Bought new SLI cable - no success. In window mode stress tests 2 cards in SLI working perfectly, but if stress test in Full Screen mode - after 2-3sec artifacts and black screen, if waiting 40-50 sec with combination driver reload (i hear sounds with black screen) - laptop is wake up and show image. Doesn't matter if i run stress test in 4K, in FHD, HD resolution in window mode - doesn't crash, bit if run in full screen mode - in any resolution - 2-10 sec crashing...
I install many drivers, reinstalled win 10 5 times, intallind and uninstalling Clevo control center, with updated all drivers and with all manufacturers (old) drivers - no success... Video card separately working flawlessly, in full screen/windowed mode, but in SLI both (and if swap each other) - not properly working in fullscreen mode.