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Everything posted by cucubits

  1. IMO it's completely silly to force employees all of a sudden to go back to the office full time. Granted not applicable for every company but most proved they can function well, even more efficiently with employees working happily from their homes. Just think of how much commute time is saved and to be honest, I find sometimes I'm working even more from home than I would if I'd have to go to the office.
  2. Quoting myself again 🙂 Just wanted to follow up on my DL1 progress. Can't help comparing it to DL2 when they are so different games. I noticed first hand that just roaming around fighting zombies is much more satisfying in DL1. As a side note, especially having played it already, I don't mind cheesing it quite a lot this time. I took advantage of a design oversight in DL1 where during the prologue mission when they send you to turn on some traps, you can actually go explore the whole map and time does not advance. It's hilarious that during the prologue I got a bunch of levels up, already found the 500 dmg Korek machette and cleared the big bridge of all zombies... a few times, lol. I promise I'll start the main story on the next session. Maybe :))
  3. This is one of my biggest pet peeves with Cryberpunk. How can they make such a cool atmosphere and a futuristic city and no player controlled flying cars. It really is my biggest disappointment.
  4. Elex 2 and Dying Light 1. Still amazed by Dying Light 1. Even after having played through DL2, it still feels great and looks very much "up to date". If I were to play it now for the first time, I honestly couldn't tell that it's a 7 year old game.
  5. Sharing the painful irony of the current situation - just a few weeks ago I sold my Tesla as the delivery of our new (petrol) car is getting closer. If these gas prices don't get back to "normal", I smell regrets coming my way, lol. BTW: Love the color of the Civic above. It's close to the color of the new car we're getting.
  6. cucubits


    This time it was very cold outside so I didn't sit next to the telescope. It's doing almost everything on its own once set up so I mostly went inside and only came out from time to time to check it. Usually I sit next to it and read/browse on my phone. I am planning to build a 2nd rig with a separate smaller telescope on a manual mount just to browse the sky and look at things live while the other one is imaging.
  7. cucubits


    One more interesting upload, I find it always very cool to look at nebulae and supernova remnants with the stars removed. Brings out a lot of details and perspective:
  8. cucubits


    Here's my latest little project. This is the Jellyfish Nebula, also known as IC443, is the remnant of a supernova lying 5,000 light years from Earth Some more interesting details about it: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/chandra/what-spawned-the-jellyfish-nebula.html I'll post some links in a few days, I'm still tweaking the processing and haven't uploaded the full res image yet. This is the first image I've taken from a dark location (close to Palo Duro canyon in Texas). Total exposure time is a little over 5 hours. Also, because visualizing the size reference is always interesting, here's the framing comparison on how large it would look in the sky, if it were visible to the naked eye:
  9. When I had the most frustrating times with DS 2/3, of course I'd also quit the game as clearly I wasn't making any progress just brute forcing. Then to make it worse, I'd go watch this dude LobosJr on youtube go through the games like they're nothing. He's almost mocking the game's difficulty with 0 hit runs, breeze through boss fights without any issues...
  10. You are not alone 😉 I bought Chernobylite a while back, I think it was still alfa/beta. I just played it for a little while and mostly forgot about it. The atmosphere and graphics were cool, I need to revisit and try an actual play through.
  11. Elex 2. I liked Elex 1 a lot, it definitely had some of the old Gothic games vibe. So far this one is pretty similar. To keep the references going, Elex 1 was Gothic 2 and Elex 2 is more like Gothic 3. It feels somewhat too open. Adding a jetpack from the start sort of removes a lot of the exploration difficulty so I'm not sure I understand why they did that but so far it's fun. For me it didn't have the same effect as Elex 1, as in it's nice but not impressive enough to be sure I'll stick to it. In parallel I'm still debating to go back to Cyberpunk or start Elden Ring.
  12. Your post made me think back of how I got my handle "cucubits". It's a cool story with roots in a more shady area of the internet. It started many years ago when I was still living back in my home country (Romania). Wherever I could, I would use the handle "cucu" which comes from the sound the bird from the cuckoo clock makes. The idea started from a hilarious TV commercial where a dude in an apartment building would open and close the window (back there windows open towards the outside, not sliding like in the US) and would scream out of the top of his lungs like the bird mentioned. I'll try to find the commercial, must be on youtube. All was good for a while but more and more sites where I signed up, already had "cucu" in use so with sort of a spur of the moment decision, I added "bits" to it. This is from the more shady part I mentioned. In that period, in Romania, a AAA game would cost even up to 25% of one months salary. There was no way to afford this so everyone was torrenting. My go-to site (long gone now) had "torrentbits" in the name.
  13. Very cool. I have a feeling we'd make much quicker actual progress in this area if it was more of a "high profile" interest and more resources supported this. So far humanity seems to be making all the wrong choices on where to put effort in... sadly. I have no idea why they needed to put musk on the cover of the video. He's most well known for his wild and unrealistic promises. This almost made me not watch and just click away. I say this from experience, a few years ago I actually used to like him, I also had a tesla for about 2 years. One of the more poor purchase decisions of mine...
  14. Well, it's done. It's been such a long time since I was this drawn into a game that I can't even remember. I played it start to finish, not a single boring or annoying section. While it's quite different from DL1, it's been an absolutely amazing experience. I didn't just plow through the main story but I have to admit, towards the end I started ignoring the side stuff. By this point I was more than powerful enough and didn't feel the need to min-max everything. I do regret this a bit, I wish I would've taken it even slower but the main story really was interesting and I had to find out what's going on. I did assign all locations to my chosen faction, that was a lot of fun and running around. Maybe one critique would be that it's slightly on the too easy side. In hindsight, I should've played it on hard. Never died to a "boss fight", all my deaths were from falling off buildings, lol. Just with exploring and doing side missions I could level up almost all perks without too much effort. The main story was interesting, some cool twists an unexpected turns. Even though I managed to avoid the game bamboozling me into the wrong choices, I still got the "good" ending, however, it was quite sad. I guess it's expected, after all it is a zombie apocalypse. I think this is why I stop playing the games I like this much, before finishing them. Until yesterday I was all excited looking forward to playing some more Dying Light 2 and now that it's done, it's all sad. I have no idea how I'm going to cheer myself up now... I don't feel like playing anything for a while. There is no new game plus and you can't continue to play the game world after the epilogue. Well, you can, as in select continue and it'll load back to before the last mission, but that mission is not available anymore. Sad.
  15. cucubits


    To be honest, with so many better pictures I keep seeing on astronomy forums, I haven't given this any thought. It would be a great idea as I get more consistent results... maybe sell prints?
  16. cucubits


    Thanks for the kind words! It is a great hobby indeed and the difficulty in getting the final pictures makes it extra satisfying. I will keep posting, hopefully over the next week I'll have some more fresh data to process. Planning a short weekend trip to a darker location. Very excited, been setting up the gear and testing over and over for the last few days.
  17. Sad. After my last update from a few days ago I played somewhat more focused on the main story... I wanted to see how things turn out and it started getting interesting. Very unexpectedly during the main quest mission I'm at now, I got hit with the dreaded point of no return message telling me to wrap things up before starting the epilogue. I honestly thought there will be way more main missions. I did do a lot of side stuff but not everything. I'm at 45 hours now and I want more! I know myself, if I complete the main story now, I'll lose interest and stop playing just for the remaining side missions even though most were interesting. On the other hand, I also won't be able to not continue the main story, I have to see the ending I get.
  18. I can't stop playing this. We're at almost 40 hours now and it didn't get boring at all. I just love these types of games so much. There are sessions where I don't progress the story or any missions at all, I just explore. For hours. Techland has done a great job rewarding this approach, especially in the downtown part of the map with all the tall buildings. There are so many hidden, very hard to reach places with unexpected rewards, which you wouldn't find just randomly without putting in some effort like figuring out the route how to get up there. Sometimes you need to find a way to climb another building and jump over. Sometimes you get to the top and you need to "leap of faith" drop down a few floors to find goodies. They do try to limit access to some of these places like making some impossible to reach without progressing the story - for example you need the grappling hook for a number of these. I did say they "try" and not lock it out completely as by pure perseverance and belief, I actually climbed to a spot where clearly I wasn't supposed to, without using the grappling hook and while the satisfaction alone was worth it, I found an extremely powerful weapon there. I have to appreciate they don't level-lock gear and if you find something like this, you can use it immediately. This again appeals to me. I like to do more work at the beginning to get somewhat OP. Hints for this particular example: observatory and bow 😉
  19. Why, why are you doing this to me? :))
  20. I've only finished the main story once and even then I rushed through the 2nd half of the game so there's still a lot of new (to me) things to see. On the other hand, I'll probably wait too, although with this big patch out now, I'm not expecting to see any actual story content added anytime soon. I'm pretty much covered for the next couple months anyway. I'm over 30 hours in Dying Light 2 and the end is nowhere near in sight, I do plan to start over Dying Light 1 after this. Then there's Elden Ring coming soon and Elex 2 in a few weeks (I liked Elex a lot, it's a very underrated, under-marketed game).
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