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Everything posted by br2

  1. br2

    MSI GT77

    Clevo has fallen and it remains to be seen if they can get up...
  2. br2

    MSI GT77

    Nobody will ever match Clevo for fan noise... Btw, back when there were real dtr's, did anyone ever upgrade the cpu before the socket was obsolete?
  3. br2

    MSI GT77

    Eh, i don't care about anything but how fast i can do my work, it has 4 M.2 slots and 4 ram slots. i'll have upgraded to something faster by the time the warranty is up.
  4. br2

    MSI GT77

    Apparently, it's slightly faster than Clevo X170KM-G. It's on my radar if my problems persist after flashing the Xmg Gear2 bios. I wouldn't kick it out of bed for being thinner and lighter... 😜
  5. Howdy... Hid says he's not going to support it due to its instability. Xmg flash gave me a scare but came up on the 4th "first boot". Pretty fool proof if you follow their instructions. Now to see if i can go a week or 2 without a crash. Fingers crossed.
  6. So this where everybody came... 😁 I finally got tired enough of random bsod to give up and fall back to 64gig ram, then found the Xmg Gear2 bios. Hid, surprisingly (:sarcasm: 🙃), isn't interested in getting that for me so i'm going to get my fingers dirty. Anybody having issues with their bios in others' machines?
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