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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Exactly, and now there are no miners in sight to buy at this prices, they are out of the equation. I dont see so many kids with deep pockets to replace all that miners and scalpers like in the past. I really dont know what will AIB partners do, they are already selling 30xx at a loss.. LE: We are in a recession, people dont have money to pay the bills, rent and food and they jack up the prices like this..
  2. and that 1200 $ is FE price, the partners will have to charge 100-200 extra and the Shops will have aswell their cut..so a partner board will be around 1400 1500 Dollar. Incredible what a bunch of snakes Nvidia are, now everybody understands EVGAs move...
  3. What a bunch of scammers are NVidia!! Selling the 4070 as a 4080. Didnt they get the memo that ETH merged and mining is useless? What are this prices?? NVIDIA is the New Apple, i hope everybody boycotts this company. I for one will go 100% team red, Fuck them.. And not forget the marketing bullshit of dlss 3x going only on the new 4x furnaces. ..
  4. Started Cyberpunk Edgerunners, seen 3 episodes so far. Looks good, they did a good job showing Night City, story looks good and there is lots of gore and Nudity 😄. Makes the current playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 more enjoyable and there are some connections in the game world aswell but didnt find them until now.
  5. Yeah Cyberpunk looks good even without Ray Tracing. HDR is Spot on. I started playing again aswell with the latest patch. Lets see for how long 🙂
  6. Haha, nice my man, yeah it will depend on the budget, my second kid is coming late October to the world so ill be a little strap but if the money is there il get the 7950x aswell, well see. GPU im still undecided aswell, i think RDNA 3 will provide a major boost over the current gen, if the ray tracing will be good as the 30x0 series or more think im gonna be Team red 100%. 4090 will be a monster but im afraid of the power will consume.
  7. Yes for me aswell, will be my first desktop in 10+ years :D. Which cpu will you get? I think the 7900x is my choice and maybe change it next year with the 7800x3d
  8. This is strange, im also on the latest clevo official bios and the 9900k is working with it. Did u try the 9900k in a desktop to see if its working? Maybe the CPU is defective.
  9. I dont remember exactly anymore but when i went to the 9900k from the old 8700k i needed to reset the cmos like two times and also take the battery out, drained and back again, there was a little bit of a hassle for sure.
  10. Playing some Forza 5 atm, checking the HDR on my new Screen and oh boy this game is truly gorgeous and the 49 is the perfect dimensions screen for racing sims 😁
  11. OMG u still have them?? Shit im so sad i sold my Voodoo 3 i dont know when anymore.. , and also my parents threw away my IBM 386 from their basement without knowing 😑
  12. A380 seems a good investment, probably will be like and old car in the future, when intel cancels the GPU experiment. Will get cult status like the 3dfx Voodoo 3 😁. I still miss that card 🥲, was soooo proud of myself when i paired it with my Cyrix 686, the graphics were a revelation!
  13. Hhahah, i wanted one of those so muuuuch back in the day, because of the matrix 😜.
  14. Holy cow, thats a nice price!, Hope to see them in Europe aswell... People on ebay are mad..still trying to sell 3090 with 1500 Euros 🤣 or 5950x with 600 700 Euros..
  15. Yes :))), i am a "save all things on desktop" kind of a guy, now it takes me 1 minute sometimes to find something on the desktop 🙂 On topic: bought a pair of Edifier G2000 Speakers in white. Really nice sound for the size and the bluetooth is nice to have. One less cable around.
  16. Hahaha, the guy is so funny, and he made 2 Youtube videos about that the prices will not drop anymore and we should buy :D. Im just waiting for his apology video 😁 In Germany i get every day new offers for the GPUs. 3080ti is around 1k and 3090 touching 1200 any moment now...the second hand market is full with GPUS, the miners are unloading the stock, getting panic cus the ETH merge is around the corner. You can get second hand 3090 with 800 900 Euros. But im holding strong, latest leaks suggest that 4080 is more powerful or on par with the 3090ti. Really impressed about the leap if its true. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/timespy-rtx-4080-faster-3090-ti
  17. @jaybee83 Haha, yes g8 is great so is the new Alienware AW3423dw , but i really like the 32:9 ratio and of course the real estate you get with 49 Inches. So i got it from a guy who bought it 1,5 Months ago but he didnt use it cause it was to big for his new setup, he has an audio recording studio , but he couldnt return it anymore, i paid for it 1000 Euros with extra 3 years Insurance, great deal if you count the Extra Insurance is around 250 Euros, and is insured for everything possible, even theft. I put the 1011 Firmware on it and the HDR is really improved right now. The only problem is that i read everwhere that if i want the best HDR experience i need to install Win 11 cus is miles ahead of the 10 HDR. And i hate W11 😑. I only did the calibration the rtings.com did. Look alright until now 🙂 And a Photo with the beauty :), sadly i know that i have to say farewell to my Clevo, the 2080 is not enough anymore to get the full power of the G9 Neo. Just waiting for the next gen Gpus and AMD Cpus to build a Desktop. PS: need to buy a Ergotron Arm cus my desk is to small for those Legs 🙂
  18. Don't think it will do that much difference that Heatsink. The best thing you can do for the CPU is to get a custom IHS for the CPU, like the BartX . It really is the moneys worth! It is reallly incredible what a difference it made for my 9900k
  19. Just got a Samsung Odyssey G9 Neo, my dream Monitor! Got lucky and get it at a very very good price. Installed the latest firmware and everything looks ok, no dead pixels and no problems. 49 inches FTW! 😀
  20. Holy thats the ebay card i was watching aswell 😀. You got a really good price on it, i was thinking to bid but for Germany i needed to pay customs and VAT so in the end was to expensive. Good luck with it and keep us updated on the road to fit it in the 775 chassis.
  21. Thanks for the offer!! but im sure is going to be a headache with the papers and the custom here.. Wish you a speedy sell 😀
  22. Yeah, ill need to see how straight is my heatsink and probably ill use k-5 pro instead of thermal pads for better pressure. Is electrical tape enough to isolate the board from LM spills?
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