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Everything posted by Vasudev

  1. Depends on heatsink fit. On my alienware the GPU side had slight offset to the left while removing the heatsink. I had to redo it and tape on sides. On CPU side there were no slips. Then again I did cut the film/carbon sheet smaller as to fit it inside the CPU or GPU.
  2. Don't sand it too much. When i was doing it for the first time, i nearly took too much and in turn reduced pressure. Use 800-1000 grit and try sanding it in one direction just twice/thrice. I think @Mr. Fox@jaybee83@Reciever @Papusan and others can help you in getting exact or precise process.
  3. @RecieverHi Just noticed a strange thing today, is there a grace period timeout on 2FA code window, I actually forgot to type the code for 30 mins and after inputting a new code I was able to login. In other forums I'll be immediately kicked out and be landed to login page. Is it by design?
  4. From the picture, the pads on extreme left side vertically you can use soft pads from 0.2mm or 0.5mm from arctic or any chinese knockoffs marketed as GPU pads.As for existing pink pads its hard to say because its sticky and might become brittle as time progresses. I think 1mm and 0.5mm pads should be sufficient for your laptop.
  5. I'm glad I didn't apply offline patch.
  6. Alphacool does say the paste is great for longevity/reliability for high pressure heatsink.
  7. Tried the amd64 and ISO is not bootable in EFI. Also tried wimboot and ran into same issue. The odd thing is Image version still use Win 10.x.x build 22H2. Is it Win 10 with new UI and sys. reqmt were overestimated to kick out working PCs. The ISO size is 399MB
  8. @solidus1983I managed to open up the heatsink and the sheets almost melted to heatsink just like LM. On GPU there was slight shift then again I couldn't existing sheets after I tore up whilst removing through pluckers. I added insulation tape around GPU die and so far it seems to be good.
  9. Yeah MX4 dry out quickly. TFX does seem to hold its own after many years/months acc. to @Rofa1234@Falkentyne and others.
  10. Almost broke my back going to college with 5 Kg BGA and books.
  11. I used WinZip but got put off with constant nag screens to purchase or register even on freeware, so was looking for alternative and found 7z. The same thing is available in Linux so haven't looked back ever since. Its been more than a decade. I agree RAR5/6 support was added later in 7zip but for my use case 7z suited my needs. I preferopen source or cross platforms nowadays with one exception being MSO and Libreoffice/Google Docs works to a certain extent, MSO slightly edges them out in terms of performance on huge files be it Excel, Word or Powerpoint.
  12. DPTF allows configurable TDP, skin temp limit, acoustics etc. But some OEMs choose to incorporate and some ignore it. If you don't see it listed the model/laptop doesn't support it.
  13. I'd suggest installing Intel chipset driver and uinstalling dptf driver if its present. Are you using any third party power plan optimizer that is interfering intel speedstep driver?
  14. If it needs new CPUs and GPUs to run the game, its a major No-No for me. I'm satisfied with old one with mods and community fixes that made the old game playable on wide variety of devices from iGPU to dGPUs. Anyone noticed CPU and GPU temps spiked to atrocious 90-95C after Rockstar game launcher was updated. After restarting the game the temps went back to 60C on GTA 5 steam edition.
  15. Those are Thermal Grizzly Carbonaut. BOB of all Trades, @FalkentyneGamer Nexus x Roman/Derbauer did do a round of testing. I tried Carbonaut for their near perfect temps or non degraded temps even after long years. It saves me lot of time where BGA machines like Alienware and others which has complicated removal process and this cloth can be reused w/o loss in quality. I did lap and replaced thermal pastes on my laptops before adding carbonaut. So results will vary depending on your PCs/laptops/Consoles etc.
  16. Ok thanks. I didn't get it at first, Brasso which I used to cleanup copper utensils and lamps. I will apply a thin coat and try it out in few days will let you know.
  17. The reason I didn't cover the whole die area was the dGPU die were quite sharp and cloth got chipped on some sides and after adjusting the length it was irregular shaped square instead of perfect square of 18mm. Anyway I will have to open it up once I receive the replacement battery. HSF copper put me off too. I cleaned with fresh isopropyl alchol multiple times and few mins after drying it forms that ugly pattern. Maybe I'll tape the sides once I open it up. I'm benching it for testing and so far temps are great and I'm able to hit 45W in AIDA64 SST on CPU and >75W on GPU which never happened in 6 years I owned it. Without undervolt CPU temps spiked to 91C on 2 cores while rest were 86-87C pulling around 52W. The only thing missing is battery and that could explain better temps on CPU and GPU. Maybe battery is limiting performance. Gaming temps for 10 mins were under 60C on CPU and GPU.
  18. Haven't applied May update on Win 10. I use wait and see approach nowadays
  19. Looks like I ran out of reaction quota for today. Even I'm dumbfounded. Usually at idle the uneven temps are absent with paste and on max load there were 5-6C core difference on some cores with paste and with carbon cloth uneven is almost NIL and at max with single thread the core difference was 1-2C. Anyway, here are the images if anyone is interested in the shape of the cloth I used and want to try it. My heatsink was lapped previously and some more lapping would cause improper fit due to low pressure BGA heatsink.
  20. Just replaced thermal paste for carbonaut on 15R2 after replacement battery was dead again. Although temps didn't change much the uneven core temps are gone. On GPU carbonaut didn't make a difference due to large surface area
  21. Don't add it as a startup service. I had black screen issues when undervolt was too low and newer microcode didn't accept. With TS it will auto revert but in linux you will be seeing only blackscreen and no info. You need to disable secure boot to undervolt otherwise kernel will deny any read/write requests to CPU/MMIO. Undervolt package can read from TS ini and could apply the undervolt when cmdline is used.
  22. Actually you can use TS via cmdline undervolt on linux For GUI version there is AppImage (equivalent to portable app on Windows) https://appimage.github.io/linux-intel-undervolt-gui/ or debian package Github releases
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