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Everything posted by Vasudev

  1. For now I don't think it'll happen since most of the apps use touch optimized layout first than preferring physical keyboard on a phone.
  2. I do have Lumia 730 running in Mint condition but sadly its only 3g+ and doesn't support 4G.
  3. Ok thanks. I was aware of ICD 7/24 scratching die/IHS but Papusan,Mr. Fox and others told me its only cosmetic and doesn't affect the CPU/IHS/HS in any way. Then again, ICD was difficult to source and too expensive and I found CM Maker Gel and haven't looked back.
  4. Is it better than older Kryonaut and has reduced pumpout on BGA with super heavy copper heatsinks (pun intended 😂)? @Papusan@Mr. Fox Do you recommend replacing thermal paste brands/variants in OP with new versions and also thermal pads/metal pads/carbon sheets?
  5. This thread will serve as a guide for new comers to the forum and will possibly reduce the time reading through long never ending threads. TL.DR; This will guide in choosing the best thermal paste that suits you. Well Known Brands: Thermal Grizzly (aka TG) Coollaboratory (aka CLL) Phobya Gelid Prolimatech IC Diamond Cooler Master Honeywell Roman aka Der8auer rants about misleading W/mK values used for marketing thermal paste. Thanks @Papusan Phase Change Thermal Pad: PTM7950 Phase Change Thermal Pad: 8.5 W/mK [Thanks to @Papusan @Rofa1234] Traditional Paste: [No specific order] TG Kryonaut Extreme: 14.2 W/mK replacing TG Kyronaut [Thanks to Papusan and @solidus1983] Phobya NanoGrease Extreme 16 W/mK { Thanks Mr.Fox} Gelid Extreme 8.5 W/mK ICD 7: 4.5 W/mK Prolimatech PK3: 11.2 W/mK Cooler Master MasterGel Maker : 11 W/mK [ Thanks bloodhawk] Cooler Master CryoFuze: 14 W/mK Removed Thermalright Due to Worse performance. Thanks @Papusan https://notebooktalk.net/topic/171-which-thermal-paste-to-buy-and-apply-traditional-and-liquid-metal/?do=findComment&comment=55744&_rid=188 Kingpin Cooling KPx Thermalright TF8: 13.8 W/mK Liquid Metal Pastes:[No specific order] TG Conductonaut *: 73 W/mK Coollaboratory Ultra or Pro *: 68 W/mK [Thanks Papusan ] Phobya LM *: 40 W/mK [Thanks Papusan ] Thermalright Silver King*: 79W/mK [Thanks Papusan ] _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sorry this is non exhaustive list. * indicates important notes whilst the use of metal paste. Heat sink must be copper The surface of heatsink and cpu/gpu must be clean to provide even contact because metal paste will fill the air gap like a thin film The surface have to be completely flat, and the contact between the heatsink and the die have to be PERFECT ( minimum gap between both) { credit to judal57 for this} Tape the outer die of CPU or GPU to avoid spillage due to over-application of paste Use spatula paint brush or similar, to even out the paste on the die and apply remaining paste on the heat sink (Thanks to Papusan) Added Papusan's firment guide on custom IHS. Link to guide @Rofa1234's detailed thermal paste testing results: So here are my results. This is the average degrees of 4 cores+ambient temperature correction (between 0.0-1.0 degrees). I will add detailed core and ambient temperatures later on. Too much for now
  6. Yes I'm on default System theme on firefox. Didn't see theme setting like xenforo or maybe I'm looking at wrong setting/section.
  7. I think none of my family members have compatible laptops/PCs. I might buy new BGA this or next year.
  8. Damn it feels like TT issued a takedown notice to Spartan's site! @RecieverIs there anyway to make the reactions visible by using darker color. I seem to be missing everytime.
  9. I have joined all NBR alternatives. For some reason I'm unable to login to notebook-review. I did give my email to site admin. @RecieverCan i re-create thermal paste, iOS cleanup, secure erase ssd using Livecd threads etc here? Any blockers/legal disputes by using archived snapshot of nbr from wayback machine? EDIT: Did t456 join here? He has helped many a times with bad bios flash, display firmware issue on AW etc...
  10. Thank you @Hiew and @Reciever for bringing up the site in such a short time.
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