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ssj92 last won the day on December 12 2024

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  1. I think 4090 will work out better. Also I have 3080 working and 4090 should have similar layout. Maybe it’s worth the gamble to see if 4090 works since 3080 works and the layout is 99% same. my biggest concern would be any bios issues but since your 4060 works maybe 4090 will work. I requested a GPu-Z screenshot for advanced PCIe rebar tab to see if bios has rebar disabled. https://www.3dmark.com/fs/32931172 https://www.3dmark.com/spy/53298114 which desktop PCIe to MXM adapter do you use? Worse case I drop it into my desktop
  2. The 4060 didn’t work properly in M17xR4? You cannot run 3d applications?
  3. Do you know if the ZRT 4090 will also work in M18xR2? Or tested it in M17xR4? I wonder if @Maks0098 knows as well. I have the opportunity to buy one but it’s very expensive.
  4. You can get away with the 1866Mhz RAM. It won't make an insane amount of difference in performance. 2133Mhz was a lot more popular to find during 2011-2014 era. For CPU the 3920XM vs 3940XM is irrelevant. You are more likely to run into silicon lottery. There are some 3920XM that can overclock better than 3940XM. There are some 3940XM that can overclock better than 3920XM. Get whichever is cheaper.
  5. I finally got all my laptops and GPUs back so I will also try different bios mods on my machine. Let me know if you make any progress @janepa
  6. So every TOLUD setting results in “No” for GPU-z bios rebar status? we can try making another bios with nvstraps version instead to test
  7. Look for MAX TOLUD in BIOS. try changing to dynamic, if that doesn't work, then try 1GB, 1.25GB, 3GB, 3.25GB etc. Try the different values and see if it helps. According to you rebarstate, it is on, so it is working. You can try a higher value, instead of 8 you can try 16 etc.
  8. No idea, I'll test 3080 in M18xR1/R2 and AW 18 when I get my heatsink next month
  9. We can try that one after. Once you test on your normal board, try doing the rebar enable through command prompt. Also, in the BIOS there's a setting called MAX TOLUD. I think default is 2.25GB or 2.5GB. After you have tried the command prompt enable (even if it works or not). Go to bios and change MAX TOLUD value to "Dynamic". Then see if it works. I don't think it's exactly the same as above 4g decode, but should help hopefully.
  10. The laptop doesn't even post with 3080 in AW18 but works fine in M18xR2
  11. I was told it does not... so if yours work then maybe we need your vBIOS.
  12. If you purchased 2, you could have put one in M18xR1 as well lol RTX 5000 in M18xR1:[SG mode] Generic VGA video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2960XM Processor,Alienware M18xR1 (3dmark.com) RTX 5000 in M18xR1 [PEG mode 880M Primary, RTX 5000 Secondary]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2960XM Processor,Alienware M18xR1 (3dmark.com) Generic VGA video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2960XM Processor,Alienware M18xR1 (3dmark.com)
  13. So 3060 works in AW18 but not 3080?
  14. I think nVidia's 5000 series would have been much better if they were on 3nm, but being on the same exact node, it's quite hard to get more performance without skyrocketing power. If nVidia had released the 4090Ti or Titan (full ad102 die) then the 5090 would have probably been only 15-20% faster, making it look even worse. I'd still like a 5090 for it's multiple decode/encode engines or at least a 5080. That's actually one of the bigger upgrades for content creation or even something like a Plex server. Before they were limited to Quadro to have 3 video engines.
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