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Everything posted by cylix

  1. So im visitint my parents this week, dont come as often anymore sadly.. But i found 2 bad boys that i used in my childhood. They are bout working and one of them was a little bit upgraded from my brother in his visits. Nr 1. The old boy. A Pentium E5200 Dual core with 3 Gb Ram and rocking a Nvidia 8400 GS 😁😁 in one of my oldest case that was my first custom. I cut the biohazard sign and put a green fan inside. And it still has a floppy drive🀣. Nr 2. The "new one". An Fx-8350 with 12 Gb of ram rocking a 1050Ti! πŸ˜‚ My brother is still using it when he comes to visit. And i found an Amd k6-2 CPU still lurking around wanted to be used and build😁
  2. Ah yes the Asrock , but i am like you. I kinda dont trust them 🀣 Also think the customer support is not that good as Asus One. I need to see some good reviews about that asrock LE. Techpowerup did a review of the asrock.. Looks like the latest bios. 1.07 still has a lot of missing features and bugs..
  3. Looking good @jaybee83 You almost have everyting. Sry to hijack the thread a little. But is there a better WHITE AM5 Mb aroud? Or is the Asus Strix X670E-A Gaming wifi the best one in White. Need to be white cus i want an all white build πŸ˜† LE: White with RBG of course for more FPS 🀣
  4. Started to play again World War 3, its going open beta on the 29 on Steam. Its a good free game, one time was hyped as the battlefield killer. Sadly the first launch was full of bugs, developers are trying to bring it back, but they dont have funds like EA. It has some nice ideas and weapon customization is really well made. Hope they can do it, sad to see it die for a second time.
  5. A good video about how DLSS 3 works. PS: @Recievermaybe we should do a Subforum or a new topic where we can talk about the new GPUS?
  6. What a thing of beauty. I remeber when they showcase it. I was stunded from it. Wanted one but i think they wanted one arm and one leg for it. Was really expensive at that time. To bad we dont get something like this from the manufacturers, they dont try to innovate like this anymore.
  7. Intel shots fired. Those prices are sick, for sure they changed it last minute so they can take the spotlight from AMD. Competion , i love it!. best thing for us. the customers. Need to give it to AMD aswell how they keep up on two fronts, CPUs and GPUs with the juggernauts that are NVIDIA and Intel. I already smell some price cuts on the Zen 4 coming
  8. The same happend to me aswell, first 9900k that i got was an ebay one..didnt boot so i send it back and got my money. You need to bake the copper IHS first with LM. On mine i put the Lm on the part where the die makes contact and left it do dry on the heater for 1 2 days until the LM was absorbed in the IHS. You can also bake it faster in the oven if you can stand the smell.πŸ˜€
  9. Hahahah, thats a crazy board, nicely done πŸ˜„ . Yes hope that enough cooling for the beast. But i think in the end we will all get to bare die with Zen 4. Yes do that, post everything if you can so we the future buyers can see what are we going to expect πŸ‘
  10. You can have this one :D, wtf is this price 😁 https://www.amazon.de/-/en/X670E/dp/B0BF576T27/ref=sr_1_4?crid=28JHOX6ADMQ7P&keywords=x670+mainboard+am5&qid=1664284588&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjY0IiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=x67%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-4 Leaving the jokes aside. πŸ™‚ What AIO are you going to run with the 7950? until the bare die from Roman comes? πŸ˜„
  11. Nicee, congrats bro. From the locals :D. Mindfactory are goodπŸ˜€ They habe two mobos MSI wifi Pro and the Aorus Elite x670 aswell, the Gigabyte comes with a 40 Euro Cashback
  12. Hahaha, yes when the itch is there :D. thanks for taking one for the team πŸ˜„.
  13. Yes really impressed about that eco mode aswell. Dont want a reactor at homeπŸ˜‚, so that 105 w looks sweet and its about 34% faster as the 5950x is great. Ill go for the 7900x or wait for the 3d version next year. Until then the prices foe the mb will go down for sure. They are way too high right now.. 600 euros for a decent x670...
  14. Crazy temperature improvement with direct die cooling on Zen4. Like Der8auer says it. That IHS is too thick. Looks like this is the future of Desktop cooling aswell.
  15. Zotac 4090 just appeared at caseking at a whopping 2250 euros πŸ˜‘@jaybee83
  16. One benchmark on wccftech.com came up. So the 4090 is 50 60% more with raytracing against the 3090ti. Whats strange is the temperature.. Is the cooling so good on the 4090??
  17. Bad news are piling up. πŸ˜ƒ. What a bad launch for nvidia. Hope amd can profit from this. Better for the consumers in the end if nvidias legs are shaking. Maybe they will wake up and treat us how its supposed to be.
  18. Hmm...Honeywell 7950 looks interesting. I ordered 5gr to try it on my clevo and see how it is against Phobya
  19. Oh man i had to laugh out load at the video. :D. Are all the marketing reps high or what. 🀣 Bionic shark fans..jesus Gigabyte wtf 🀣
  20. Oh Congratulations :D...life is over 😁......im kidding, when the kid will show you the first smile, everything will be forgotten. Yeahh i think those prices are scalper one, normal for a launch, but they will sink when stock is everywhere https://www.nvidia.com/de-de/geforce/graphics-cards/40-series/rtx-4090/ 1949 Euros for one 4090 FE....FUUUUCKKK offff Nvidia
  21. https://wccftech.com/nvidia-engineer-says-dlss-3-on-older-rtx-gpus-could-theoretically-happen-teases-rtx-i-o-news/ Nivdia is synonym with Bullshit right now
  22. Well prices for the new Zens just appeard on one French website and they dont look good.. Over 700 euros for a 7900x😒😒
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