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Everything posted by SuperMG3

  1. To test the RTX A3000 further, I also purchased a very cheap and rare M18X R2 with an issue. It does the 1 beep at boot. Which means corrupted bios according to the forums and the net. I'll do the blind flash technic. If not successful, I'll do the CH314A flash technic but I don't have the backup files for it.
  2. Hello. The RTX A3000 12GB MXM card has been shipped thru FedEx! It'll arrive in the next 6 days if everything is going normal.
  3. Hello for mine, the fans, keyboard, diagnostic, charging, brightness work haha. I can trigger the error beeps by removing CPU, CMOS and RAM... So BIOS works I took apart the entire laptop and waiting for a new motherboard, got one at 120 USD.
  4. Well @DoenerBoy123knows but I need more infos if I can't succeed the "blind flash"
  5. But that's one beeping! Not 2. I will try firstly to clear the CMOS then play with the RAM. If same 1 beep then I'll do the "blind flash". I remember some people bricking their laptop and NOT hearing the one beep, it just shut downs... No beeps, just power and shuts down...
  6. But what if this technic doesn't work? I need to use a CH314A programmer? But I don't have the BIOS and EC binary files... @DoenerBoy123has the files but he seems offline these days...
  7. Like this technic?: No battery USB stick with the .hdr file of the Dell.com BIOS Plug USB in eSATA port Hold END key and then power Wait a few minutes and it's done?
  8. I also found another 8 pins chip. It's a 256kb "cROM", it's a MX25L2006E chip. Just in case I have 2 backups, so If I brick my laptop well I can easily restore.
  9. I tried the same diagnostic on my working Alienware 18 and it does infact display something like letters and the ePSA menu... So the M17X's mobo is half-working uh but useless since no video on both IGPU and GPU...
  10. It does it for Infinite amount of time... Listen to the audio aac file, what does it mean? 20241204-125047.aac
  11. Guys. I did the FN + power button thing. It did lots of tests from the screen displaying colours to some happy beeps sounds?? Still nothing, same results.
  12. Forgot to mention something, the RGB wasn't working, it doesn't light when starting, not detected on the alienFX software. I think the RGB controller was toasted before. So bad motherboard in conclusion? Dead SG chip and RGB chip.
  13. Hello. I have bought a new Alienware M18X R2 from a seller, specs are unknown. Seller sent me a video about the issue. The keyboard lights up and the computer does one beep, pause one beep, pause, one beep... According to Dell it's a problem with the BIOS? I've seen on forums many users with M17X and M18X fixed the issue by flashing a new bios using CH314A USB. If that's the case, the computer I bought only needs a new reprogramming to the BIOS? Right? Does someone know where to find clean binary files for the BIOS and EC for the M18X R2 please? 20241204_073924.mp4
  14. Hello. What do you mean by "Use the bug to sleep"?
  15. I think it is. It's the only chip that has 8MB of size on the board. I did a backup of it just in case. Is it safe to downgrade to A12 unlocked? The flashing method tells me to put my laptop on sleep then wake it up to start the flashing with the bat file Or is there an A13 or A14 unlocked BIOSes?
  16. The laptop didn't have any problems before. No freezes, no lags, no crashes. It was running with the HP RTX 3000 and then with the Quadro K3100M for sale. I think either the motherboard couldn't handle the hardware swap so it died. Or the FirePro MXM shorted the Switchable Graphics module/chip and that's why the IGPU and GPU won't display anything on the screen...
  17. So I need a new motherboard? Because it was working fine until I've seen on the BIOS page that the Nvidia discrete card wasn't detected. So I pull it out and put it back again, still same issue. Then I tried the FirePro M6000 MXM and that's when the PC died. No more boot to bios, nothing. Even reflashing bios didn't work. So you think that a MXM slot/card killed the motherboard? or the whole motherboard couldn't handle the hardware swaps?
  18. Is the motherboard fried? Is the chip that's controlling switchable graphics dead?
  19. Hello and nope. I can't access to the Bios with F2 nor to the mSATA SSD with F12...
  20. I even did a bios flash with CH314A with clean and working BIOS and EC binaries. Still same issue I even ran the D colour debug. It does infact display colours in order...
  21. Is the Bios chip of the Alienware 18 the Winbond one? It's a 8MB chip, 25Q64
  22. Yes. I even tried HDMI out on both IGFX and NVIDIA GPU. Nothing. The fact that when I click on F2, the brightness turns off then turns on. I can also adjust the brightness level with FN keys, what is wrong with this laptop??
  23. Hello. I have received the laptop. It has BIOS A15. It has dual GTX 770M. So I removed one of them, now it runs with only one. I see that the unlocked BIOS Is A12 and not A15. As well I installed 32GB of RAM and 1TB SSD.
  24. Hello guys. I was about to sell this laptop and all of the sudden the PC won't work.... It was working very fine a few hours ago today. I just replaced my K3100M to a FirePro M6000 and test it but I got a new issue. Brightness on but nothing. I replaced RAM, cleared CMOS, replacing GPUs, changed CMOS battery. The CPU is working fine otherwise I'll get a 7 beeps error. I even did the eSATA Bios flash technic. It did a lot of beeps for 3 minutes straight then rebooted and... Brightness on again, no bios, no boot options. Please help asap
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