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  1. Hi, Have Nvidia GeForce GTX 880m but driver is not listed in NVClean. Tried new template and looking for a match based on Hardware IDs but no luck, so time to ask the experts! PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_05AB1028&REV_A1 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_05AB1028 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&CC_030000 PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&CC_0300 Windows 11, Alienware M18 with 2x 880m graphic cards. Going to try 860m template now... Thanks in advance!
  2. Have two M18's, one fully upgraded. The other one is base original M18 (not r2 or r3). What is the max disk speed I would be able to get if upgraded the mSata and Sata hard disks? Working out whether doing a cheap upgrade of the hard disks as getting 458-567mb sec read and 183-216 write. Thanks
  3. I upgraded mine to Nvidia GTX 1070 mobile version and single beats sli (two cards as software hardly uses/older now). Your need to apply an unlocked bios via flashing using a boot disk and needs doing before swapping the card. If locked then your get blank screen! I am thinking of getting hard disk upgraded as now have 1 free graphics slot:
  4. May have a solution on link below, but obviously that post is for M17, not M18 https://www.bios-mods.com/forum/Thread-REQUEST-Dell-Alienware-17-Mid-2013-BIOS-Unlock?page=2
  5. Friend having issues flashing moddem M18 (R1) bios from link below. Managed to down grade bios to earlier non-modded version (A15 to A10) Unable to patch modded bios for M18 using dos bootable disk and command: fptw64 -f bios.bin -bios Laptop had nearlly fully charged battery (battery is new 4 months ago) and plugged in to mains Engineer tried via dos bootable disk and some other way Error error 28: protected range registers are currently set by bios m18 Any ideas?
  6. Unable to flash the modded M18 bios. MISTAKE: appears model is M18 (and not M18 R2)... some have had issue trying to use older modded driver when installed is newer original Managed to down grade bios to earlier non-modded version (A15 to A10) Unable to patch modded bios for M18 (M18 R2 does not work of course!) Laptop had nearlly fully charged battery (battery is new 4 months ago) and plugged in to mains Engineer tried via dos bootable disk and some other way
  7. Thanks my laptop engineer going to try today.
  8. Got m18 r2 laptop graphics 880m graphics card swapped for 1070 by an engineer. But he was rushed and forgot about bios change needed. He does not have bios or any more time really... 1. Anyone got best explicit bios I can use for nvidia 1070 gtx mobile card in the m18 r2? 2. Can bios be installed with new card fitted say via USB drive?* * lank bootup screen/8 beeps. Need bios! Thanks
  9. After more detail so can upgrade laptop which has one broken graphics card 😞 Alienware M18x R2 Processor: i7-4940MX CPU @ 3.10GHz, 3200 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) Mem: 32gb Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M (broken) See mattyb3's comment lower down, but now would like a bit more detail to can pass on to PC hardware guru who has taken laptop apart before and renewed the thermal greese and the heat to dramactically drop. Sounds like 1070 or 1080 would give great performance and 1060 not much. Questions would replacing both graphic cards with 1060 require any addition things (fans, power) as above but for 1070 as above but for 1080 can i have old 880m card and say 10?0 in non-sli mode? any links to what is needed, ideally uk sites! mattyb3 has said The 1060 and 1070 are very similar upgrades, you just need to try and get the standard MXM 3.0b form factor. Some cards have a different shape and are hard or impossible to physically fit into the laptop. There aren't too many 1080's that will fit. The Zotac and Aetina versions are the only ones that fit and have the GPU die in the right place for the heatsink. They also require more power than the MXM slot can provide to get the full performance. The 1060 is only slightly more powerful than the 980M while the 1070 is a good jump up. It all depends what you can find for a decent price. The problem with the 980M is that most of them come out of China and they are 'clone' cards. Basically made in peoples garages so the quality is poor and they don't tend to last long. A single 1060 is far better than dual 880M's as SLI support has pretty much ended with most games these days. No, you can't SLI 1060's in the 18. You will need to flash the unlocked BIOS to run the 1060 as it has to be in SG mode (Switchable Graphics / Optimus) to run the card. SG mode means SLI isn't possible. Also, most 1060's don't tend to have SLI connectors on the PCB.
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