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Everything posted by zex4

  1. I am also searching for cheapest possible displays...1080 60hz 30p also are fine... Can someone recommend me a good source ?😇
  2. Hey buddy sry missed this thread somehow Tbh from what I heard the actual barebone prices are around 450...euro with standard 1080p and nvidia 10gen heatsink....
  3. Hey everyone Just wanted to ask if i could use xenon cpus with certain bios on my 775dmg3🤔 I know I can use quadro gpus but there is no info about the xeon ones... Hope someone can give me some Info...
  4. After this project I am sure he will start developing on cpu mods...I saw people who installed gen 10 cpus on gen 9 on clevo laptops..so good luck buddy 👍
  5. One sec how the hell you got pcie 4.0 to work that's amazing work buddy 👏 👍 👌 I wish my adapter could do pcie 4.0 😅
  6. Hey everyone As the title says I am looking for Clevo P775dm3-P775tm1 Barebones....It can also be have a faulty motherboard...individual parts are also welcome.. Excluded parts are cpu,gpu,ram,ssd,hdd.. Let's see how it goes 😀
  7. Hey everyone I am using this adapter for a year now...actually It works flawless but the only problem I have is that the laptop goes to sleep mode from itself regardless what gpu/windows I am using...it happens very very rarely...also regardless I am surfing,gaming,or on idle..I could not find the issue that causes this...otherwise you can go of course to sleep/hibernate when you want...It will have no problems with recovering etc...
  8. As far I know from the old notebookreview forum it's because of the heat from chipset but I don't rly think that's the problem 🤔
  9. hey MR007RM its good to see you in this forum yes i readed your thread on techpowerup with title "Failed to use desktop vga with laptop. (eGPU)" many times before i got my mxm...i actually got that mxm to pice adapter idea from you so ty so much 🙂 hmm actually its weird ,keyboard lights from my clevo still work perfectly...had no problems with anything right now...actaully i using it my zotac gtx 1070 mini... will finaly upgrade to 3060/70 next mounth lets see how it goes... recently i could test this adapter with the GeForce RTX 4060 Ti from my firend...it worked perfectly but i bit slower than the official benchmarks because the 4060 has only x8 pcie lines so according to der8uer the pcie 3.0 slows the card sadly :(...so i will go for the 3000 series...
  10. amazing stuff buddy, I take back everything I said about the i9 9900k 😄 good luck on your Developing journey 😉
  11. Even we could upgrade to the latest gen gpus like the rtx 4090...what about the i9 9900k...sometimes I feel that he is old enough when I see the 12,13 gen performance...
  12. Thats incredible 👏 great job developer... Good luck on your own adapter...I payed so much for the adtlink adapter +custom fees...but i am rly happy with it.. I wish I could upgrade the cpu to never Gens but 😂
  13. Seriously I don't know have it exactly works (even the amd gpus) but I did detailed benchmarks and also compared to my normal pc with z170 mobo and getting almost same scores with any gpu..right now I have zotac gtx 1070 mini Bdw I own a 775dmg3 with dsanke bios...not 870 series...
  14. I am using this mxm to pcie adapter aswell You can read my review here.. https://notebooktalk.net/topic/1196-clevo-p775dm3-mxm-to-pciex16-gpu-adapter-mod-project/#comment-31303 it works flawless with amd gpus aswell 😍
  15. First i dont blame the beauty x170 as a p775 user...just wanted to mention it 😉..sec..it was already his backup drive connected as external hard drive..just unlucky guy...not everyone has unlocked bios or knows something about c states....
  16. Just because of this shutdowns a friend lost his 4tb 2.5 hdd with data that was connected while the power goed off... He payed more than 1500+€ whit mechanical damage...😥
  17. Hey buddy there you go. https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005003662294560.html Also pls read my detailed review on first post 😉
  18. Your right buddy , for know I can upgrade my gpu as far I want ( right now asus strix 1080 ti ) with my mxmtopciex16 adapter but yea the maximum possible i9 9900k is hot 🔥 and old compared to 10,12,13 gen...
  19. Hey hey welcome to the club buddy Looks great 👍 Right now mine is running with i7 8700k + asus trix 1080 ti without any problems... But how you got the internal display to works? I need to to use display controller otherwise i have black screen because there's no intel graphics enabled...
  20. there are the pics buddy..could not find all the pics but the heatsink that you can see here was not rly the modded one i used it from a 751dm1 before i got the modded one but.....
  21. there you go buddy could not find all the pics but the heatsink that you can see here was not rly the modded one i used it from a 751dm1 before i got the modded one but.....
  22. holy moly that heatsink looks much better thanks for that info buddy :0
  23. It's strange that again someone asks for the same thing 😂 Long time ago i had mxm3.0 nvidia cards on my 775dmg3...you definitely need a modded heatsink with modded drivers I don't have the heatsink anymore but the cards I tested was gtx 880m 965m,970m,980m...the cards older than 880 series will not work as far I know...I am sure that I also asked runix about this back then 😊 Will send a picture today here..
  24. Hey buddy i alrdy did some experiments loong time ago with my 775...the cards I tested was gtx 880m 965m,970m and 980m they worked perfectly with modded drivers but you definitely need a modded heatsink...I think I still have the pic somewhere...will send it here today.... Otherwise I don't think that the cards older than 800 series will work tbh....
  25. today i disconnected the gpu fan ,it booted well and worked great buuuut when the cpu was @100% for around 1min the pc shuts down sadly... the temps are ok of course after connecting the fan everything is back normal that means the ec controller needs the fan for a reason.... also i can controll the fan speed only from the 970 😄 .....also clevo controll center shows me the 970.....
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