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Hello, does anyone have knowledge of how an EDP screen could be adapted with the necessary modifications, on the alienware 18? It makes me curious, I heard several people make this mod on the alienware M17x R2, and the alienware 18 "on this case only edp panel 4k 40 pin 60 hertz with this screen (NV184QUM-N21).

If anyone knows how to make these modifications, please let me know so I can carry out this project.

I also saw some adapters on Aliexpress, which could help it work: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003740168811.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.664c38daOsCGMb&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2esp4itemAdapt




---Dell Precision M6700---, i7-4900MQ, Tesla M6, M6100/HD 8950M, 1920x1080p 6bits LVDS.

---Dell Precision M6800---, i7-4900MQ, Tesla M6, M6100/HD 8950M, 1920x1080p 6bits LVDS.

---Alienware M17x R2--, I7-940MX, HD 8970M Crossfire, M6100/HD 8950M, GTX 765M, 1920x1200P OC 75 Hzt.

---Alienware 17-- i7-4940MX, RTX 3000(LVDS),P3000, GTX 980M, 880M,860M, M6100/HD 8950M,  1080P, 120 Hz, 3D.

--Alienware 18-- i7-4930MX, 32GB RAM 1866 MHz, RTX 4000, RTX 3000, P3000, M6100/HD 8950M, 1920x1080P. LCDOC 75 Hzt. (In use).

---Alienware M18x R2- i7-3940XM, 32GB RAM 1866 MHz, GTX 980M SLI, 1920x1080p 6bits OC 75 Hzt.


Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi0b4otJZHtUJePgIejiI4Q.

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The AW 18 never had an EDP-Screen. With this adapter it could work but I think there would be many cables which you have to stowage inside the case. 

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Schenker DTR 15(P751TM1) @Dsanke Bios, I7-8700, 32GB 2666MHz RAM, GTX 1060, 15,6“ 4K B156ZAN02.2 Display

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  • 3 months later...

I’m actually planing on doing this along with connecting the dgpu straight to the mDP connector. In theory it should be possible by adding the eDP and smBus lanes to the mxm slot. Thing is, I don’t know if software modifications are necessary for this to work(bios). There’s also the problem that the DP signal is fragile af. Both wires of each lane needs to have the almost exact same length and impedance

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Alienware Area 51 ALX R5 3600 32GB 3200MHz RTX 2080 Ti FE

Alienware M18x R2 I7 3840QM 4.2GHz 16GB 1600MHz GTX 1070(Zotac MXM, 10 MOSFETs)

Alienware M17x R4 I7 3630QM 16GB 1600MHz GTX 980M 8GB(six MOSFETs)

MacBook Pro Retina I7 3820QM 16GB 1600MHz GT650M (for school)

And lot's of other stuff in my hobby corner (old Clevo's 'n' stuff like that)😄


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/2/2024 at 8:42 AM, DoenerBoy123 said:

I’m actually planing on doing this along with connecting the dgpu straight to the mDP connector. In theory it should be possible by adding the eDP and smBus lanes to the mxm slot. Thing is, I don’t know if software modifications are necessary for this to work(bios). There’s also the problem that the DP signal is fragile af. Both wires of each lane needs to have the almost exact same length and impedance

Someone in China already beat ya to it. The same guy who made the Nvme raptor buffer cards. He's been trying to get a 4k screen to work. With unfortunately  not a ton of success he's gone as far to send me one of his prototype PCBs he's developing to make it work. He modified the MXM slot directly and is using a light controller for the backlight it's all manual. I haven't checked on him in a while. 

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Alienware 18 R1 / xR3: 4940MX-4.3GHz / RTX 5000 - 16GB / RTX 2080 🙂

Alienware M17x R5 (Ranger): 4940MX 4.35 GHz / RTX 4000. (CURRENT)

Aliennware M17 R4: 10870H 4.8 GHz / 3080 16 Gb 165W

Alienware M17x r4 3940MX 4.1 GHz / Aetina GTX 1080.

Alienware M18x R2 Intel i7 3940XM. 4.2 GHz / RTX 4&5000 / 32Gb 1866

MSI GT75 'Titan' VR 8SF (upgraded to 8SG)


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