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solidus1983 last won the day on June 30 2022

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About solidus1983

  • Birthday 06/16/1983

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  1. Sorry that i haven't made a new driver package as of late. As correctly pointed out by @epguy3, due to Work commitments and study for said work commitments time is very very sparse. From my understanding the mod as a whole will need a re-work due to additions stuff added in the INF. SO i am going to need to update everything. So i might need a helping hand at some stage, however end of November my studies should be lesser so i might have a bit more time to look at stuff.
  2. Sorry i have been really busy as of late. Between work and study, time has been rather lacking as of late.
  3. @epguy3 thanks for the update info, if i get some time this weekend will have a look and making another pack.
  4. Thanks @epguy3, currently looking how ASROCK is doing stuff as now i am on desktop and back on using Nahimic UWP software, however its using APO4. So i haven't abandoned you lot.
  5. Thanks @epguy3, will keep an eye on, currently taking a week off due to burn out. But should be able to get something made soon enough. I assume i will need to adjust the installer modded files on new UWP's ?
  6. @JeanLegi DM me so i don't forget will be out of the country for a week or too due to work so away from the system that builds the drivers and super busy so will not have bandwidth to hand during that time. But i think i know what you are after doing so need the AUDIO ID of you JBL's and the mainboard in question. @epguy3 Thanks for the driver update information bud, can you remind me if when i get back from work i completely forget about the driver. I know i haven't been on here much but i do check from time to time.
  7. @nk950357 Thanks for the report will have to mess about when i have time and re-create the whole modding stuff problem is i don't have nahimic 2 hardware to test against.
  8. Does the EQ work still though ?, as @epguy3 has pointed out there might be more adjustments to the drivers to include certain strings for it to fully work again with the latest app.
  9. @matyee If you are going for a 1440p 165hz screen with GSYNC you need to make sure its the following one Monitor Name (Manuf): BOE CQ NE173QHM-NY2 Monitor Name: BOE [Unknown Model: BOE09D9] Thats the only one i know that is G-Sync compatible the BOE09D9 part is important.
  10. Thanks @epguy3 Will let MSI settle down else i will be making packs all day. Will more then likely use the later version however going to need to see what has changed with the restore tool as i am starting to worry about leaving files behind on uninstall. Why can't SteelSeries just add the old hardware to the new drivers i do not know, now they own the rights to Nahimic.
  11. Didn't notice 6.0.9601.1 but i have a holiday coming soon so might do another driver update soon enough, work has been crazy as has my personal life so time thats free is almost gone. Could you look into the AVoluteNH3Ext.inf further for me. Will add them in when i can.
  12. It could be you simply need to change the Bios setting from Legacy to UEFI or enable CSM support. Issue sound just like i had when i first tried a GTX1060m in my now dead GT72-6QD. Photo of the MXM card will help though.
  13. Updated links will always be in my signature! Made By: solidus1983 (hacktrix2006) and djlenior Status: Final Release Repack: Yes CodeName: Zeus Downgrade/Update: Update Disclaimer: This Driver Modification is for MSI Systems listed below! Myself nor Notebooktalk or any other members of the project will not be held liable for any damage caused if this is installed on your system or other branded systems! Due to this being a Modified Driver, support will not be given via Nahimic (SteelSeries) or MSI if your having issues please post in the thread! Please note all releases will come with VirusTotal reports so you can decide if to install the modified drivers or not based on the Results, Although the dedicated server used to create these files is VirusFree! VirusTool can pick up on false positives, but to be fully open to the community reports will now always be included. Installer: Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe (ONLINE!) Package includes: Realtek UAD Nahimic UWP Nahimic SWC (APO3) Nahimic SWC (APO4) Nahimic Extension (APO3) Nahimic Extension (APO4) Nahimic Mirroring Driver Realtek Audio Console UWP 1.48.313.0 Installer: SHA-1: d61b96bddfb2bd829ec5841df4e92d011eeb4394 Size: 141564502 bytes (135 MiB Virus Total: Result For Windows 10 Build: 21H1/21H2 For Windows 11 Builds Change Log: Supported Systems with this driver pack: Alpha Series: Bravo Series: GE Series: GF Series: GL Series: GP Series: GS Series: GT Series: GV Series: ***Don't panic if the new Laptops/Systems are not in the list they will be supported they are more likely supported, install the drivers and if it works let me know your Model Number and it will get added to the list.*** Install instructions: - Disconnect from the internet. (Not Required, so very Optional) - Reboot System and Enter BIOS/UEFI. - Please DISABLE SECUREBOOT in your BIOS this is now important for this new installer! - Once you have booted back into the OS Temporarily disable AV software (Some Anti-Virus tools might false report and delete the file!). - Now run the Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe Installer - Select either Full Install, Install Without Nahimic, Full Uninstall or Downgrade Nahimic 3. - Sit back and relax as the UWP's get uninstalled, the driver gets uninstalled and then your system is rebooted into test signing mode and everything is installed and your system is rebooted again! - Now head back into your BIOS/UEFI and Re-enable SecureBoot!! - Now let the system boot up fully and re-enable the internet connection. (Only if you disconnected from the internet) ***[IMPORTANT]**** As i no longer have a MSI Laptop can users please report any and all issues to this forum thread so i can rectify them quickly. Known possible bugs and fixes: Issue: Two Nahimic Mirroring device show up in Device Manager: Solution: run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Uninstall first before using Full Install. Issue: Nahimic 3 updated via Windows 10 Store and no longer works. Solution: Head into Windows 10's Store and Select the 3 Dots, followed by Settings and turn of Windows Store's Auto Application Updates, then run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Downgrade Nahimic. Issue: Ran Nahimic 3 Downgrade option however Nahimic 3 UWP effects are not working or its reporting the device is not upto date. Solution: Simply run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe select Uninstall and then after its completed the Uninstall re-run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Install APO3 or APO4. Issue: Jack Detection not working. Solution: Simply go to Realtek Audio Console Disable and Re-enable it. Issue: Microphone not working after using Nahimic Optimizer. Solution: Click Reset inside Nahimic Settings section will fix this. Issue: Microsoft Overwritten the installed modded driver. Solution: Head to Settings → System → About, Now click System info then Select Advance System Settings → Hardware Tab → Driver Installation Settings, now select NO! save and reboot the system. Then run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Uninstall, after it has rebooted your system re-run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Install. Issue: Nahimic 3 reports its device is not compatible basically not working. Solution: Run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Uninstall, after it has rebooted your system re-run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Install APO3 or APO4. Issue: Sound has become muffled/suppressed/distorted. Solution: Run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Uninstall, after it has rebooted your system re-run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Full Install APO3 or APO4. Issue: I don't want the Nahimic 3 Bloatware! Solution: Run Realtek_UAD_6.0.1.9585.1_MSI_Nahimic_UWP_mod.exe and select Install Without Nahimic ***[IMPORTANT]**** I would like to thank the following people for whom have helped. I like to personally thank the following users. Project Programmers:
  14. Thank you everyone for the replies i need only just the VEN_10EC&DEV_0899&SUBSYS_146211D6 Part, it might be there has been an update to the Nahimic app that stops the mods working now. Will make a note of all I'd and start my VM to make a new package today.
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