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Everything posted by Vasudev

  1. The OEM vendor only has Win 11 drivers so naturally I went with Win 11. There are hiccups in start menu and overall desktop usage from Win 10 but nothing can be done. I tried few tweaks or start menu replacements with classic start menu and it made the entire OS buggy and stutter.
  2. Sorry for the late reply! I didn't have an internet connection at that time besides the high ram usage and usual Vaio bloatware everything was fine. I played Ck 2007 WC edition, NFS PS, nfsMW w/o any issue. It used to thermal throttle at 97C and still played games fine. Didn't know much about PC repair and Vaio was always in service depot with screen and mobo replacement.
  3. Got a thinkpad E14 with win 11 was unbearable to use after updating to latest version with buggy start menu and explorer patcher made it worse wherein all items were empty in start menu, win key not working etc. I think Vista was alot better.
  4. In fact my AW BGA made my room so hot even though a heavy rainfall was forecasted. Ambients shot up to 35C at night. @Rofa1234Let me know if new paste must be added to OP. i think PCT should be standard paste on all devices and normal paste can't get these mini-Sun/star.
  5. Wasn't available in India and I went CM Maker Gel paste. If you want a longer lifetime w/o repaste I'd suggest TG Carbonaut or ICD Graphite HC version (new material like carbonaut). Though I have seen 1-2c higher peaks with ICD Graphite HC version but operating temps with ICD HC was better and fans were not spinning most of the time. Carbonaut is fragile and perfect for warped heatsink and conforms better which I use on alienware even after lapping my heatsink surrounded with insulation tapes. ICD HC is a 5 pack version and costs similar to 1 package of TG carbonaut and 2-3x cheaper on amazon even after imported to India.
  6. Upgraded RAM/SSDs and also added laptop skins. Even replaced LCD cables as well.
  7. Thanks @JeanLegi for explaining @jaybee83. I totally forgot to check my email notification. Actually OCAT(Dx9/10/11/12/Vulkan) and Frameview(Dx10/11/12/Vulkan) will have least resource usage when comparing RTSS.
  8. I'd suggest looking at this defenderUI https://www.defenderui.com/ You can use one click to disable defender and improve security. Since TS comes with WD boost tweak bench and gaming are rarely affected
  9. @JeanLegiToday I decided to retry Nvidia frameview and its overlay is sufficient since it display CPU clocks, usage, perf per Watt, CPU/GPU temps etc.
  10. Tried that and didn't work and it also broke overlay fields and customisations and did a full uninstall and restored the profiles and didn't fix a thing. So, I moved to minimal overlay and profile tool which uses Intel's presentMon library called AMD OCAT which is open source.
  11. @JeanLegiCan you try closing MSI Ab/RTSS overlay, in some nvidia driver versions 511.x MSI AB overlay caused CPU temps to reach 90C+ and I tried reinstall/complete uninstall w/o any fixes. Removed MSI AB and temps spiking stopped. I tried with older driver and MSI AB overlay was working properly.
  12. Post continued: Package content: Basic test using stress-ng --cpu (threads/cpu count) --timeout (2mins) @Rofa1234 Let me know if Honeywell PT7590 PCM needs to be added as Phase Change Material which is different from traditional paste.
  13. @Papusan@Mr. Fox@Rofa1234 Just got IC diamond graphite pad high compression version (5 pack). Not seeing much difference between carbonaut and IC HC pad. IC HC had initial 2C worse temp than carbonaut but stabilized after few days. Operating temps for IC HC pad seems 2-3C cooler than carbonaut. Old carbonaut: IC HC pad:
  14. That pricing is not affordable and huge monster trucks won't fit in mini-case or eGPU enclosure. There is an alternative from Intel called XeSS but unsure if it will pave the way for FSR and merged with DX and other graphics APIs. I think SLI on 4090 or Ti version would be monsterous unless nvidia felt it didn't scale well and creating SLI profiles will be a pain.
  15. You can use GPU caps viewer's RainForest Test from OpenGL 4.x along with OpenCL CPU Julia4D or any others to stress both CPU and GPU. Temps might spike to 90C on GPU or CPU depending on fan curve responsiveness. Or use AIDA64 FPU test and Rain Forest OpenGL which can be put as baseline since AIDA64 can stress the CPU/GPU quickly.
  16. I didn't know that replacing thermal paste and undervolt is seen as voiding the warranty policy. Even I haven't heard a court case for this. Maybe Steve from GN or Roman from TG or others can shed some light.
  17. Hmmm. It seems I'm outdated on warranty info when using PBO and OC on AMD. Even AMD doesn't honor warranty. I think maybe *ALL* OC'able CPU,GPU,RAM might not honor OC warranty.
  18. That's sad to hear since you, Johnkss Papusan and other have been OC'ing LGA in PC/laptops for decades. Intel should never sell K chips if warranty is void since there are lot of variable such as mobo defaults set to Auto OC w/ adaptive voltage contols and many users will not be aware of those. I think they should have given a new CPU considering it costs a lot and 12th gen are near EOL once 13th gen are relased officially in shelves and online stores. Now, Intel considers LGA or socketed hardware as BGA and extra cost/warranty swaps is none of their business. Well, next time we will need to re-consider who gets our money.
  19. Tested it after clearing out and other cache. It seems uCode wasn't loaded properly, scores are lower. For gaming not seeing much FPS drops. OS slipstreaming took longer than expected for Win 10.
  20. That's a shocker for me. I always had great GPUs from Gigabyte(NV) and Sapphire(AMD). I'm more sad after seeing first party AMD and Nvidia not honoring their used GPUs and its almost waste of silicon yeah its single use and doesn't have any value. I guess HK, K series and other series including XMP 2.0 must be scrapped from the Marketing BS bullets if they don't honor their warranties to upsell their OC'able gimmick and not honoring the warranty by saying user OC'ed so you're SOL and Intel going AWOL. Might as well sell soldered BGA in desktop and also soldered RAM and firmware so that it makes warranty swaps easier. I don't think you can make chargeback since its been so long and most of the time user will be blamed for not reading their no OC policy on their Unlocked overclockable chipsets, it makes matters much worse.
  21. @Mr. Fox@PapusanI noticed strange behavior after applying latest uCode for skylake F0(earlier it used to be slow, say a month ago) and also applied latest MEIFW v11.8.93.4323 the CPU is performing better and I used TSBench to complete a single run of 8,10,12 and 16. Subsequent running beat my earlier scores and CPU ran hot and VID was hitting 1-1.1V with 80-100mV undervolt. However I fired up benchmate and used F7 hotkey to clear CPU cache line and re-ran 8 thread in TSBench and it was dog slow like usual and expected result which I got a month ago. I'm unsure what the behaviour really is? Is it hardware issue or simply a MEIFW bug that made CPU to pull more wattage to perform better? Could the caching from CPU for recent instructions bite me in the future? I might test it in CB R20 and see if benchmate reports skewed clock times causing the freq to be higher.
  22. I think they triggered or activated flagging MSO as suspicious activity. Usually they correct these def. update or platform updates. I use Defender along with DefenderUI(makers of Voodoo-shield) with custom profile. I use few custom bat script which are removed by 3rd party post OS install either from NTlite or WinToolkit
  23. I did make a custom Win 11 ISO with Home and Pro versions during initial release and most requirements are bypassed in both install.wim and boot.wim.
  24. Now it is close to 50C. Ceiling fan always get broken in summer and fortunately, I had pedestal fan otherwise I'd have become baked fat potato.
  25. Your ambient temps are not extreme unlike in India where it hovers around 30-40C ambient temps. For me Cooler Master Maker Gel held up for 5yrs plus w/o degradation.
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