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Everything posted by cucubits

  1. How do you guys feel about The Expanse? I've been reading the books from before I even knew there's a TV show so I'm not sure how I feel about it. Some of the characters for the show were very well chosen, they fit perfectly to what I had portrayed them in my head (Holden and Avasarala, maybe even Amos). If I had to choose, probably Miller was my favorite from the first book. On the other hand, the books (starting from the 3rd I think) are getting a bit difficult to follow. You can tell that there are 2 separate authors as they jump from one chapter to another, from one random new character to another, timelines change - annoying to the point that sometimes I just skip chapters for newly introduced characters and just follow the usual ones. I feel I lose nothing from the story...
  2. I've never heard of this one but looking at a quick gameplay video now, it looks very cool. Almost gives me Gothic vibes. Do tell more, is it relying on PvP? As in, is there anything to do if the player base is too low? Is there PvE as well? Solo quests? In the mean time I've finally got around to install Wolcen. Been wanting to try it out for a long time now. I didn't raise my expectations too high but I have to say it's a lot of fun. Fired it up last night and I just didn't want to stop. The skills and that huge upgrade wheel-tree thing are a bit overwhelming but I'm slowly pouring points in a ranged character for now.
  3. Sweet, we have Thumbs up icons now! Not sure how I feel about the Thumbs down ones... I've seen abuse on other forums and in the end it's generally not worth it. If someone disagrees, it's probably better to make them write their reasoning instead of just thumbs down on a post.
  4. Yep, I found the switch eventually and yes, I also ended up on the Bravo 6 theme. My eyes were so happy when I hit it for the first time. White pages should be banned :))
  5. This reminded me of two aviation related shows I've been watching a lot: Flying Wild Alaska and Ice Pilots NWT. This may sound silly but as much as I'd love to learn to fly one day, when I hear how early in the middle of the night these people need to get up to go flying, just makes me turn around in my bed and keep sleeping. Lol. I am most definitely not a morning person 🙂
  6. Thanks, yeah, this is how I remember it looked before it went wonky. To be honest I don't recall exactly what firmware I was running then or why I ended up going to Merlin... it's possible this issue was what made me try it... I will dedicate some time to reset and reflash properly.
  7. I like her taste, lol. Is she set on EV? That's almost 911 territory and you could swipe it for your enjoyment from time to time 😁
  8. Oh nice, I've liked the RSX a lot ever since NFS Underground 🙂 I used to dream about getting one some day but it was never the right time and now I've put all my car-piggy-bank in one place.
  9. When you get a chance, what does your Wireless menu look like? When I click on mine, it goes here, all the left tabs go missing and most drop down selections here don't work. Tried several browsers. Strangely, only the wireless settings seem to be doing this:
  10. arp -a ...works but it doesn't show too much information. For when I forget the IPs of some devices (NAS, a couple RPIs for automation tasks) I usually run a little windows program "Angry IP Scanner". It's quick, shows all the clients on the network. I should also probably set up static IPs to avoid this but I just haven't got around to do this properly. I also used to run a whitelist on the WIFI network but since switching to Merlin I ran into that settings issue and can't get to these options anymore. I know I should reset/re-flash but I need to plan for everything to go offline for a while when I do that and I also need CEO approval (wife). She works from home too and I can't risk ending up offline for too long.
  11. cucubits


    Placeholder topic until I can save the relevant information and helpful screenshots I've been posting in the similar NBR thread. Will edit along the way. In the mean time, if others from that thread join and have info saved, feel free to reply here. Thanks!
  12. cucubits


    Does anyone else have this router? I've been using it for a few years now and I have a few annoyances/issues which I haven't ironed out yet. Maybe discussing here we can shed some light... - I'm running the latest Merlin firmware and for some reason when I go to the wireless settings section in the menu, it all goes wonky. No tabs show up and lots of options seem to be missing. Can't even see anymore the separate 2.4/5Ghz setup tabs. - on the initial setup page, there's a "clients" section, which should show all the devices connected currently. This never works, always shows zero. Any ideas? Anyone else seen similar issues?
  13. I hope I'm not overstepping here. My thought is to have a topic ready to go for folks to post site suggestions, requests, complaints, etc. Might help if we keep these things tidy right from the start 🙂 For now I don't have any specific requests, I'm just extremely happy we'll have a dark mode. Lots of forums don't have this and it's very useful.
  14. How did you like Deathloop? I played it for a few hours but for some reason I stopped. Not that I didn't like it, I played the first missions a few times but while interesting, it felt repetitive...
  15. Thought of making a little corner for all the gearheads, driving fans, to hang out and talk cars. Every forum should have one of these 🙂 This time I won't start as I'm "between cars" at the moment. I just traded in my previous one a few weeks ago and waiting patiently for the new delivery which should be in about two months. I'll post more details along the way but for now I just wanted to get a ball rolling 🚗
  16. I stand by when I offered my help. Just poke me whenever you need, if you need someone to keep your balls rolling while you're away or for any other tasks. I'm working from home and have this open pretty much all day...
  17. I did just install Valheim too, looking forward to spend some time in it but I head solo it's quite a challenge. Have you tried Super People? I've been playing a lot of Warzone but when I found SP, I never looked back. So much fun.
  18. We're so close to the release now! Testing youtube link integration:
  19. We should probably start a successor thread to the good old "What game are you playing now?" I'll go first: Arkham Knight. Having a blast so far. Way more complex compared to Asylum. 😎 Mod Edit: Renamed title (testing)
  20. cucubits


    Testing Testing!
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