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Everything posted by zex4

  1. I also can confirm that...the flash tool is way better on doing such things like this 😇
  2. Hey thanks for the interesting firmware updates 👍 Also wanted to ask...wich heatsink you are using for your rtx 3080 ?🤔 I finally could buy a good priced rtx 3060 mxm in perfect condition but of course don't have any heatsink for it.... The aliexpress heatsink I have is only for 10/20 series sadly But I would prefer separate heatsink If a could find gpu only heatsink for 30 series...
  3. Wait a second since when does the 2080 super series works on 775/771 series 🤔 From what I know the only mxm card that does not work on for example 775 are the 2080 super because he is taking to much power that the 775 can't handle for a reason.... Otherwise non super 2080,2070 super works op to 3080 without any problems....
  4. That's very interesting do you have some pics from the mutant cpu or how it looks when it's placed @socket
  5. As far I know you can go up to a gtx 1070 mxm 3.0 with certain bios or vbios.....
  6. You need to check this modded 870 on ebay guys....it has very good mods for very insane price 😅 https://www.ebay.at/itm/176037842775?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=5221-175123-2357-0&ssspo=kmvs5sultks&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=j4XjUtIUSNK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  7. I would be interested aswell...what happend until now...you did got to Work?🤔 Its definitely because of the bios...it's just needs to modded the right way...mybe the sellers could help you...
  8. Actually someone already buyed this 10gen cpu and it's seems working (see reviews) https://pt.aliexpress.com/i/1005001856928276.html 135€ is not bad for 8c_16t cpu at all...should I take one for testing purposes 🤔
  9. That's sounds not easy to do 😕 That from aliexpress looks something like this
  10. Developer79 is the craziest modder I ever saw with outstanding skills.... I also dreaming for cpu mods for my 775dm3 with newer gen cpus...for example as you can read here... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hwcooling.net/en/recycling-in-china-laptop-cpus-turned-into-lga-1151-upgrades/%3famp=1 I am also using a mxm to pciex16 gpu adapter from adtlink successfully for long time now with rtx 2060 super 👌 What left is cpu mods let's see 😇 Also good luck 👍
  11. My dream is that i could upgrade the cpu to 11gen one day...it looks doable with some small mods to socket and bios..10 and 11 gen are very similar to 9gen sockets...
  12. I have mxm to pciex16 adapter from adtlink for around 1 year now....works like a charm without any problems...also my friend tested my adapter on his p870km1 but weirdly he just got 8lines max for some reason...on my 775 x16 is no problem 😉
  13. Sadly did not find any affordable 4k panels 😅...find some qhd but I hate that resolution 😕
  14. How the hell it can suppor How the hell something like that can work with the same chipset that's 😲 I am fine when I can at least go to 11gen 😅
  15. Try imgur or something buddy or take a Screenshot with greenshoot tool for lower file size.....
  16. Thanks buddy can you send me a screen from msi ab 😉
  17. This is how my 2060 looks like..wanted to show it before I do the shunt mod...it was the quality sample i got from clevo directly But it seems you added some capacitors on empty spots... Hope I don't need to do that aswell...I will not overclock anyways...
  18. I just hope that shunt mod makes 2060 faster than the 1080 as example....
  19. First what means mgtf wire ? And how much tdp you got after the shunt mod ? Ty so much for the pic and info bdw 😇
  20. Do you have pics ? Would be very interesting to see...the only thing that I did back then was with pascal bios tweaker but without any success....
  21. Noo way I never knowed because of this pin isolating..actually I have two weird looking pins on my 775dmg3 socket...I always asked myself how that happened but never thought its because of burning 🔥...of course it's working still greatly with 6 or 8 gen cpus but when I am tried to upgrade my cpu from 6gen to i5 8gen > i7 8gen...it won't booted on first try..only after several boots I got display then working without any problems 😉
  22. Thats Sound interesting 🤔 Good that I have the 40pin cable... So let's see 👀
  23. Oh no I just realized 😳...actually I wanted to say 4k displays 😅....I searched on ebay bunt there are mostly full hd panels there so I need to check aliexpress delevoper said...
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