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    Long live NBR!

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  1. A house 😬 Interest rates suck right now, and they're only going to get worse. But I (finally) found really good deal on price. Been looking for over a year. Getting the home inspection on Tuesday. Hopefully all goes well.
  2. Indeed, you could always turn an open-world game into a more linear game with the help of online maps, though personally I feel like that hurts the charm of the open world. But that's understandable if time is limited. I think you posted this in the wrong thread chief 😉
  3. Thank you, Receiver! Much appreciated that you're creating a thread for announcement discussion (and for all the hard work you do on this forum!) Can we move this "Internal Announcement Discussion" subforum elsewhere, such as making it a subforum of the Internal News / Announcements forum? I honestly would have never thought to look under a category like Tech > News & Bargains to find internal website discussions. I missed suggesting names for the forum because I didn't see the thread here early enough, and I doubt most people would think to look in a "Tech Bargains" forum here for discussion of internal website announcements either.
  4. I haven't played a Dark Souls game before, so I don't have a direct point of reference, but the idea of tediously refighting the same fights and rage quitting doesn't appeal to me. That said, the open-world aspect of Elden Ring has piqued my interest because if you run into a wall, you can (apparently) go perform a different task and level up, then come back later when you're stronger. I haven't played the game, but is this an accurate assessment?
  5. I second what @hfm said: take the full test, folks! Don't post your best single score when you are told to "Click to keep going" - come now, I too gamed the system, and I got a whopping 13ms one time! Obviously not real. And all ya'll complaining about sub-200ms scores need to shut your traps 😛 I'm not even as old as some of you! ' Oh well! I'll blame having a laggy system 😉 At least I'm still better off than the reported user average of 273ms.
  6. Not surprised given the lack of maintenance happening over there. This does simplify things and allow the community to reunite under one roof. efgxt.net--soon to be NotebookTalk.net--is now the definitive successor to NBR. Hopefully everyone who didn't come in the initial wave will join us now.
  7. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Classic fun.
  8. NotebookTalk - easily the most descriptive and meaningful choice.
  9. Just finished Don't Look Up. Enjoyable and spot-on satire
  10. A microled television. Presumably the prices will come down eventually, so I may get one someday. But not anytime soon.
  11. No noises to really complain about today... just sleep maintenance insomnia. 😕
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