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ssj92 last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. Just the registry mode for "high performance" and "power saving" gpu that I wrote in the rtx 5000 post in m18x thread I'm on 551.xx driver on Win10
  2. 880M + RTX 5000 was using older drivers that had both kepler and turing M2000M + RTX 5000 are both supported in latest drivers so I can use one driver for both (2 INF mods). I can use every feature of RTX 5000 even DX12, ray tracing, dlss, etc. In PEG mode.
  3. This is cool, I'll give it a shot later, but I did find asus Z390 and Z490 SLI certs online, so I am going to try those. Don't think I can bench 2x rtx titan in 3dmark even using that app
  4. I'm referring to ONLY using Intel HD 3000 (Sandy Bridge) in SG mode HD 4000+ works fine Dual GPUs in PEG (mix/match) works fine
  5. Could someone with an SLI capable motherboard please help me out. I just found out my W790 SAGE motherboard doesn't have an SLI certificate so I cannot enable SLI on my RTX Titans. I tried extracting SLI cert from my old AW Area-51 R2 desktop motherboard, but it doesn't seem to work. So I wanted to see if a newer cert is needed (mines from 2014 X99). if you have Z690 or any modern motherboard that supports SLI, can you dump your DSDT? To do so, make a clover bootloader usb stick using: cvad-mac.narod.ru - BootDiskUtility.exe Make the following folder once the usb is done: USB Drive>CLOVER>ACPI>origin Then boot from it, at the boot menu when it asks you to select OS to boot from, press F4 and it will dump your DSDT file to: USB>CLOVER>ACPI>origin>DSDT.aml I want to see if a newer cert makes any diffference. I have 2 X99 certs that I tried injecting and it didn't work. OR if someone is good at DSDT editing, I can attach mine here along with the guide I am trying to follow. I messaged ASUS support but highly doubt they will send me a bios update with the SLI certificate.
  6. The RTX 5000 will be a more reliable card since it's an official/quadro card. The 3080 is a frankenstein card as far as I can tell. Only time will tell how reliable it is. Both require custom heatsink. The RTX 3000 card (black pcb) on eBay is cheaper, doesn't require custom heatsink and should be reliable as well. FS GPU score is 16k so it's decently powerful still.
  7. It's definitely a driver issue. Before 419.xx all gpus I tested work fine, but no dx12 mode. My m15x has 980M with latest driver.
  8. M18xR1. Speicfically sandy bridge intel hd 3000 iGPU. I think Precision M6600 has same issues.
  9. The weird issue with SG mode on older laptops such as M18xR1 (HD 3000 iGPU) is there's no DX12 support on titles even with a GPU such as RTX 5000, which supports DX12. Even more interesting is, Optimus only works with older drivers such as 419.XX. All newer drivers the nVidia GPU is not being utilized even with registry mod,
  10. It's the vBIOS. Something with vBIOS causes issues.
  11. Yes with 880M + RTX 5000 and M2000M + RTX 5000. not all cards work. GTX 1080 causes restart loop. 3080 causes laptop to freeze at Alienware logo. 980M also causes freeze at AW logo.
  12. The RTX 3080 causes the bios screen to freeze in SG on M18xR1. So chances of it working in PEG as secondary card are low. Most likely a vBIOS issue.
  13. Someone said they’re getting 8 beeps with R4 eDP. It’s possible it’s not wired for eDP.
  14. No I meant I’m typing these replies from M18xR1, the 3080 is in my R2. vBIOS is 115w TDP for sure. Idk anyone with a higher TDP 3080 MXM vBIOS. Yes display overclocking can be scary but as long as the display looks normal (no lines etc) it should be fine. Wait 20 mins for panel to warm up then try 75hz. It should increase score.
  15. I;m using my M18xR1 right now so GPU-Z will have to wait. All DX12 titles are stuck at 60fps for some reason on 3080. To get past this, overclock the display to 75-80hz.
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