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Everything posted by razor0601

  1. No, it doesn’t work for the DSanke Bios. With a programmer it works 100%. With USB method maybe 50%.
  2. And it’s only with the superposition Benchmark?
  3. Do you have also this issues with all hardware @stock settings?
  4. The 6300 points are a good score. My RTX 2080 in my P751TM scores @stock 6100 points. I will download later time spy and see what I got. The only thing is left is an unlocked Bios to get my 300MHz Ram‘s working
  5. That seems to be the same like the N960TF has inside. Your cooler is not available. I will give it a try and will order the N960TF cooler.
  6. Is your GPU Heatsink the original that came with the N960KR? Then I need only the original one. what is the partnumber? Please do a Superposition FullHD Extreme run. So I can see how far away or not the 3070 is. I did some work on mine. I used Aluminium because it gives the hot air faster to the environment.
  7. Thanks for your tips. I will think about it. I have a few old heatsinks from Clevo and Alienware laying around here. Maybe some of the pipes will fit. But do you know that on Aliexpress is a better GPU Heatsink/fan combo for sale? And is that normal that Clevo paste over the RAM Chip?
  8. You can flash your old Prema bios on the new chip via CH341 Programmer.
  9. Here is another screenshot with +100 and +300. it goes higher and higher 😁 Next step I need also an unlocked Bios. And tomorrow my Heatsink kit will arrive. I will also install them on the GPU. How do you mount the extra Heatpipe? With Solder?
  10. That’s not the price check category
  11. I flashed that 140w VBios. And what to say… it works. Shows me 140w in Nvidia system information. In superposition it pulls 120w and @stock it gives me 5188 points with a max of 82 degrees. this evening I want to test OC, but I think I have to improve the cooling.
  12. You can also flash via a CH341 programmer if you know how it works.
  13. It draws max 98w. With +200core and +600mem there is no change. And with +250 the screen freezes. So I think +200/+400 is my sweet spot. Maybe It can go higher with 130w VBios.
  14. I’d did a little bit of OC. First run is with +150 Core, +300 Mem, second one is +200 and +400
  15. Not yet. I will try it tomorrow. What is your score in Superposition Extreme FullHD?
  16. I think your 140w is the most possible TGP for a 3070. I don’t want to desolder the VBios Chip because of the warranty. So that’s the reason I want to know if someone already did the VBios flash via NVFlash or CH341 programmer for the 3060. i have done the superposition benchmark. See my pic.
  17. So first of all my Clevo arrived. It’s an N960KP. KR is with your 3070. And my 3060 has a TGP of 105W. Is think the temps are pretty fine. Max temp in Superposition is 72 Degrees Celcius. On techpowerup there are various Clevo VBios‘s but most of them are 115w. One is with 140w. But never heard of a 3060 with 140w. The highest official was 130w. I have flashed VBios and also Bios many times with tools and also with programmer. Desoldering and soldering is also no problem. But not with this new Clevo. Then my warranty is void.
  18. I bought also an N960KR but with 3060 95w TGP. Is it possible to unlock or to flash a VBios to get the 130w working?
  19. Price: 699,- per RTX 2080 or best offer Heatsink is for trading Condition: used Warranty: none Reason for sale: no need anymore Payment: PayPal or Bank transfer Item location: Europe Germany Shipping: Yes International shipping: Yes Handling time: - Feedback: Specification: Proof of ownership: Time Stamped pictures I want to trade the RTX 20xx Heatsink with extra charge for a P750tm Heatsink for GTX 10xx series. The RTX Heatsink has 3 extra holes. The previous owner worked on it to get a 3080 fit in the P750TM. The 2 RTX 2080 cards are working fine. One is pulled from a P775TM and one from a P750TM.
  20. @runix18 What do you need from p750tm?
  21. Buy the RTX and when it arrived you will see what you have to do. It’s not that heavy as you think
  22. You can work on your own Heatsink to make a RTX card fit in your p750.
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