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Everything posted by Prototime

  1. A house 😬 Interest rates suck right now, and they're only going to get worse. But I (finally) found really good deal on price. Been looking for over a year. Getting the home inspection on Tuesday. Hopefully all goes well.
  2. Indeed, you could always turn an open-world game into a more linear game with the help of online maps, though personally I feel like that hurts the charm of the open world. But that's understandable if time is limited. I think you posted this in the wrong thread chief 😉
  3. Thank you, Receiver! Much appreciated that you're creating a thread for announcement discussion (and for all the hard work you do on this forum!) Can we move this "Internal Announcement Discussion" subforum elsewhere, such as making it a subforum of the Internal News / Announcements forum? I honestly would have never thought to look under a category like Tech > News & Bargains to find internal website discussions. I missed suggesting names for the forum because I didn't see the thread here early enough, and I doubt most people would think to look in a "Tech Bargains" forum here for discussion of internal website announcements either.
  4. I haven't played a Dark Souls game before, so I don't have a direct point of reference, but the idea of tediously refighting the same fights and rage quitting doesn't appeal to me. That said, the open-world aspect of Elden Ring has piqued my interest because if you run into a wall, you can (apparently) go perform a different task and level up, then come back later when you're stronger. I haven't played the game, but is this an accurate assessment?
  5. I second what @hfm said: take the full test, folks! Don't post your best single score when you are told to "Click to keep going" - come now, I too gamed the system, and I got a whopping 13ms one time! Obviously not real. And all ya'll complaining about sub-200ms scores need to shut your traps 😛 I'm not even as old as some of you! ' Oh well! I'll blame having a laggy system 😉 At least I'm still better off than the reported user average of 273ms.
  6. Not surprised given the lack of maintenance happening over there. This does simplify things and allow the community to reunite under one roof. efgxt.net--soon to be NotebookTalk.net--is now the definitive successor to NBR. Hopefully everyone who didn't come in the initial wave will join us now.
  7. Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Classic fun.
  8. NotebookTalk - easily the most descriptive and meaningful choice.
  9. Just finished Don't Look Up. Enjoyable and spot-on satire
  10. A microled television. Presumably the prices will come down eventually, so I may get one someday. But not anytime soon.
  11. No noises to really complain about today... just sleep maintenance insomnia. 😕
  12. According to discussion on laptopforum.net, the notebook-forum.com forum is gone for good. Sad for Spartan and folks who just lost NBR too. Hopefully we can welcome Spartan to efgxt soon.
  13. Now it says the domain name is parked and available for purchase. We'll see if it comes back...
  14. I don't see that but I do get a message saying that the domain name is parked and available for sale by GoDaddy. The forum might be gone?
  15. Did you see the announcements about NBR closing before Monday? If not, I'm curious: how did you discover efgxt.net? (Glad that you found us, but just curious how word is getting out about the new forums now that NBR is gone.)
  16. Prototime


    If you make an astronomy thread, I'd be interested in participating. I've loved astronomy since I was a kid. Never have owned a telescope, though I love stargazing; unfortunately, I can see few stars in the bright city where I live. But I have read quite a bit on astronomy and astrophysics (amateur-level reading, at least), and really enjoy YouTube channels like PBS SpaceTime. Good stuff.
  17. I'm not a fan of that either. It always confuses me too. Like, why would you even want the world to hear your entire conversation? So bizarre.
  18. What is your favorite game or games? Could be favorite of all time, favorite in a particular genre, an old favorite, a new favorite, etc. And why is it your favorite? I'll start with two. Personally, the game that was my favorite as a kid, and that I have the fondest memories of, is Star Fox 64. Absolutely loved the 3D aerial shooting mechanics, the characters, and the branching paths. My favorite PC-exclusive game is TIE Fighter. Another aerial shooter, but not a rail shooter like SF64, and much more a space flight simulator. I loved the variety of ships to fly; managing the shield, weapon, and energy systems; and the vast variety of mission objectives. I have a few other favorites I could mention, but I think this is good to start! What about you?
  19. Folks who smoke on the train. Seriously, some people have zero consideration for others.
  20. All of the Technology Guide URLs (not just notebookreview.com) are redirecting to the same forum closure page. TechTarget probably ignored Charles's requests to link to the successor forums out of pure laziness; it's (negligibly) easier for them to have a single redirect page for all their closed forums that link to reddit, LTT, and Tom's Hardware than to have a dedicated redirect page for NBR linking to efgxt, notebook-review and laptopreview.
  21. Not too much sadly. I saved my old reviews of the two laptops in my sig, plus a rant I once went on about the evils of max-q (lol). I also transferred over here a guide I wrote (with help from many other NBR users) in the MSI forum about micro-stuttering. Otherwise, I restarted a couple of off-topic threads here and tried to memorialize and thank their original creators in doing so. So sad to see so much lost, but glad to have saved at least some of it, and glad for the archive project too.
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