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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. Happy Saturday to you to sir. I was debating on going with that CPU or just keep sitting on mine. So it's clock locked. How does it fair with 3d benching? Better or worse than the 14900KS? I still have like a year and some change left on the warranty. Was trying to see if the 285K made some type of a break through, but it would seem it's still basically sitting in the same position as when it first showed up.
  2. I think i'll grab one for about 2 weeks to just run some fast benchmarks then take it back and get a 5080 and call it a day. We'll see though. What's your take on the 9950X though? Edit: I Looked at Ebay to check their prices and "sold" cards and like 90% of them are lying. They haven't sold anything. They make it look like they have sold a card to try and get suckers to buy. I thought that was funny.
  3. I did go an check the line of course, but i think I could have gotten a 5080 because they still had one listed. The next morning (3am) it said 3 left, but I am not a Gigabyte GPU fan. Of course i'll keep checking MC website and then drive by the parking lot, but if it's to many people then I'll just keep driving. They usually announce if they have cards around 7 am to 9 am to keep people from just waiting. And will usually say how many they have. so people in line past that amount can just go about their business. Which I thought was decent of them.
  4. Nope, have not gotten one yet either. Just going to wait it out like a normal person and when one drops at MC i'll grab one. The first round of 5090's there were all Zotac and I think some FE's.
  5. Just seen a video of Mr Moore state as fact that they have 67/199 cards total. Now watching some of those videos so i can scope out a decent tent to go grab. I already have powered frige-freezer/microwave/2 solar powered generator/small space heater/twin air mattress/ heater/laptop/tablet/phones/thick blanket/pillow/music.... 😂
  6. Almost no cards? That is the norm for every single launch they have ever had. 100 to 300 cards tops. Only speaking for my Microcenter.
  7. If i don't get one this week i'll try to get one next week or the following week after that. 5090 of course, but it it's not all cracked up to what it should be, then i'll just put around with a 5080 till the 5090 ti comes out.
  8. Apparently those prices and those benchmarks and all the naysayers mean nothing as i just rolled through Microcenter parking lot and people have been camped out there for almost a week with their pop tents. The whole parking lot is full of cars. Like full as if they were open in the middle of Christmas season! and those tents are going around the store and down the street. 😂
  9. 4090 is not needed to game on realistic settings. "Rant" It's more about the bragging factor when I see people actually talking about it. And as mentioned before, their KD's usually sucks. Kind of a reality for most because of showboating and not really having the skills to back up owning a high end card. No amount of a gazillion frames is going to help that person get better. You will get respect for owning one, but if you are trash.... Then the jokes will flow. "End Rant" We do not know for sure or at least until January 30th when all the NDA's for general public expire, but he was looking into to PNY, which Microcenter usually carries. I so wish I would have went, but my mother took ill so I didn't make it, but I sure as hell would have done like I did the last time I went and that is tried to benchmark these new GPU's on the spot. To see for myself and get a real world perspective.
  10. I will more than likely stick to what ever Microcenter has between January 30 to March 30 or so. Hopefully they will carry the K|ngP|n model as well at some point. Going to talk with people in the know to see if that can become a reality. (Should he release one)
  11. I think it was already bad news as Jensen spoke more about Windows than he did about Intel. Even the 5090 laptop he had he did not say it was intel Core Ultra based.... Speculations of course.
  12. Only info shown in that respect was this slide. Edit: Image was deleted. No way that is real. Wrong memory specs.
  13. I moved mine right back to MC for 1885.61 and already have it back on my MC card. That has already been done. Your choices are buy or don't buy. 🙂
  14. It got me too and now that chip has been running error and problem-free for the last 3 years in my server. The first year it was for benching. 😄
  15. True. Also, the memory took a jump in the higher MHz range (Intel Platform), but they need to conquer the latency issues. I like the bigger numbers in Cinebench, but for team benching which consists of many benchmark tests to compete and qualify in it's just not worth it. And 3D benching is where it takes its hardest hit. This is where most of our points are at! I would say bench Cinebench and get your scores then give it back to the store. It could take a while for the scores to possibly be beaten. Speculations of course.
  16. Not a problem. I'm in the lucky class where I can "safely" try before I'm locked into keeping it. Just another reason to love my Microcenter! And a warranty (Our Microcenter, I can't speak for the other 27 or so out there) like no other on the planet right now.
  17. Not really sure that is the full case as if you look around, there are starting to be more and more gamers complaining like the rest of us....
  18. I think I'm going to stick with my 14900KS. As much as I like the new features (As in motherboard features) they have, I can wait for it to come with a better CPU that is about 90% better than the 14900K/KS/KF in all-around performance. Just hoping the 5090s won't be in the same dismal sphere as the Ultra Series CPUs.
  19. Actually, for this, you only need a universal back plate that has the screws through it. Your AIO, Water block, and DDB would only have mounting holes. You would then change on the fly. I used to do this with my water block, LN2, Dry Ice, AIO, and Phase Change unit. The only reason why I do not do it at the moment is because the ekwb does not have pass-through holes.
  20. You might as well wait. This is a feature release/low power performance and not a serious performance one, unless you plan on running LN2. I have 15 days to decide if I keep it or just go back to my 14900KS/Z790. And since I bought my KS while it was about $790 out the door, that puts a pretty good dent in this particular purchase. So not as expensive should I stick it out in the end. For this to be worthwhile they would need to release a new higher-tiered CPU for this platform and I'm not sure anyone wants to wait that long.
  21. @Mr. Fox Yes, meaning your opinion about it. I looked at it, but our Microcenter didn't carry the OCF so I did not get it to test with. They have come a long way since being considered a budget motherboard company back in the day. I used to buy a lot from them back in 2002 onward. Still do from time to time.
  22. This is true; voltage can be controlled independently, but also now you have a few ways to fine-tune a clock speed. You can now set 55.16/55.33/55.50 multipliers and so on. It no longer has to be 54/55/56. That's a plus if they keep that going forward. I'm on the fence when it comes to the 10C unlock. With that in place, people can't just copy other people's settings and act like they have become master over clockers overnight using an AIO or a heatsink. None at Microcenter as of yet, but they did drop the price on the 265K to 379.99 What do you like about that board? Not keen on this iteration either, but hoping the next CPU (Done somewhat correctly)is a direct fit and no board replacement. (After the 285K) Happy Anniversary my friend!
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