfortunately, it seems that laptopforum.net is gaining traction, not sure if it's real but they show about 140 currently. Poking around I noticed members who have joined both. Is this really a direction we want to go? To be honest, I've got too many other forums on my plate and rather not join 2 additional ones with the same purpose. Hiew and Reciever have put in a lot of work here, it would really be a shame to go to waste if more and more folks just join the other one. What can we do to help? What other channels we have to advertise this forum? It would probably help a bit if we're on a more "final" name. Are we going to stick to efgxt? I don't mind it, actually I think it's cool, but the other one having a more NBR copy/paste name, probably drove up their user count.
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