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  1. hi. nobody not reply because nobody now doesnt use old hot and not reliable, and all owners already use Maxwell or Pascal video cards which not have problem with cooling VRM (much colder than old 675m)
  2. hi. i see ithis is cheap china MXM adapter , did it support boot mode OS in bios or this mxm adapter working only as secondary SSD ?
  3. Yes, i flash - your bios , but on my 870km flashed bios not supported SLI mode... I cannot enable it.
  4. Just flash your vbios - do not have SLI configuration in Nvidia Panel... Disappear settings. Only PhysX available settings, i cannot activate both cards 😞 Reinstall Win 10 - not available SLI menu Inslall Win 11- same as Win 10...
  5. do you remember how flash NVFLASH master and slave videocards? Nvflash64 --override -6 GP104.rom ?
  6. I have this now, flash old (OEM) your is for SLI? Gsync support?
  7. Gop higher than 30006? Because i have unlocked bios ported from TM (maybe prema or Dsanke) and need newer GOP version vbios
  8. I've already tried. Separately working perfectly, all tests passed. Thermal pads is new, thermal paste is Arctic cooling MX6. No overheating, all need smd components are cooling, i inspected and checking few times. Its not heating. I think its problem with synchronization both cards and video output signal on LCD, but cannot check its video card issues or mobo issue... Need another 100% working p870dm3/km/tm for test cards, but in my country this is unreal. Video card bioses are flashing on another versions (g sync/ no g sync, gop vers 30006 low and high) - not solved issue, no change working status.
  9. Bought new SLI cable - no success. In window mode stress tests 2 cards in SLI working perfectly, but if stress test in Full Screen mode - after 2-3sec artifacts and black screen, if waiting 40-50 sec with combination driver reload (i hear sounds with black screen) - laptop is wake up and show image. Doesn't matter if i run stress test in 4K, in FHD, HD resolution in window mode - doesn't crash, bit if run in full screen mode - in any resolution - 2-10 sec crashing... I install many drivers, reinstalled win 10 5 times, intallind and uninstalling Clevo control center, with updated all drivers and with all manufacturers (old) drivers - no success... Video card separately working flawlessly, in full screen/windowed mode, but in SLI both (and if swap each other) - not properly working in fullscreen mode.
  10. Hi. Bought p870km, 7700k + 2xgtx1070 SLI. If SLI Enabled, laptop is constantly freeze during boots, slowly boot windows, and after booting if run any benchmark - artifacts, and after 5-15sec - black screen ( or reboot, or after 3-5min can if press win ctrl shift b - reload driver and screen power on). But if tested with disabled SLI or Each one in master Slot separately - video cards in testing no issues - loading 100% stress test, no artifacts, no black screen. I flash bios from TM modded for 8 series and 9 series, flash video bios (because GOP version was old) - nothing changes - in sli mode black screen ( and in original bios KM bios show 2 video cards, but in modded from TM - Show only one video card)... How can test second video card without enabling SLI to understand whether it is a problem with the sli bridge connection hardware or the second slot hardware, or second card in second slot not want working 😕
  11. what should this thermal pad be like? and what other ones should be on the motherboard?
  12. Will be second;) Why you have more points in 3dmark? What do you have lcd? Downvolted? Overclocked?
  13. this is only for 870dm because by the factory there is additional power supply, and two at once. in other laptops alienware, msi, precision - there is no additional power supply and you need to understand where to get it from. also where to get 3.3 volts from. and perhaps the video card will work differently because all laptops have the optimus function enabled.
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