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Everything posted by johnksss

  1. Yep! and @Falkentyne went a total of 3 times today if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Yes, the SP can be jacked up, but that voltage curve does not change though. lol
  3. Everything is good, just going in a million directions and can't seem to stay planted on just 1 thing.๐Ÿ˜† On the first bios it showed up as SP84, then on the flash it showed up as 101, but that VF is horrible. And I almost turned in my 13900KS SP112, but thought better of it! Also this chip wont boot my stock 8400's while my 13900KS does it with no trouble.
  4. Hung out with brother @Falkentyne and Amaire from OCN at MC this morning. Here is mine which I wont be keeping.
  5. So guys.... Interesting story. I have been playing Starfield for the past week or so now and my computer started just randomly shutting off. Made me have to go back and do certain parts of missions over and over again because I did not do a quick save. No over clocking just running off of two 360MM rad's and no chiller, but temps where not the issue. As I found out when running MSI Afterburner and Hwinfo monitors during gaming. I noticed that my 12vhpwr power was dropping to 11.3V then the computer would shut off. I checked the tips of both sides of cable and not even luke warm. I was thinking it was the power supply and that I might need to replace it under warranty, but that wasn't it either. When I unplugged both ends of the cable and replunged it back in, the voltage when back up to 12.1 volts during gaming. Not sure what the hell was going on, but I was like WTH is wrong with this POS. ๐Ÿ˜‚. Turns out that from time to time one may need to unplug and re plug the cable back in from the power supply side. (as I swap between two 4090's.) Also NorthridgeFix was unable to find any issue with a Zotac 4090 I had. This card runs, but seems to cut out on video from time to time. But at the time, I never unplugged the cable from the PSU side so maybe I'll test that card again today. @tps3443I also asked for you about the gpu swap and he doesn't do that sort of thing. Says there are to many things that could go wrong so he doesn't do that. Edit: So Zotac 4090 seems to be holding at 11.9V and not cutting out nor dropping lower. I wonder if that was the issue....
  6. I break it out on special occasions.๐Ÿ˜ He was working on a video for soldering pins back on a 5900 AMD CPU. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
  7. I haven't did that one yet, I was trying to figure out why I couldn't run the GPU test at first. Dropped off a project with Alex today...
  8. It will be different for each person depending on PSU/wires/GPU I suspect. As long as you are no where near that 11.7 range. Which seems to indicate a serious voltage issue. One created by bad PSU or very bad contact. This needs to be checked under load.
  9. Well, I seen where some people are using Hwinfo with the alarm to monitor the voltage on the rail. So I added that to mine as well.
  10. All I can say is I do not check mine at all. I unplug it to swap things around then plug it back in. Every time I hear the click and that has been good enough for me. I do not tug or move or play with it. If it burns it burns. Although I can clearly see mine though 100% of the time. And looking at his pictures you can see where it was not pushed all the way end. I would delete those pictures when saying I plugged it in all the way.... just saying. Wait! he did delete them. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ Please tell me @Papusan screen shotted that one!!!! Wait! one is there, but the other two that show it really well are gone. Not sure if it's possible, but to correct this issue they would need to disable their "high tech" security feature.(Cable Sense) as the 8 pin connectors do not have this so when those cables are not plugged in fully the card does not even power on. The Kingpin cards will tell you which plug is either not working or not plugged in. Depending on how you look at it. (Just my opinion) Damn, this rash of 6 to 7 month card failures has me seeing double. Case 1 shows the line as well as case number 2. Case 2 has 5 pictures while case 1 has the 3.๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ User error on me!
  11. Ah, okay. Mine is also free, but like you mentioned. All 4 of mine are covered in the sheath all the way to the PSU. Also to add.. All terminals seem to be pretty sturdy and no bent or out of place pins on the card itself.
  12. Oh no, plenty of times I have been wrong. And I have to suck it up, except and acknowledge it. ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you guys say free...I thought you meant free as in the wire was pulled from the housing and just hanging there like in @Papusan posted picture? That's not what you guys mean?
  13. Update to an earlier post... Looks like Nvidia was the one to replace the card and not CableMod. level 1 c9chapsui ยท15 days ago Hey man, same exact thing happened to me last weekend, I posted it here and the nvidia sub reddit with some pictures. Oddly enough I was also playing jedi survivor... Wonder if your adapter melted the same pins as mine did. Nvidia moved forward with my RMA no issues, so I hope yours gets resolved as well.
  14. Definitely, not suppose to come that way! Are you able to see the sense pin connecters in the tip? And if so, do they move?
  15. Might explain you being locked at 300W. The sense cable not fully making contact and only registering 300W max. (speculations of course) That is 100% true. I think they need to use people educated in the English language when writing information in English. As translations do not 100% translate to English. (Again, more speculations on my part)
  16. Nothing wrong with the cable, one just needs to make sure it's plugged in. (Could it be better built? Sure, why not.) May take a bit more effort on the users part, but it is what it is. (Although it sure points out why no manufacture wants fully unlocked controls on a cpu/gpu/memory or motherboard. People will blame them for unlocking it and not putting in safe guards.๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ) Off Topic: Ergo The Soc drama unfolding now. Thankfully that is 100% their fault, but imagine they said look. We unlocked this voltage but do not go above 1.3V or you will burn up your board. Then all the know it all yahoos will come out the woodworks and start voicing their opinions as fact stating why would they leave that unlocked. My CPU burnt up. I don't know what happen. All I was doing was gaming. My board burnt up. And so on and so forth.๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ On topic: GPU manufactures owned up to that nonsense after public out cry. And since the new "rash" of GPU burns seems to be caused by Cablemods adapter might suggest that there is something there that needs to be looked into. And at least one user stated that it bent their pins, but didn't burn up their card. Bending pins are an issue since it should be virtually impossible for the user to do that in this case. Which is something they apparently know about and were trying to fix. Along with at the time they stated 50K sold and 7 failures with 5 being "user error" and still waiting on the other 2. I was checking and this guy below never reported back with what Nvidia said so not sure of the out come there. He might be GPU number 8. This guy had his burn up and this was what happen on his RMA. this was this month. You have to skip past all the nonsense other people tend to always bring up having nothing to do with the current op's post. Could be Asus trying to save face, who knows, but the fact remains. The burnt up GPU was in fact replaced.
  17. Before people start jumping the gun it seems that the guy may have miss spoke before getting all the facts first...
  18. Actually I was hoping you already tried that, that's why I did not make mention of it. And as mentioned some where in this tread...these controllers some times have to be plugged in or wired certain ways or plugged in certain headers for them to even work correctly.
  19. For sure way is to remove the cpu and all cards and ram. Reset Cmos and then power on. If you get 00 on the debug screen then it may be your cpu(But put cpu back and see if it will now power on), if nothing shows up then the board has a blown part. As for swapping parts after a shut down. Asus is known for locking in all parts to certain memory spaces, but when you change those parts then the board starts acting funny until it can readdress the part swap. This is all provided that you didn't do anything like a bios up or down grade ec flash or me change.
  20. Not sure if this has been posted, but Steve hits on quite a few things in his rant.๐Ÿ™‚
  21. I actually haven't had real time to sit and play with it. I just kind of boot it and run some random stuff while working on other projects. Really, I didn't see you post those pictures of the stability using Ant777 or I must have missed it. I have yet to do any sort of tuning what so ever. Like now for instance. I just set this and ran it to see if it was stable after a clear cmos. Sorry for the crazy resolution as I have a GTS250 in there making sure it works. I set 38/48/48/125/1.45vdimm/everything else auto with trefi at 32767/auto. I like to see what it is actually doing vs being a gazillion hours stable, but runs about as fast as a 1986 first year Hyundai. I want to be 1 hour stable and run like a Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut.๐Ÿคฃ Edit: Tried to run 1.4vdimm and no dice. errors after 4 seconds. Also, loving the Apex over the Unify-X so far.
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