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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Just did a bench with the 4090 on Ultra RT Psycho at 5120x1440. This card is nuts! Its eating FPS like butter and this only at 60 degree Celsius and a 320-350 W power draw
  2. I am officially a Ulltrawide curved screen addict, after i got my samsung g9 neo i cannot go back to something smaller or flat 😁 This will be a problem in the future when i want a new screen because they will be expensive like hell, the successor of the g9 if rumors are true will be an 8k screen and will cost a kidneyπŸ˜‘
  3. The problem is they messed up the story so bad in 2 that i dont want to play any of them πŸ˜… Just hope the TV series is better
  4. I am really excited for Stalker 2, they just got a proper trailer out. I loved the first 3 games, they had bugs yes but the story and immersion were fantastic, only half life was the same. I hope they can release it in 2023, because of the war in Ukraine it got delayed a couple of times already.
  5. Yes i am really happy i got the zotac. Its fits well in my case with the corsair 12vhpwr cable. Also there's is almost no coil whine and the fans are quiet. Temps are good got like 65 degree at 450w power draw. The form is also good looking.
  6. Thats why i went with the zotac. Nice card long warranty and it fits in the case πŸ˜†
  7. AAAANNDD its fitsπŸ˜… Like a glove haha, also the corsair cable is small enough that it fits straight and doesnt band that bad. Have to work like this until i get a 90 degree adapter from cable mod πŸ‘
  8. Yeah its ridiculous what for dimensions they have.. Need a new case for them.. Which is crazy if you want a small factor or a medium case.. They went overboard with them, i mean the cooling is crazy that they stay at 60 70 degrees for such power but still i would have liked a smaller card but with 80 degrees Celsius temperatures..
  9. https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-could-cost-799-at-least-10-cheaper-than-cancelled-rtx-4080-12gb
  10. Got my Zotac 4090 amp extreme airo and o boy i didnt expect to be this big in real life.. Its huge.. Now i dont think it will fit in the upright position πŸ€” Also got the Corsair and a Fasgear cable to replace the ugly firehazard nvidia adapter. The corsair looks nice and only requires 2 plugs for the 600w but the fasgear looks more maleabile to bend..
  11. Sadly i think a lot of people will buy it, AMD doesnt have anything superior and they dont want to compete, they just want a piece of the pie. The XT maybe will be 50 100 cheaper but weaker so Nvidia will keep printing money.😌
  12. "new" 4070Ti at the price of the old one - 1000 USD, FU Nvidia πŸ˜†. This is the future now..a middle class GPU for 1k USD πŸ˜‘. This hobby is getting to expensive..CPUS for 1k and the future 5090 for a 2500 USD.. The GPU Mafia with Nvidia and AMD will keep hiking the prices over and over https://videocardz.com/newz/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-now-up-for-preorder-in-china-for-same-price-as-canceled-rtx-4080-12gb
  13. Saw Avatar 2 on Friday, what a spectacle! Cameron did it again, technically i mean, the CGI and the high frame 3D is beautiful! The 3D is so clean and bright and in your face! Liked it a lot, the movie as a whole is ok, story not that good and as others are saying is to long, the middle section is slow and is feeling like a National Geographic Documentary, only the voice of David Attenborough is missing 😁 I give it a 8 out of 10.
  14. Merry Xmas πŸ˜€. Very nice choices, what gpu will you get for that beast of CPU?
  15. Anyone tried to flash the Galax Hof 666 W bios on the 4090? how does it behave? https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/252087/252087
  16. Death Stranding free on Epic until 26.12.22 πŸ˜€ - wanted to try it so the giveaway came at the perfect timeπŸ€—
  17. So i bite the bullet and ordered a zotac 4090 amp extreme aero 😬.. I really wanted to go with a sapphire 7900xtx nitro but they arrived at mindfactory in Germany for a whopping 1480 euro! To expensive.. For the zotac i paid 1750 from Amazon after i used my points and i got some Amazon coupons for Xmas from family, so it was a no brainer for 350 euros more the 4090 is the choice, its an a class of its own. I went with the zotac because of the 5 year guarantee and i think its the only one beside the fe that pass in upright mount in my lian li o11 dynamic evo. Build quality is good, pcb got 24 phases and there is not that loud coil whine like the Asus cards. The only negatives are from what i read the noisy fans and the power goes only to 500 watt but i can flash the strix bios for 600 if i want it. Lets see how is the coil sound and fans when it arrives.
  18. Merry Christmas guys, enjoy the holidays with the love ones! πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ…
  19. From what i know any AIO that doesnt require a backplate works on AM5
  20. Nice, sexy card with 2x 16 pin, so 2x burning house chance?? 😁, and its coming to Europe aswell. I want one πŸ˜ƒ
  21. Sadly the W3 upgrade is not that good πŸ₯², Looks like normal CD Projekt RED launch, remember Cyberpunk πŸ˜„, Even a 4090 cannot get a stable framerate over 60 on 4k RT on no DLSS Wait for updates 😁
  22. Yes this is the norm nowdays, fu..the customers, profit above all. They needed something for the Christmas sales.πŸ˜‘
  23. Well if this is true then this is why performance is so low and a scummy move from AMD to their customers!
  24. Yes these 7900xtx cards are overclocking like crazy but there is a strange behavior where if you go past a point you get less performance. AMD needs to get the drivers in shape. Think after some maturity of drivers these cards will unleash almost 4090 performance across the board. Yes, as I expected, our performance was again limited by the power limit of the card. To make it simple, from a certain frequency, and even if it is stable, the performances are less good. Look on this picture, the Boost frequency reaches 2859 MHz and yet my graphic score is only 27661 points while at the origin, without overclocking, it is 29864 points! https://en.overclocking.com/review-powercolor-rx-7900-xtx-red-devil-limited-edition/9/?amp=1 LE: What a shitty 7900xtx launch we had, i cannot find any Sapphire 7900xtx Nitro in whole Europe, or any good AIB cards..
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